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    1. Panda-Man 10 yrs ago


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Here I am. ;)
Am still up for this. OP doesn't look like the reliable type though.
@Fiendish It's okay, take your time.

I'll be posting later today. Probably.
I'll keep an eye on this.

Army Cards

Men Of War, Part III

«Curses!» Berin yelled as he tossed the letter aside and started pacing up and down his small tent.
«What is it Captain, they rejected our help?»
«You don't win a war by playing nice, Jon! The lizards will pillage and burn and kill and rape while she preaches about the innocent and the civilians!»
«I see.» Jon replied, a man who had been with Berin since their basic training days, as he picked up and read the letter.«I'll prepare a messenger immediatelly. They'll just have to hold for at least three weeks, if they don't, they're facing genocide.»
«They'll hold, Jon. They have to.»
«What's our message to General Branka?»
«Describe our situation here and the Jourian invasion. Include Queen Alistine's message. He'll know what to do.» Berin replied as he started wearing his old yet polished iron armor.

«Captain Reims?.. What about us? What do you think of 900 Priests facing 15,000 lizards?»
«Remember when we first arrived in these lands, all those years ago? We were met with blade and fire and we held, men who haven't seen a meal in days against well-equipped and well-fed lizards. Now, that example of bravery and valour doesn't inspire the young ones so much as it did back then therefore we need to set a new example of self-sacrifice and unity between the humans of the world. We'll be that example. We'll light a fire in the hearts of the hundreds of thousands back home which will burn until someone else takes our place. Yet, until the end of days, in a dusty book somewhere, Cleaver and its deeds will be remembered. Always.»

The Triumvirate, Part II

«Today, the Triumvirate stands strong, already working to bring prosperity to Freywyn and her people.» said Toryllis Brosca, High Ruler of Freywyn and Paragon of Prosperity, responsible for the well-being of the country in general. Before him, roughly 30 men, all part of the Whispers and those who opposed him the most with Asos in their center, a man in his thirties, who had been his most worthy adversary both in politics and the art of the blade. Behind him, Branka and his guards, holding torches and armed to the teeth. «And I cannot allow you to undermine my vision of Freywyn.»

«So it comes to this. Killing unarmed men who represent thousands of Freywe.» Valen replied calmly.

«Killing? Yes, I have to admit that killing you all is the easiest thing to do. Yet, apparently, am not that kind of man. I want you, Asos, to be my right hand, the voice of the Whispers, standing above all but the Triumvirate. You've proven your worth time and time again and now in order to stay united, I offer you such a position. I am certain, being one of the most valued Whispers, you'll have their unconditional loyalty.»

«Despite calling me your most worthy of adversaries, I find myself once more beaten by your unmatched intellect, Toryllis. Yet, it is admirable that you made such a proposal, it proves once again your love of Freywyn and her people. I accept, with honor.»

Message to Bohaddon

A lone rider left Admeryn today, carrying a letter written by Lord Brosca himself, aimed towards Ducis Alta, the head of Bohaddon.

Koike Yui






~Excellent Swordsmanship


Colour me interested.
I wouldn't mind the army/navy cards. Regarding the rest of the changes, excluding the few core mechanics which are needed to prevent godmodding and to keep things balanced, they should be kept simple.

PS: Posted.

Men Of War, Part II

«Blimey, those reptiles did sell their scales dearly!» exclaimed Captain Berin after the short but bloody skirmish between his Black Priests and the residents of a small training camp full of young lizards playing soldier. Most of them didn't know which end of a spear to hold yet they fought with such ferocity and rage that they almost stood a chance.

Ten Priests joined the Mother in her fabled Hunt bearing the souls of 120 lizardmen as gift and prey. Noone would mourn them because death in battle was the highest honor one of them could receive as it meant that the Mother had specifically chosen them as skilled warriors able to accompany her while back home their families would be honored by Lord Oblivion himself and their names written in the golden Archives of Glory, immortalized.

Their wives and children won't feel that way though he thought, knowing all too well the toll death took on those left behind. He had lost hundreds of brothers in all of his years, yet that didn't make it any easier. Rather harder, especially considering that he was the one responsible for bringing back their armors as mementos for the future generations to behold and be inspired.

«Captain, our scouts report a lizard war party!»
«Apparently there have been raids into the eastern areas of Belmorn with the reptile King Fek'Nassa plotting to take advantage of Belmorn's war against Elslen! There's a chance of a full out war and we're right in the midst of it!»
«Great, innit?» Berin replied as he scratched his thick beard, thinking of the news he was presented with.«Tell me boy, isn't Elslen known for its iron?»
«And for its slaves. Also, Belmorn's forests provide enough lumber to burn till the end of days while the Gnomes of Ahskos claim to build ships sturdy enough to sail through waves the size of a mountain.»
«Bring me paper. Perhaps the Mother does have a soft spot in her rotten heart for her Priests. If we play our cards right, we will all be bathing in gold and drinking the finest wine, I tell ya!»

«Get me the three fastest messengers we have. Send one to Jonas, one to Merin and tell 'em to get here as soon as possible. Give this to the last one. He is to get it to Belmorn and whoever's in charge there.»

