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Heyo, Ogo, leggo

Hiya! Morgan here. I'm twenty-nine. I am the mountain mama.

Used to be hella active, now I mostly just lurk. Feel free to drop a message if you catch me snoopin', I probably won't bite.

Most Recent Posts

Phan Le Chi Mai - [Part 1]

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - Blocking Freshies from Foodies
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

At the sudden yapping sound, Mai turned her head to look down at the insolent little fuck who had the stones to call her peeps out. Well…look down in spirit, since the freshman was…well, her height. Maybe taller, but at the moment, Chi Mai would rather die than admit that. She started to say something, but when Sabine began to speak, she decided to let the girl off with a rolling of the eyes and a scoff. After all, there was a reason she had come.

Her eyes fixed on Danny. He had said that everything was alright - and complimented her sick face paint because he had good taste - but it was clear from Sabine trying to distract him and…well…the big ol’ ball o’ fire, that he maaaaaaybeeeee wasn’t having the best day. No worries. That’s why Tiger Chi Mai was here - to…uhh…well, she hadn’t really put together a plan yet, but fuck it, she’d just wing it and turn anybody who laughed at Danny into soup or something.

Sabine’s comment to April didn’t go unnoticed by Mai - but it was April’s reaction that really thrilled her. Mai cocked an eyebrow but didn’t comment on the exchange when April left. She instead imagined the pair as a couple of old birds holding hands at bingo in the nursing home. It could work! Her money had been on April and Mads shacking up but, fuck it, this was exciting too. Really, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense - April really gave off ‘step on me’ vibes and who better to do the stepping than Sabine?

As Mai married her friends off in her head, she was blissfully unaware of the silent anxiety attack unfolding right behind her.

Teddy Thompson

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - Teddy.exe has stopped responding
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

As the four chirped away, Teddy tried to calm himself down. He had known Mai long enough to not be surprised by her antics, but that didn’t mean that he particularly enjoyed having her use him as a springboard. Besides he was currently busy wiping what he could only pray was mud off of his hat so…gah. It was whatever. He had felt Sabrina look at him and couldn’t help but to shrink away from her gaze. He felt silently judged? Ah, he was probably just imagining things. The commotion was over, Danny was alright, nothing was burning, he could just go-

Danny was looking at him.


Teddy couldn’t help but find himself curious about what Danny might say, but the curiosity soon turned into despair. Each incorrect name spoken by Danny pierced Teddy in the heart like an arrow. By the third he was ready to tap out. The lights were on, but nobody was home. He was actively repressing the day as it was unfurling. But Danny, the cruel fuck that he was, wasn’t content with that. So he kept going. And the momentary relief that Teddy felt from Danny guessing his name was quickly replaced by pure terror when the words cute and cuddly were used. Teddy blinked, completely floored. Did he…? Wha…? He pulled the hat back on his head, suddenly no longer remotely concerned about the mud (but please be just mud). If his cheeks hadn’t been red enough before, they practically caught fire when the pyromancer asked to ri-ri…

“Uhm…wha…huh…?” Teddy sputtered before chuckling in disbelief, completely broken by the question until the skies parted and an angel spoke up to spare him. Teddy turned to the new voice, convinced that a shining light from the heavens shone down on his savior. “Oh - I’m so sorry.” Teddy said, using the girl’s kindly gifted out to step away from the line - putting distance between himself and the most dangerous group at AA.

Other things were being discussed amongst the little group, but Teddy - both mortified and on cloud nine - quietly stumbled away, holding what remained of his composure just long enough to turn his back on the group and start back towards the lifting grounds. There was no conscious decision to do so - Teddy was just head empty, ready to lift van again.

Phan Le Chi Mai - [Part 2]

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - Plotting a Murder
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

Mmm. Something smelled like embarrassment.

Toasty Freshie. And she missed it. Truly a tragedy to rival Shakespeare. When Danny mentioned how good they looked, Mai scoffed. “Duh. All of my friends are hot.” Obviously. It was basically a requirement to be a superhero. She didn’t make the rules, she just followed them.

