Avatar of olcharlieboi
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    1. olcharlieboi 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current BDO free to grab for 21 hours and then keep forever on steam... heck ya!
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6 yrs ago
I'm writing a novel on Royalroadl called The True Dungeon King, hope I can get people to critique and help me improve!
7 yrs ago
Started playing warframe fo the ps4 two days ago, enjoying it, even made my own clan though need members for it, going to be a small clan.
7 yrs ago
Recreated an old classic in my gmed rps, with a much better system than originally made, hope people will also enjoy it.
7 yrs ago
Armstrong set to set everything up in a week to four weeks, soon glorious better internet.


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Most Recent Posts

The Gamer

Charles would be thinking about how to get by without causing a panic with his ability when he suddenly heard a voice causing him to jump, seeing the drone his eyes would narrow but then hearing what it said he sighed. He nodded "yes, thank you" he stated before following the drone to the water craft. He knew this was going to be something he had to get use to, but he was more afraid of people getting harmed just from him being near them.
The Gamer

Charles would make his way through the winding streets, after wondering around for a while he'd sigh at his current lack of direction. having somehow gotten lost multiple times now. He'd decide to take to an alley away from people so he can use the trait from his title. He'd call out to any nearby spirits for a guide to his destination. It would take a while more to find one that would answer his call, once one had he followed it as it lead him to his destination. With a guide it took him a lot less time to arrive to the tower. Looking at tall structure he'd sigh wondering how it took him this long to find it.

He'd look at the people in the way. Sighing he shook his head at the sight.. for someone like him this was just lots of trouble to deal with. He'd wave away the spirit thanking it for it's help before trying to figure out how he was suppose to get in.

Leon would look up from his practice when he noticed Lydia arriving, he'd watch her for a few seconds unsure if he should say anything, before looking back down at his paper and continuing to practice. He knew he had a long way to go and was going to make the best of this, he wasn't going to let his past control him and destroy and future he has. so he delves deep into practicing, so much so he forgets the fact a cute girl is not to far from him.

Leon would huff and puff from the exercise when it all ended, following the master's directions he found the bath house same time as the others and he was shocked that it wasn't separated by gender, this would cause his face to turn bright red at the thought of it. However before he could think to much on it, Lydia had taken off to explore the castle it seemed while she waited for them to get done. So he quickly just got his bath over with, being shocked again that it was a hot spring.. this was luxury that only few people got to enjoy, so to be able to enjoy it he was more than surprised.

After the bath he put back on his cloths and headed back to the castle, seeing everyone separate put a bit of a downer on Leon since it seemed everyone had their own ideas of what to do. He decided to go grab more paper and some writing utensils from the classroom and head outside to the garden, where he sat down and practice more on drawing the magic circles and runes that they was given. He decided to immerse himself in his studying since everyone else was doing their own things.

The Master

Within a flash moment Max would find himself hanging upside down the moment he walked through that door suspended in the air by nothing and he would see the master before him with a seriously angry expression on his face "you are seriously trying every last of my nerves" he states obviously displeased. Tapping his foot "YOU ARE LOOKING FOR DEATH" he shouts. "use your head! I said the library was offlimits! there is countless things in here that could kill you the moment you touch them! they aren't simply sources of knowledge! many are ancient tomes that are cursed, hold some kind of monster, or has forbidden concepts inside them!" he states before sighing, obviously tired of max after watching his personality so far.

He'd just flick his wrist and Max would suddenly find himself in his own room again floating in the air until he drops, his body would be partially transformed into a toad, not completely so he would have worts, deformed hands, some mucus and so on.
The Gamer

Charles would sigh and scratch back of his head as he looked at the strange attachment he was sent. He wondered if this was something real or some advertisement for some M to adult rated movie that was somehow sent to him by his enemy. He'd shake his head at theses thoughts "either way.. if this is real then it's the start... if it isn't.... then just another thing to add to the list" he states to himself before looking to the sky and straightens up from leaning against a wall, he'd walk out of the alley way he was in to the streets and look in the distance to the water and begin walking in that direction. "first step is to find this base.... they didn't give a location to gather at... but my guess is a base somewhere at the coast or off coast by all the water it kept showing.." he'd deduce to himself as he makes his way.

I apologize for the quiet/delay in posting, I've been slightly lazy though not 100% since I have been working on a post, mostly trying to figure out how the master is going to act.. with the whole max situation since lets face it his already caught, really shocking he doesn't think that their not being constantly watched lol.
The Master

He'd sigh watching them, he knew this batch was going to be troublesome just by watching the two beastkin, the boy seems to him to be one that doesn't like to listen judging by what he is doing, while the female seems to listen somewhat though clearly is going overboard. Shaking his head he knew he'd have to put the mana lessions back until he insured they would listen and not be fools to take more than what they can handle.

