Avatar of OoTrillionoO
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.07 / day)
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    1. OoTrillionoO 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Getting a new computer to replace my laptop! I'm so stoked somebody might mistake me for the burning pits of hell!
9 yrs ago
Laryngitis and double ear infections. Today's going to be a great day.
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9 yrs ago
I typically listen to metal, classical or rock, but here I have found myself listening to a song called "drop pop candy" on repeat for about an hour. I've changed and I don't know if I like it.
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Cya Scarifar!
Alex huffed as Simon seemingly ignored him, but Esmay's response amused him. If she actually enjoyed doing such a thing, perhaps being stabbed wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. He'd never been stabbed before, and he might as well try it at least once, and nonetheless in a game such as this one, who even could say there was a punishment for dying in such a world.

Alex could feel himself walking with a bit of a hop to his step as he tailed along the seemingly miserable members of the group. He scanned the looming forest, searching for any foes who may pop out again. Another encounter could be fun. But it wasn't until the cloaked figure appeared that he'd finally obtained a smile that lit up his face. What will you thrust upon us now, I wonder? When it beckoned them, there had been hesitation in the others, but alas everyone went along.

A chest, filled to the brim with swords was apparently their next destination. He leaned over Sydney as she inspected the blades. "Call me crazy, but I don't trust this person," he spoke, lightly chuckling. "I mean, what's the point in giving us knives, introducing us to an opponent, then giving us new weapons? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense if this were to be a trap?" He looked over to Esmay who already held a blade in one hand before picking up her knife and placing it in his belt loop. Strauss's question had begun to arouse suspicion among the others, and the questioning gazes that looked over the figure would likely not miss what Alex planned to do as he gingerly skipped over to the figure, grabbed hold of the cloak and yanked, aiming to pull the cloak off of the figure in one swift movement.
Originally I was waiting for some kind of response from Simon, but then I just kinda forgot about this. My bad. If you wanted to, you could see how many people are here and set up an ambush where everyone who left gets their characters slaughtered in one big massacre.
i should be able to post tomorrow. im at orientation week so its been up early and bed late so i havent had much time :)

But have you been orientated though?
*And a sudden hush fell over the OOC*
Alex looked to the white wolf as it leaped out from the bushes, scattering the shadows before immediately dashing out of sight. He turned his smile into a cocky grin as he walked up to Simon who had been next to Strauss, seemingly looking over the scratch that he'd received from one of the shadows. "Why would it matter if it hurts? All that matters in games such as this is that we simply enjoy ourselves," he said, shrugging.

"That should do it, guess we keep going and hope we find something to fight off those shadows before they come back, we should probably hurry."

With this, Alex turned to Simon once more with that cocky look in his eyes, "See? Strauss is manly enough to brush off a paper-cut. He's got the right mind-set, pursue and push on I say!" spoke Alex, loud enough so nobody could miss his words. At Strauss's concern for Sarah he simply shrugged. "If she can't walk on her own, Simon or you could always carry her"
Good to know I'm a candidate :P
Alexander grinned as he stared at the wolf-man that'd been explaining the rules. Ultimately he could feel an odd surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Fear, perhaps? He looked around at the scenery as the others listened to whatever else the wolf had been saying. A forest was to one direction with an ominous dirt path leading into its clutches, whereas thick, tall grasses were what currently were brushing against his knees. His attention was drawn back to the wolf as a weight began to press against his palm, peeling open his previously closed fist as a rinky-dink knife began to materialize in his hand. A smile was plastered across his face. "Technology sure has come a long way, huh?"

His attention was drawn to Simon as he began to criticize the game for its seemingly uneven playing field. Has the man seen the graphics though? Damn son, this is top tier, he thought to himself before turning to the dirt path. "Well, I was always one to walk off the beaten path, but that never really worked out for me in games," he mumbled to himself, quietly voicing his own thoughts. But before he could come to a conclusion, it'd appeared that the decision had already been made for him as the hostess Sydney and Esmay began walking towards the forest.

He raised his arms, stretching out his back as he began to follow. However, before they could reach the forest a black shape darted past Sydney's head, and almost immediately she stepped back, "Did anyone else see that?!"

"Yeah! Totally wicked, right? How much did this game cost again?" He began jumping up and down, getting as excited as a schoolgirl in a candy shop as seemingly ethereal shadow beings began to emerge from the trunks nearest to them. "Whoever made this game, do they accept donations? The scene was just set and I'm already pumped!"
lol that's true, I just always feel bad hurting other players since im not sure how people react haha

Bah! You could kill off my character if you really wanted, just make sure his use to thicken the plot doesn't go in vain.
Updated my CS.
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