April returned with food. That was a perfect example as to why Mai fucked with her. She didn’t even have to verbalize that she, now a tiger, could down an adult horse. April just knew. When it was offered, Mai accepted something greasy and fried that would eventually lead to her congestive heart failure but that was probably a couple years away which officially made it Future Mai’s problem. And Future Mai could go fuck herself - why did she always have to be the responsible one for Future Mai’s sake? Dumb bitch had it too good for too long. Today was Present Mai’s day. Today was Tiger Mai’s day.

Then Danny suggested dunking teachers and the eyes of the hunter returned, landing on the boy. “Coulson drowns or today blows.” she offered, downing her meal before reaching out to wipe her hands on Teddy’s shirt, just to find the open air. She tilted her head, looking around before shrugging and returning to the feast. She thought about asking where D had gone but…eh. He’d be back. Probably. She wanted to wish him a happy birthday, but if she didn’t see him around, she’d just go kick down his dorm room door later.

Today was going to go her way or else.
If it helps, I just shamelessly steal things that I like from other sheets~

While we're here, I'm curious, who here has played an FF game, and which one(s)?

OOO, so I may be a lil obsessed, but I've beaten every mainline title except for XI. I'm gonna give a plus one to the tactics shoutout earlier, but really, the entire psone lineup is just dummy good. I wasn't super into XII or XIII, but I don't think I can say that I really disliked any of 'em.
Just gonna drop this before I manically delete it and rewrite the whole thing. Again.

ooo, nifty characters, peeps! Been a bit tied up the last couple of days, but I'll write up a sheet after I get home from work! <3
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴
did somebody say final fantasy?
Teddy Thompson

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - Awkward Conversation > Possibly Worse?
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

Billy’s sudden demonstration of affection toward the Hulkling caught Teddy off-guard. He couldn’t help but smile awkwardly, a bit off-put. He was generally unsure about how to conduct himself around such displays, because on one hand, it genuinely warmed his heart to see his people in love - he and other Teddy might have their little pissing contests, but at the end of the day, he wanted nothing more than to see his friend be happy and content and it was clear Billy checked off both of those boxes. But on the other…like, was it rude to stare? Because it felt a little rude to stare. He could look away, but wouldn’t that send the wrong message? Would they think he was disgusted? Sure, he was a little uncomfortable, but not disgusted. But they wouldn’t know that. They would just see this guy looking away and bit icked out. Oh, no, would they think it was because they were two dudes? Did people still have issues with that sort of thing? In California? Obviously he wouldn’t care - he liked dudes. But they didn’t know that. Probably. It wasn’t something he talked about anyway. He wouldn’t deny it either, but it just never happened to come up. Should he just say it? God no - stupid idea, Teddy. Wrong place, wrong time.

Teddy noticed Hulkling’s concerned expression. Fuck. Was he waiting for a response? If so, Teddy hadn’t heard a word he had said. Should he lie? Smile and nod? As Teddy studied Teddy desperately searching for a way to eject himself from this increasingly uncomfortable conversation, it was as if the universe had decided to grant him a golden out in the form of a massive, violent, roaring ball of distraction.

He had first felt the heat tickle the back of his neck before seeing the reflection of the flames in the Power Couple’s eyes. He turned to face the flame before craning his neck to the side to trace the source back to a dramatically gesturing Danny who seemed visibly distressed. Teddy shifted from awkward to concerned, turning his head back to the duo.

“I’m going to see what that was all about. You two have fun, yeah?”

Without waiting for a response, he parted from the pair and started making his way over to the small group. He was breaking the cardinal rule of ‘don’t snoop’, sure, but there was probably a giant fireball clause in there somewhere. Besides…

Teddy shook his head, gathering his courage. He wasn’t great around new people, but at least he had Diana there, bless her heart. She was like an anchor, really giving him strengt- annnnd she was leaving. Great, great, great, great, great. Super. Love that. Well, at least there was uh…well, he still had Leah there. Sure, he wasn’t as close with her as he was Diana, and sure, he felt like she really only wanted him around when she could slug him, but…nope. Nope, she was breaking off too. No, great, perfect. In the small amount of time it was taking him to move that short distance from his place in line to the drama theater up ahead, the only two people he was remotely comfortable around had abandoned ship. And by that point, it was too late to just divert his trajectory and head somewhere else like he hadn’t been purposely approaching - not unless he wanted to be clowned by Billy and Teddy for the next month or two. No, now he just had…there was just…Danny, which…yeah. April, who he didn’t really know. And…uhm…Sabrina? He wanted to say Sabrina. Oh dear. Confidence shot.