The Triumvirate

«It is the only way, Master Valen! While the rest of the world advances day after day, we sit here and listen to endless bickering between the different parts of the same puzzle, Freywyn! You, for example, have denied several proposals from the Trader's Guild simply because their representative's daughter refused to marry your firstborn! I've had enough of these childish behaviours and so did Freywyn! Villages alongside the borders feel stranded before Bohaddon and Hlondeth while you drink Edarian wine and dress yourselves in the finest materials! Shame on you and shame on your Houses! I swear, if this weren't sacred ground, I'd meet you all in the sweet carnage of battle!»

Complete silence followed Toryllis's outburst as one hundred pairs of eyes were fixed on him. Some ashamed, others angry and more than a few nodding in agreement. His sword, the very sword his father used to drive the lizards back to their soil when they first reached these lands, hung loose by his side. He felt honor in wielding it yet its glory wasn't his. Instead, he wanted to forge a new blade, one with a blank past, ready to be part of the history he wanted to make.

«Let us all calm down, this chamber is supposed to bring us closer together without even the sun getting in the way. Our voices serve Freywyn and that is what we all should remind ourselves.» said Master Branka, Commander of the Silent Watch and the one who was expected to become King of Freywyn before he denied such a position.«Lord Toryllis's proposal, no matter how strange it might seem, finds me in absolute agreement. One hundred voices cannot run a country, yet three will. Am not asking you to surrender the fates of your people in the hands of the three to form the Triumvirate. Am asking you to be patient and understanding of change. The Paragon of War shall be responsible for the Army and everything about it. From equipment to building forts. Same for the Paragon of Unity and the Paragon of Prosperity and their respective duties. Remember, strength through unity and not the other way around.»

«Thank you Lord Branka. The three Paragons who will form the Triumvirate will be formally running the country yet behind them will be you, the Whispers, handling all minor affairs and dealing with the precious details which will form the foundation of a nation able to stand the test of time. Put your trust in me and if I fail you, may Mother banish me in the Under-Dark till the Sun rises from the West and my name is stripped from every Archive as a Betrayer.
«And who do you suggest stands besides you in this Triumvirate of yours?
«I shall stand as Paragon of Prosperity. Master Branka will honour me if he accepts the duty of being Paragon of War and as for the Paragon of Unity, the Queen shall handle that role. Afterall, the ship bearing a foreign flag and carrying fish and pearls we have never seen before is her work according to those aboard it.» he said before leaving the chamber without waiting for an answer, barely able to hide the smile on his lips. Shock and awe. That was what those men in that dark chamber were feeling. And his plan moved forward, once more. He had declared his intentions and gotten Branka, a very influential man, to support him. If they accepted his Triumvirate, all would be well. If not, they were a risk that wouldn't be allowed to turn into a threat.

Achnon Republic

«King Nomes, before we discuss matters of diplomacy, I would like to once more thank you for the hospitality you and your people have shown us. The very day you decide to venture outside Achnon, know that the nation of Freywyn will welcome you as a friend.»
«Thank you kind Queen, we treat all as friends hoping to be treated the same way too. Yet duty calls and these days call for alliances and pacts if one wishes to withstand the oncoming storm. As you probably know, troubling news reach us from all around Orysson. From the fall of Elthana to the combined might of Bahapore and Torfas to the rise of the Eagle in the south, with Bohaddon showing that its imperialistic nature still plagues the minds of its lords. There is also the matter of the mysterious ships in the North as well as the rising tensions between lizardmen and their neighbours. Being a peaceful nation, we cannot compete in arms with, let's say, your people who practise the art of war since their very childhood. Therefore, as you were informed, Achnon will stay neutral and welcome all seeking trade and friendship. Yet, we will not give away our goods for gold or stone but for protection. Anyone who wishes to acquire our products will have to declare himself protector of our sovereignty.»

Having spent weeks aboard the Farseer, everyone including her was happy to have set foot on solid land, even one owned by Gnomes who were pictured as greedy and cunning back home. Yet, they seemed to be anything but that since they had given their permission to dock the Farseer almost immediatelly and welcomed them with great honors. In fact, King Nomes even gave Myra a tour of Achnon's capital before escorting her to the palace where she would be staying for the duration of her visit as his guest.

«We do what is best for those we seek to protect, King Nomes. I completely understand the position you are in and even though I wished to establish a trade route between our nations, I cannot decide to offer you protection on my own. I will need to bring this matter to the attention of my King who will in turn discuss it with our elders.»
«Of course. For now though, enjoy your stay before the sea brings you to distant lands.»

Freywyn Weekly News

-In what seen as an attempt to demonstrate the nation's good intentions towards Hlondeth and Bohaddon, 2,000 men were withdrawn from the borders and sent back home to their Houses and castes. Are those taking all the important decisions that trusting?

-Rumors of a war between Belmorn and Elslen in the west reached Freywyn yet officials refused to comment. Belmorn is home to thousands of humans too, why are we not doing something?

-A ship full of fish unknown to these waters and pearls bigger that everything we've seen arrived this week, manned by bird-people who claim to come from the country of Uaruneria as part of the trade pact formed between them and our country by Queen Myra who has been away for months now. Seems like the Queen enjoys the open seas. Or the sailors.

-The most famous architects Freywyn has to offer gathered in Admeryn today as Lord Oblivion presented them with his plan to build a city unlike any other, a wonder to echo through the lands. What we, the tax-payers, would like to know though, is the cost.

Next week's issue: Are the Elves a dying race? Should Freywyn focus on research and knowledge instead of the art of war, as our High Ruler proposed? Are ghosts real?
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