Avatar of Orynae
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  • Posts: 87 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Orynae 10 yrs ago


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Welcome to Orynae's Little Shop of Character Art!

(Whoever decided to call it that!? That's far too much of a mouthful. Ory's Shop would have been a much more Sensible title.)

Anyway, here we are! I'll take a description of your darling creations and, hopefully, give you a little something so you can show the world what they look like. You can take a look at my dA for an idea of what my art might possibly look like -- but there's a mismash of things on there, and I haven't been posting much lately, and there are some things/styles I'm out of practice with... Anyway, look all you want, but take it with a grain of salt.

I mainly work non-digitally, but I do own a tablet and will gladly take on digital commissions as well, as long as I'm not too busy and you're okay with giving me lots of time. Speaking of time... I should be able to do non-inked, non-colored sketches within three days. For inked and/or colored drawings (traditionally; again, digital inking will take much longer), I guess I should allot one extra day, just in case. I ink with a black fountain pen, or sometimes a ballpoint pen. Colors will be done with my crappy colored pencils -- I'll do my best, but shades might be approximate. (If you took a peek at my dA, all the traditional colored stuff is done with the exact same set of colored pencils I'll be using here. It never ceases to amaze me how long these suckers have managed to stick around in my pencil case...)

The shop is free for the time being -- I might adjust that at some point if people show up and I decide my drawings are good enough.

To request a drawing, please submit the form below! If you'd rather PM it than post it here, that's fine, but please do post something in this thread. It'll make the shop look nice and lively. :)

Request form

Art type:
Pencil/Ink/Color/Ink+color. Ink is ballpoint pen (I have different colors; you can ask) or black fountain pen. Digital: at your own risk. Choose sketch/lines/lines+color.

Yeah, I could pretty much use the full CS. Appearance and age are important, but I'd like to know about their personality and all that too. The more detailed the physical description, the better! I mean, unless you want to give me free reign and risk getting something that doesn't match your mental image of the character. That's fine by me :P

Let me know any other specifications! For example, if you just want a portrait instead of a full body shot, that can go here. I won't do backgrounds, other than maybe a color gradient or something, unless you want to wait a really long time. Lol. It may or may not happen. Also, if you have any requests about posture/accessories/etc, that can go here. Since all of this is free, you can throw in other characters/animals/creatures for them to interact with! Just, y'know, give me time. And character sheets.
1. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
2. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
3. Le Pacte des Marchombres (series) by Pierre Bottero (doesn't exist in English though :/)
4. The Name of the Wind (and sequels; the series is called The Kingkiller Chronicle) by Patrick Rothfuss
5. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls (the first book that made me cry ;) )
Aww. I was planning on posting... sometime ><. College started and the homework rained down hard... I was probably gonna have to drop out at some point anyway =/
Thanks Twhirtley! It was fun while it lasted ^^
Kest took Erica's hand, saying he hoped he was as good a dance partner as her boyfriend. Erica let an amused smile appear on her face. Even if Denn had been her boyfriend, which he wasn't, Kest would not be hard-pressed to surpass his dancing skills. She'd be surprised if Denn had ever attended a formal dance in his life. And indeed, from the glimpses she caught of him while waltzing with Kest, she could tell that Denn had no idea what he was doing.

Denn was actually having a good time, despite tripping over his own feet. The only reason he wasn't tripping over Odette's feet as well was that she was very deft at avoiding his missteps. When Odette had introduced herself as she first pulled them out onto the dance floor, he'd replied with a friendly grin, "I'm Denn. Pleased to meet you, again." He chatted about this and that as Odette led them around. As he stumbled yet again, he observed, "You seem to know what you're doing. Where did you learn to dance?"

Erica and Kest had danced their way to where Erica could hear a man talking into an earpiece. Just a normal person on the phone, or some sort of security? she wondered. She couldn't tell until the man entered a doorway. She almost missed the hidden wires running to the door, because Kest now spun around, blocking her view. She was much too short to be able to see around his shoulder. But at least now she could assume that man worked for the Achesons. She wondered how many other staff members were hidden in the crowd in plainclothes. The spinning of the dance made it difficult to observe any single person long enough to determine anything, since they were only intermittently in her field of vision.
You're not the latest person. I'm starting to write my post now...
Haha yeah, looks pretty accurate. Denn sure as hell doesn't know how to waltz. XD
If you want, Alden could know them. They could have grown up in the same town, going to the same school or something. Maybe not quite childhood friends, but classmates or occasional buddies? Since they didn't recognize each other earlier, we could say Denn moved out of their hometown after elementary school.
Posted! :)

Didn't know what to do, so I decided to take you up on your offer of Odette for a dance. :P
Erica was beginning to wonder how much longer they'd be on this boat. Sure, it was nice chatting at the bar -- or rather listening to people chatting -- but she was eager to find out what their mysterious destination was like. Just as she was about to walk away from the bar and wander around the crowd, she heard her song start. She'd heard Taylor's announcement, of course, and had wondered if she was one of the "beautiful young ladies" who would have their very own song. She'd tried to tune out the singer, more interested in Denn's conversation, but the conversation kept on being interrupted by one of the ladies hearing her song.