It hadn’t been a golden out at all - it was a golden trap. And he walked right into it. Universe - 1, Teddy - 0.

Fuck, fuck, fuckitty, fuck…

What to do? What to do?

It was about that time that something small impacted his back before frantically crawling up his shirt.

Phan Le Chi Mai

Location: Face Painting Station (School Carnival) > The Field (School Carnival)
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

“What? Sun? Ew. Fuck no.” Mai replied indignantly, offering absolutely no additional context as the professional worked their magic. With each stroke of the brush, the girl could feel Chi Mai the teenage superhero (student) fading away as Chi Mai the tiger took her place. Obviously she would need the new perspective as her phone slipped away into the mechanical afterlife, being ferried along the River Styx by…uhm…one of the nerdbros. The geeky dude that made phones. A name was on the tip of her tongue. That name - Aaron Carter - would have absolutely no relevance to phones whatsoever, but it was the first name she could think of at the moment, so he would have to do as her mental image of a spectral ferryman.

Where were we again?

Ah, yes, perspective. A tiger’s perspective. Because she would need to be the apex predator if she were to hunt down Danny in this incredibly crowded festival. Her senses would need to be sharp. It would take all of her mental fortitud-

As the massive fireball ignited overhead, Mai moved swiftly from her seat, sparing not even a ‘thank you’ as she bolted off in the direction of the fireball - leaving her deceased phone on the stand as payment? She didn’t have time to think about it - her bitch needed her, and dammit, she was gonna be there. Dodging and pushing past people - despite the relatively wide open walkway she could travel without needing to do so - Mai quickly made her way to the food trucks. There, off in the distance, she spotted her elusive prey: the pinnacle of man’s evolution - the homo ignitus. The Flaming Gay. She would have to be careful in approaching him, a direct approach in his current state and he may very well bolt.

It was time for Operation Bearback.

Spotting an open path, she launched herself into a sprint before immediately stopping to catch her breath because fuck if she hadn’t been a lazy piece of shit over the summer. Once she could breathe again without yearning for the sweet release of death, she briskly walked towards the lumbering chucklefuck lingering nearby before sprinting yet again and launching herself toward his back. She wasted no time in climbing the giant, muffling his grunts of confusion with one hand as the other pointed towards Danny, Sabine, and April.

“Wha-I-what…?” Teddy muttered as he attempted to push her off - but the tenacious tiger wouldn’t be dethroned that easily. Mai shushed him.

“Onwards, steed!” she exclaimed, causing him to stop abruptly. He shook his head.

“Mai? What are you - would you please get of-” he started to protest before she opened her hand wider, muffling him more.

“Shhh shhh! Less talky, more walky. Yah! Yah!” she commanded, wagging her finger towards Danni and the gang as she softly prodded his side with her heel. A muffled sigh escaped Teddy, but he relented, lumbering forward with her in tow. She was completely unaware of his face turning practically scarlet out of pure embarrassment, but that was okay, he didn’t fucking matter right now anyway. When the two of them finally approached, Mai squealed out, “Dannnniiiiiii~! Point Mama Mai to the booboos, babyboi.” as she climbed over Teddy’s shoulders, kicking off his left shoulder and…his head, as she leapt to the ground and immediately started scanning Sabine - nice -, April - nice-, and Danny for any noticeable injuries.