After a while of running the master would call the 3 to him as a door opens to the side of the cavern that just wasn't there before "come, it's time for you to freshen up, I'll leave you to your own devices, I suggest you keep practicing the magic circle I told you earlier" he tells them as he starts to walk to the entrance and up a gigantic staircase. "dinner will be in two hours, the golem will call for you. The library, my study, and the artifact rooms are off limits if i find you in any of them I will turn you into a toad for a week" he states "otherwise your feel to explore the castle.... I don't suggest leaving the castle grounds because the valley has hundreds of monsters that roam about, the bath house is on the main floor out back, you can find the path there by exiting from the kitchen" giving them obvious though somewhat vague instructions, though what he didn't tell them that the bath house didn't have separate sections for male or female, and the fact that it was more of a osen/hot spring than anything.

The stair case would come out of a weird door way that is off to the side in the front garden that wasn't there before. After exiting the master would bid them due and disappear.
The Master

The master would face palm at the foolishness of the boy infront of him "...pushing your self like that is more to hurt and kill yourself than training yourself!" he would state before sighing "guessing from that desert time of yours, you don't know what proper training is" he says shaking his head. "Training is to keep a maintainable pace, and not kill yourself physically, longer you last the better so full sprinting is pointless endeaver that hurts yourself more than helps." he flicks his hand a magic circle appearing before the center of the circle fades away showing Leon who is still running since it is a 4 mile lap and his not full sprinting, he is lightly jogging keeping a decent pace but obvious not exerting himself. "this is a good example right here, he is keeping a constant maintainable pace that isn't draining all his energy"

The master would sigh at the beastkin, he begun to wonder how this all turned out like this. The master flicks his hand again with magic circle appearing then a couple of cups and a jug of water appears before them. "also magic isn't what is specific making you puke, use your head a bit" he sighed "the teleportation spell takes you from one point in space and moves you to another, the sudden lose of spacial control and awareness can cause nausea to those not use to it" he tells them.

Leon would nod listening to the master, what he was saying made sense for the most part, he didn't fully understand how their physical ability can determine magic abilities but he would leave it to the expert. He got into a running pose and when they was talk to start running he would begin his run but unlike the other two he started with a jog, keeping a pace that is not hard nor incredibly draining. He would look weirdly at the other two who pretty much just broke out into a direct sprint like this was a race.

The Master

He watched as they took off, he'd look confused at how max pushed himself like a foolish kid and sighed when the boy finished behind the master as he was still standing in the starting location "...what the heck are you doing..." he'd simply state looking down at max's body, which the master would just flick his hand causing a magic circle to appear waking max up. "...this is training not a freaking marathon race..." he'd sigh shaking his head "just because you are a beastkin with more physical abilities than a regular human doesn't mean you need to act like an animal" he states to max while shaking his head.

Leon would focus on the task at hand, repetitively drawing the magic circle with the symbols. Leon realize from what their master said if they messed up at any point it could end up with their own lives, this was going to be a much more daunting task then Leon ever thought this would entail. For the time period he mostly focused on the drawing, only stopping near the end of the hour, glancing at the others seeing how one seemed frustrated and the other one calm. Leon hoped things wouldn't be so bad in the future.

The Master

After the hour is up, the master would not show back up. Instead a few seconds later the floor would light up underneath all three of the students and suddenly them and all their attempts would be suddenly teleported. forcing them to experience the same sensation from the last time they teleported, when their vision would come into focus they would find themselves in a gigantic tunnel, lights on either side lighting the way. The master standing before them with their papers in his hands as he looks over them "hm... not bad... some work still needed but not bad" he tells them before looking at the three before him. "Time for your physical training.. for you see wizards aren't thin weaklings that a warrior could snap in two if they got close enough" he tells them, "you see to hold magic besides the ritual you already gone through, you also need properly toned bodies. You don't need to become muscle heads... though some go that far.. you need enough fitness so you can hold all the magic you need inside yourself" he states.

He'd look at the chamber "this is the training tunnel as I like to call it... today it'll be simple you just keep running until I say stop" he tells them "in the future I might add traps and other obstacles for you to deal with but for now it's basic physical exercise.. so chop chop get running!" he tells them.

The cavern would just seem like a constantly straight cavern when they would begin but the cavern actually slightly curved, unnoticeable to the naked eye but it essentially wraps onto itself, the tunnel being over 4 miles long for a single lap.
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