As For Erica progressed, she smiled wryly. Why must everyone think a single woman was always in need of a man? Yet a small voice inside her whispered that he was right -- wouldn't she love to have someone trust and lean on? Someone as smart as she was, to trade ideas with? Her smile faded, but she kept an eyebrow raised skeptically. Of course she wouldn't mind a boyfriend, but that one desire was by no means an all-important, life-defining quest. Taylor was stretching things into strange proportions.

Denn hadn't been watching his friend's face go from mocking to softened, and back to skeptical, but he was paying attention to the song's lyrics. He turned to her as it was ending, and saw her pscornful eyebrow. He thought he could guess some of what she was thinking: she'd be protesting the idea that she was looking for a man, no doubt. Denn wondered if she really thought that, or if it was a facade in case someone was looking. He hadn't really known her long enough to be able to tell.

A few songs later, the ferry arrived at its destination. Denn offered his arm to Erica -- like a perfect gentleman, he thought -- but she was already walking toward the dock. Luckily Denn's legs were longer, so he caught up easily despite Erica being good at worming her way through a crowd. A line of carriages from out of a fairy tale awaited them on the shore, and Erica and Denn found themselves ushered in with some strangers. Everyone was too busy looking around to talk much, and before long, the castle came into view. Denn whistled, and Erica drew in her breath. They continued to admire it right up until the carriage pulled up to the door, and then they had their breath taken away yet again.

By the time their host's short speech was over, Erica wore her skeptical grin again. What was the point of all of this? Inviting random strangers to a ball just to awe them all with all their wealth? Acheson had stressed meeting people. She wondered why that was so important to him. To be sure, it was a beautiful reception. Almost too beautiful. It was a good thing Denn took her arm as he moved, because otherwise she would have lost him, absorbed as she was in gazing around the room. Everything was assorted, blue and silver, silver and blue, even the carriages were silver and blue. She wondered what the colors were for. The family's coat of arms? Probably nothing, she told herself. It was just a pretty design choice and she was overthinking things, as usual.

"You want to dance?" Denn suggested, kind of at a loss. He had lost his bar "friends" and felt it wasn't quite appropriate to run straight back to the bar or buffet. He'd done his share of gawking at the opulent furnishings, but he thought he should do something now instead of standing around like an idiot. Erica shrugged, still caught up in her thoughts. "We could find some other people to dance with, if you're tired of looking at my face," he teased. She grinned and looked up at him. She probably hadn't even looked at him since they left the boat. Nonetheless, dancing did seem like the sort of thing one should do in a ballroom. And other people were doing it.

She nodded towards a couple she'd recognized from the bar on the boat. They'd just finished a dance, and the girl -- Odette? -- seemed like she wouldn't mind switching partners for a bit. Denn took her cue and made his way to the couple, Erica following quietly. The girl was still laughing. Denn wished that Erica would remind him of their names. He was sure she remembered.

"Care for a dance, mademoiselle?" he butted in with a comical bow, twirling his hand out in offering. No embarrassing "hello, wazyour name again", although he'd probably have to ask her at some point. Erica smiled mockingly at him and rolled her eyes in Kest's sight, but offered up her own hand inquiringly. If he didn't mind dancing with her while his companion was occupied, then she was more than willing.
Pearl Cloud Candy

Pearl cast a surprised glance at the boy who had interrupted them, but before she could say anything, her new friend -- Pearl thrilled just thinking the word -- dismissed him. She noticed that the girl had a rather strange way of talking. But of course that didn't matter. They were friends, after all! Pearl still wondered where NaNa was from. She'd never heard anyone else speak like that. She must be from some super cool, mysterious place!!!

Pearl's friend offered to help her find her darling pet. "Ooooh, you'd help me find Snuggles? You're so nice~!!" Pearl beamed at NaNa. "Come with me~!" All her shyness and embarrassment from knocking NaNa down and falling was forgotten. Cloud grabbed her new best friend's hand and pulled her down the hallway, in the direction Snuggles had gone. As she was running a thought made its way to her bedazzled mind. Maybe her search for sweet Snuggles would make people sympathetic to her, and maybe, just maybe, they'd become her friends!!!!!!!!! She stopped so suddenly that NaNa was going run into her if she wasn't careful. She looked around with hopeful eyes. Was there anybody around who wasn't too busy to help look for her puppy? Not confident enough to shout her plea in the hallway, she whispered loudly to NaNa, "Do you see anybody here who might help us find Snuggles?"
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