Meanwhile, behind her, Teddy quietly removed his hat and started brushing away bits of dirt that Mai had left behind while shaking his head, his expression a lovely mixture of embarrassment, frustration, amusement, and even more embarrassment.
Teddy Thompson

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - In Line at the Grub Hub
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

As the slow-moving disaster unfurled up ahead, Teddy did what any reasonable person would do when faced with a situation they just did not want to engage with - retreat into his phone. As he pulled out the large, outdated phone with its horribly cracked screen and comically large stylus, he carefully pressed in each number to unlock his phone. After a few minutes and a couple failed attempts, Teddy finally got access. He clicked on the little chat bubble icon, pulling up his messages. Tapping on the top message labeled ‘Micah Greene’, Teddy would compose a short message.

Hey, I wanted to double-check that you’re sure you’re good with going with Mom to chemo tomorrow. I know Aunt Mandy sort of volunteered you, but I don’t want you to miss anything important. It’s gonna be pretty boring, so if you really don’t want to go, it’s alright, I’ll take her.

After reading, re-reading, deleting, then recomposing his message over the next few minutes, Teddy finally sighed and hit send. He began to put it away when it rumbled in his palm.

shut up i got this <3

Teddy sighed, smiling fondly at his phone before tapping a quick reply and returning the device to his pocket.

You’re the best, Micah. Thank you.

It would be about that time when Teddy would notice the pair that had approached him. He met the other Teddy’s grin with one of his own. He let Green Teddy brag to his heart’s content, before turning to acknowledge the man on Green Teddy’s arm first, the minor act of pettiness helping mend the wound that his ego had taken at the mention of an utterly ridiculous yet wholly believable TWENTY minivans.

To Billy’s question, Teddy’s smile faltered for a moment as he thought of the countless doctor consultations he had sat through that summer, the three separate hospital admissions that Mom had endured, the…incident and those fucking pills…

The Kodiak chuckled warmly.

“Haha, I know that’s got to be frustrating. If it makes things easier, you can just call me Theodore or Michael or something. And it was alright, thanks for asking. I hope you guys had a nice one.” Theodore Michael answered before turning his gaze back to Teddy. ”But twenty, Teddy? C’mon that’s…” he paused, considering his words. The rivalry between the senior Teddys had burned for three whole years now, with Thompson constantly pushing himself to at least challenge the other. He probably respected Teddy Altman more than any of his other peers, so the trading of barbs, bragging, and playfully shitting on accomplishments came from a place of admiration, or Thompson would like to have thought. Regardless of where it came from, the other Teddy and by association, Billy Maximoff, got to see a side of Theodore that was a far cry from the gentle giant persona for which he was known.

And yet, despite his best efforts to source a quip, Theodore couldn’t do it. His heart just wasn’t in it that day.

He sighed before continuing. “...that’s incredible. Really. You’re something else.” he said sincerely. “I was hoping to push at least fifteen, but…” he chuckled, debating whether or not to embellish before deciding to simply confess the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, “I tapped out after three.”

The rowdy crowd up ahead began to grow noisy again, something for which Teddy Thompson would silently be thankful for as he found himself not willing to look the other Teddy in the eyes at the moment. Instead, he turned craning his neck to look over the crowd at the source. It was…easy enough, considered he stood damn well near at least foot taller than many in line.

As it turned out, the uproar was centered around none other than his new roommate. Teddy’s heart sank. He was covered in foam, and not the fun kind of foam. Part of him wanted to check on the boy, see if there was anything he could do for him, but he quickly recognized that Diana was already on the scene. If anyone would be able to help him now, it would be president of the Percy Novikov fanclub, Diana Novikova herself. The best thing that Teddy could do for the boy at the moment was give him some space. After all, it seemed like quite the entourage was forming around him - his sister obviously, but also the brick shithouse Leah Jordan herself, April Flynn who seemed probably reliable, and…oh. Danny. He couldn’t help but smile fondly again. Percy was in good hands.

Feeling a bit inspired for no reason in particular, he turned back towards the literal power couple, “Y’know, to be honest, twenty just ain’t sitting right with me, bubba.” he announces. “Here I am thinking I’d do a nice thing and just take it easy on you this year - Let you look good. But…c’mon, if you’re just gonna roll over and be satisfied with twenty, I reckon I’ll have to head back over in a bit and drop a quick thirty before they pack up for the day just to show you how it’s really done..” he finishes in an attempt to rile Teddy up, offering a subtle wink toward Billy.

