Avatar of Ontos
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 610 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Ontos 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Graduating, huzzah!
9 yrs ago
I'm back.


My timezone is UTC+8. FYI.

Most Recent Posts

This sounds super interesting, would it be newbie friendly though?

Well, I'll be friendly enough?
School day.

You wake up. Something feels wrong. Something about your body. As you get up, this feeling of wrongness makes itself abundantly clear. Perhaps your hands have become claws. Your skin's a whole new different colour. Whatever it is, you're clearly not as human as you were when you went to bed.

Quite reasonably... you probably freak out. Draw unwanted attention from your family and/or roommates. You try to hide your new transformation by whatever means (probably ineffectual), but they... don't seem to realise anything's wrong, even if and when they touch you. To them, you're just a slightly panicky human who seems to have suffered a bout of temporary insanity. You dress yourself, have breakfast, a nerve-wrecking experience that never reaches its climax. The walk to school is terrifying, even as no one seems to notice your new form.

Until someone does.

I am that someone.

And I have bad news for you.

This world, this dimension. This was never your land. You were not born here.


Inspired, strangely, by both Dark Souls and the Persona series (mostly 3), your role in this story is being an ordinary high school student. At least, ordinary until the day you woke up a monster to your own eyes.

A mysterious student beckons you, with a promise. To tell you your own story, and lead to a dying world you never knew was your own.



1. I'm the GM. Which means I'll have the final say.
2. You should use the Guild IRC. When you do so, type in "/join #themirrorlies".
3. If you are required to post, you have 2 days at most, unless you request more and I allow that.


[b]Non-Human Race:[/b] Elaborate on special abilities, monstrous forms or whatever.


[b]Background:[/b] Be brief, but fascinating.
<Snipped quote by Ontos>

Don't choke at your own mistake pls. T_T


1. This other world is accessible by certain portals.
2. Imagine the original Dark Souls world. For those not familiar to Dark Souls, it's a world that might as well be described as post-apocalyptic. Most of civilisation is dead, not because of any real triggering event, but due to a general decline.
I want to ask a few questions.

1. How much should I read in the IC should I apply to join?
2. What sort of openings are available?
What are we playing here exactly?

Students who've turned into 'monsters', but no one else has seemed to notice.
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