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    1. Oni 10 yrs ago


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Aiden managed to compose himself shortly after her departure and moved with a quick but almost clumsy speed to the balcony. She seemed to be long gone and felt he should follow suit. He lept from the balcony and quickly exited the deserted street. So many questions had been left unanswered by the mysterious girl and, for the first time began to go over the events that had transpired as he reached the urban back-streets of the city. He could not make sense of the situation and cast the thoughts from his mind, he had encountered many different creatures during his roughly two hundred years as a vampire. He felt at ease now as he leaned against the decrepit wall of the alleyway, his psychical and mental self falling into a shallow state of peace. His mental serenity did not last long however as he soon was assaulted by visions of a life unbeknown to him. There was a familiarity about the host of the vision and it wasn't difficult for Aiden even in this state to put the pieces together. He Knocked over some trash cans as he tried to contain the foreign thoughts that invaded his mind, making him experience first hand in a way that was alien to him.

He saw many faces of different people and the looks on those faces were familiar and known to him. They were victims and she their killer. She killed without feeling and with deadly precision, she was cold. Perhaps even colder than he, and she had left a strong impression on him. He brought himself back to reality and set off in swift pursuit of the girl. She may have vanished into the night but the night was something Aiden had grown accustomed to having spent his whole unlife in it and he would find her. He wanted answers, his prey had never been able to escape before even if this girl was somewhat unique. He ran with great speed through the rain trying to use what very little he knew of her to anticipate where she may have gone. His search brought him through the slumbering cities deserted points as he searched for her.
Get a BALALAIKA like me! =P
I'd like to make a video with all of the guild members singing along, maybe with some guild member provided art or something =D
I am a libertarian.
Blitzkrieg said
Mother of God.

Mother of God good? or Mother of God bad? hahaha
I've... seen things, four empty cans of red bull thrown carelessly onto my living room floor. An unholy mess of musical instruments blocking access to my bedroom. I watched a man in the mirror who looked as though he hadn't slept in close to 40 hours. All of these moments will be lost when I pass out and forget them like tears in the rain. Time... to sleep
I thought it would be interesting to share what political parties we all support or have supported in the past, lets try and keep it friendly though =D
Smut Police said
Hey ya'll*spits out toothpick and puts on radiator shades*You're not supposed to be jackin' it on these here forums. You're not suppposed to use these forums so you chitlins can have your little wank parties. Git yer smut off my site.I'm here to clean the ejaculate of nerds off of RPG.

I was linked and told to come here not for the interest check but for the awesome comical genius of the "Smut Police" and I'm glad I did! xD
Thanks again everyone for the kind words, your encouragements led me to sign off, down a four pack of energy drinks and record a rock version!


Now I must go promptly have a heart attack and fall asleep, I've been up for almost 39 hours straight hahaha
Due to the warm reception the original "Ode to Mahz" received I decided to down a four pack of red bull having been up all night, take my electric guitar out of hibernation and teach the Roleplaying Minstrels (or minstrel as reality would have it) to ROCK. Here is my latest recording Click Me It took around 2 hours, 4x the time of the original. Enjoy! =P

Sing along if you support all the hard work Mahz is doing to preserve and improve our cyber home =D
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