Phan Le Chi Mai

Location: Face Painting Station (School Carnival)
Skills: None Used!
~First Day Fit~

“Ooo~” Mai cooed as she hunched over the sheet, studying it as if they were ancient hieroglyphs and she a dashing, daring, roguish archeologist or whatever the fuck the grumpy dude had been in that shitty movie her brother forced her to watch. Idaho Bones or something stupid like that. As Mai struggled to continue the analogy actively derailing in her head, she felt something in her pocket move. Then came the musical gift that was the opening lines of the chorus to Summer Girls by Lyte Funkie Ones - a truly terrible treasure she had discovered while diving through the cesspool that was turn of the century boy bands.

~New Kids On The Block had a bunch of hits
Chinese food makes me sick~

Mai straightened up, shoving a hand into her pocket, fishing for her phone while she continued to look over the sheet. Finding the phone, she whipped it out and hit the power button. When it didn’t seem like it had woken from sleep, she squinted her eyes and held the phone above her, shielding it from the sun with her free hand. Two percent battery and a message from Danny.

Mai’s eyes went wide as she punched in her passcode and started tapping away a response - trying her damndest to be faster than the rapidly dying phone battery.

u no i gotchu bb <3 where am i going?

After tapping send, Mai settled back into the chair, fixing her eyes upon the artist across from her.

“I need you to tiger me. It’s a matter of life or death.” Mai calmly demands before her eyes dart off, the dusty cogs turning in her head. “I would be open to settling for cute lil kitty cat with whiskers if you tell me where Danny is though. And that’s kind of a kickass deal, let’s be real.”

Priorities, people. She's got 'em.
Teddy Thompson

Location: The Field (School Carnival) - Test Your Strength
Skills: Ursine Physiology - Enhanced Strength, Mechanical Knowledge
~First Day Fit~

In…and out.

A gentle breeze tumbled over the buzzing crowd, gracefully crossing over colorful carts and sturdy stands as it stained itself with the scent of fried batter and popcorn before heading down its final approach. Blades of grass bowed in reverence of the relentless march before the breeze suddenly lifted, vaulting over the small giant and taking flight to parts unknown. The giant remained perfectly still, a gargoyle in flamingo shorts centering himself. His eyes pressed tight together as he focused on his breathing, the lively sounds of conversation and carnival joining first in tango before slowing to a steady waltz. As his eyes flutter open, the noise is little more than a dull hum.

Before him was a hunk of metal that may have at one time been an early 20s Honda Odyssey by his estimate, but was now little more than a two and half ton metal pancake. He looked forward to this every year but...this year was different. He was different. And he unsure how this would go. The bearded giant inhaled again, holding his breath for another moment before exhaling slowly. He could feel eyes on him, some in anticipation, others in annoyance. He needed to just hurry up already, a sentiment echoed out loud by an impatient underclassman in the line behind him.

He squatted down, keeping his back straight as his large chalked-up mitts slid under the pancake. Once more in and…

Teddy Thompson lifted the crushed minivan in a steady motion first to his chest, then up above his head, holding it for a couple seconds before lowering it back to the ground. A couple murmurs of approval were shared amongst those watching. The event attendant approached Teddy, holding up two fingers and asking something Teddy hadn’t heard. He pressed his lips together before nodding in approval. The attendant waved to a pair of assistants nearby who carried over another deformed minivan together before stacking it on the first and strapping the two together.

Once they were clear, the attendant gave the thumbs up, and Teddy lifted again. Again to his chest, then again up above his head. He held roughly five tons over his head for five seconds before lowering it back to the ground. More approval was heard and the attendant approached again, holding up three fingers. Teddy frowned. Something felt…off. He was able to lift it easily enough but…

He didn’t have time to explore the thought as the third soccer mom pancake was stacked onto the pile and fastened together with straps. Teddy could feel the eyes again - more attentive than they had been before. The more he became aware of them, the more stomach-churning it was. He shook his head before squatting once more. As he lifted, it was clear that he was definitely putting in a significant amount of effort. His fingers pressed into the metal, denting them. His arms started to shake a bit as he passed his chest, the tree trunks he tried to pass off as legs rooted themselves firmly into the dirt. He stalled for a moment as he pushed past his chin, but ultimately he got the triple stack of soccer mom deluxes above his head, holding for five seconds before gently lowering them again.

The murmurs behind him turned into shouts of encouragement, bystanders trying to spur him on to continue. The attendant approached again, asking if Teddy would like to try a fourth one. He started to decline, but a few voices behind him shouted for him not to wimp out, so what choice did he really have? Teddy reluctantly nodded as the assistants set up the Minivan Barbershop Quartet before him, strapping them down extra tight. Teddy approached and squatted, but he could tell immediately that this would be a no-go. Still, he pressed on, lifting the quartet to his knees…then his waist…then his ches- no. Something was wrong - very wrong. Teddy hadn’t even passed his waist before setting the stack back down. There was a little bit of applause, but Teddy shook the attendant’s hand before picking up his bottle of water and heading out of the clearing as the next person set up to lift.

He had known that the meds would have an effect on his strength, but to this extent? The year before he could have cleared four easy- possibly even five. But now… well, it was to be expected. He had only put on two inches and a hundred pounds this year. The growth was definitely hindered - the medicine was doing its job. But at what cost? If he wanted to be a real contender for the Contest this year, that kind of strength he just displayed wasn’t going to cut it. He had to get stronger. He could maybe stop taking the meds but…

Teddy shook his head. He’d decide in the morning. Stressing over it now wouldn’t help anything. It was the annual carnival - his last carnival to boot - so he might as well enjoy it. And seeing as how he had subconsciously followed his nose to the food carts, he’d enjoy it by engaging in that most sacred of traditions - America’s TRUE favorite pastime - waiting a ridiculous amount of time in an impossibly long line for some deep fried nutritional nuke that really only vaguely resembles food. It’s what the Founding Fathers would have wanted. The American Dream.

Some commotion of sorts appeared to be happening further up the line, but Teddy didn’t look. Mama always said it was rude to rubberneck.

“Not my pig, not my farm…” he would mutter to himself as he turned his head away and waited for the line to move again.

Phan Le Chi Mai

Location:Room 501 to the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: n/a
~First Day Fit~

It took less than half a day for Mai to encounter some of that good ol’ AA Weird Shit™ - this time coming in the form of a new roommate who got a goodie box then promptly thanked her creepy fucking doll. Needless to say, Mai was in heaven. And why wouldn’t she be? Pretty girl gave her treats and a show that morning. If that was any indication of how the year was going to go, Mai was psyched. After all, her previous roommate had gotten expelled or some shit. Lame, but what can you do? The chick was kind of a nerd and like, not the cool nerd. Oh well, whatever, it wasn’t like she’d ever have to think about Jeanne Foucault again.

In any case, it was carnival day, and while the roomie was away, the goblin could play… at least, that was Mai’s original plan - spend the whole day playing video games. She had dailies to do and dammit, if she didn’t go skin those bear asses, who would? It was her sacred duty. It was also BORING when she really thought about it. After all, how many more chances would she have to put Coulson in the fish tank? Not that she had anything against him personally, the man just had a very dunkable face. When she finally decided to go out into the world and spread chaos and mischief, she needed a suitable uniform. And when that seemed like just too much of a pain in the ass, she grabbed a white tank, some comfy pants, and a pair of blue canvas shoes to wear out terrorizing the masses.

Getting from her dorm to the field? Easy. Getting from the field to Coulson? Not so much. Sure, she could have just ASKED somebody - but where was the fun in that? A hunter must stalk their prey and earn the thrill of the kill…besides, she forgot to charge her phone the night before, so she couldn’t easily get in touch with anyone. And after about ten minutes of navigating through crowds of giants, Mai lost focus and sat down to get her face painted.

She needed to be a tiger today.

Here are the classes separated into traditional and superheroic with class roster and alphabetized because I'm manic and can't sleep.

@Morose not sure if it was an error or not, but Andy is enrolled in 9 total classes.

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