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    1. PapaFreak 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Always looking for new role-players


Hello, you can call me Papa. I own two online businesses on a site called Etsy. Both shops are, Prairieloops (Have had it for 3 years) And most recently CharmMonkey, I've had this one for just over a month with only 4 sales, looking forward to new customers each day!

I try my best to reply daily, if I can't it's due to work and I will let you know if I can't reply at any time. Sundays I am gone the whole day due to church and nursing home that I go to.

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Mary had almost a smile when Tamisha said that they weren't dating, but almost felt sad for her. She seemed to like him. And then smiled as Amanda told her who she was dating. "Aww that's sweet!" she said with a smile when she said how long they were dating for. And Mary's face went red when Tamisha mentioned her asking about Damian all lunch break. She hoped that they didn't notice, but she was kinda making it obvious. Then she said how she was just joking and then she said bye to them and then quickly scarfed down the rest of her food.

She didn't eat much but she was happy that she made some friends on the first day of school. She wondered where Damian had went because she didn't see him in the cafeteria, but she also didn't really get formally introduced, they don't even know her name, just what she looks like. She shrugged at the thought and got up to throw her plate away. After doing so she headed off to her next class. English. She liked English and loved writing, she would always be writing in her journal about the day, and also another one about different stories and plot line she makes up. It's her most favorite past time.
Mary laughed at the two as they pretend argued about who was better at cheer leading. Then she heard Damian's name brought up, "Oh are you two dating?" she asked Tamisha almost a little disappointment in her voice but tried to hide it. And she laughed at the fact that the girl was practically staring at him. When they gave her their numbers she then put it in her purse and was going to put them in her phone later, then she gave them her number.

When they had asked if she played any sports she laughed, "Nope, not a real sports fan" she replied, "Well, I like watching it, I just don't play it much. I thought it'd be fun to learn basketball, but I think I'm too short for that anyways" she smirked. She does like some sports, but she found basketball to be interesting, although she's never actually played a day in her life. She then took a few bites of her food as she waited for the girls responses realizing that she hasn't even eaten anything yet. She has a feeling that these girls were going to be really good friends of hers.
Mary was a bit confused with the girls busted out laughing. She didn’t know why, then she found out and she shook her head with a smirk. "Well yea he did try to get me to eat lunch with him, and to get pizza after school, and so I told him I would love to but I could probably think of something better to do" she laughed at the statement she had told him. And Mary sighed when they said that he was going to be chasing after her, "Well, maybe I can just hire someone to pretend be my boyfriend and he wont bother me!" she laughed at the thought of even doing that.

"Alright well I will stick with you guys then" She said with a smile, When they said the other guys name, it stuck out to her. Damien, interesting name. She almost smiled at the thought of him, she didn't know why though. When Tamisha said that HE was the actual legend at the school she was a bit more intrigued, after listening that the guy was a very great basketball player she smiled. "That sounds very interesting!" she said almost a little to excited. Then she laughed.
Mary looked at the girls as they introduced themselves, they seemed like pretty nice girls. Although she still feels like something is going to happen, she just didn't know what. "Well it's nice to meet you both" and she laughed at Amanda cutting in. "It's okay, yes I am a junior" she said as she then looked around trying to find the two guys, she didn't know why but she felt like she had to know where they were.

"There was this guy, he introduced himself as Skip, and another guy was with him. They talked to me before school, who exact ally are they?" She was more curious to know who that D guy was, but she didn't know his actual name. She wasn't really sure what to think of the whole situation, but there was something about that D guy that intrigued her. She wanted to know more about him. She continued to look around to see if she could see them. "Also, that Skip guy said that he is very famous among st these hallways, what exactly does that mean?" She felt like she wanted to know, but at the same time she didn't because she didn't know what she'd find.
Haha alright I'll think of some then put them in :) And sorry for the later reply, we went ot he store and got food.
With trying to get that guy out of her head, she kept thinking about the other guy, the guy referred to as D. He seemed to know what he was talking about. But she didn't need to bother with that right now. She needed to get her school books, locker combination and class schedule. Once acquiring all these things she then headed off to her first class.

The first class wasn't all that bad, she actually had fun, although she loves school. She was excited for lunch, she really worked up an appetite, she wondered if that Skip guy was going to try to talk to her and get her to sit with him, she hoped not. Walking into the cafeteria she looked around, mostly looking for Skip to see if he had seen her or not, giving up she then got in line to get her plate of food. It was meatloaf, she didn't mind meatloaf, she actually has never had it, so she was okay with trying new things.

After finishing paying for it she looked around with her tray to see where she could sit. There was a bunch of different tables that had specific people, the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, all sorts of different tables. She knew she didn't really fit into any specific category. Suddenly some arms waving caught the corner of her eye, she looked over and saw two girls sitting at a table waving her down. "I guess they want me to sit by them" she thought with a smile as she made her way to the table, looking around to see maybe this was a prank or something, she felt like something was going to happen.

She brushed the thought away as she then just set her tray next to Amanda and smiled. "Hello, I'm Mary and I'm new here, which you probably already know, anyways what's your names?" she asked then she grabbed her milk and started opening it. She realized she had to pray, "Please excuse me for a moment" she said and then prayed then she lifted her head back up and started eating. "So?" she added as she then waiting for the girls to answer.
I don't know if you wanted them to have the same clases but for now I'll keep them just random I wont actually choose the classes yet.
Mary waited as the boy was going to speak. "A lot going on?" she commented with a raised eyebrow. What does he mean by that, this guy certainly didn't seem like the "Relationship" type of guy. She glanced over at the guy who tugged this guys arm warning him not to continue. The boy finally introduced himself as Skip. "Hmm, skip, interesting name, but what makes you such a legend?" she was curious to see how highly this guy thinks of himself. Then the boy warned him again not to continue.

Mary couldn't help but grin, this guy knew what he was talking about, this Skip guy was going nowhere with her. She laughed when he called her a sweet young lady, "Oh so I went from baby, so sweet young lady…okay then" And then he finally said what his goal was. Or at least his goal for today. He wanted to get to know her, which she found very hard to believe by just the first impression. This other guy, who Skip referred to as D, seemed interesting, especially since he actually tried to refrain Skip from saying these words, which if Skip was smart, he would've listened. A sigh escaped her lips after hearing his proposal. She almost laughed at his big grin, "Aww, I would love to, but no I could probably think of something better to do, now if you excuse me I still need to find the front office so I can get my things before I end up late to class because of you."

And with that she then glanced over at the other guy and then started walking away trying to find the main office. She knew it'd be hard, especially since that Skip guy wasted her time. What did he think, that his supossingly sweet talk was just going to make her swoon over him? She didn't like the fact that he instantly decided the he "Liked" her just because of the way she looked. Yea, she does admit she doesn't look that bad, but no one needs to be talking to a woman like that. And there wasn't anything that he wanted that she was going to give him.
As she approached the school, she didn't know what she would expect, or what to expect for that matter. Anything could happen on this day, there was no telling what it was. But she had a feeling something was going to happen, but she just didn’t know what. She continued walking past people and through the front halls of the school. A sigh escaped, it was a happy sigh. But yet, also a sad one. She missed her old school, but there had to be something good out of coming to this school right? They had to move here due to her fathers business, which she didn't really want to move to New York.

For some she may have seemed crazy for even thinking that, but there was just something she didn't like about the really fast pace people. Yes she did like to keep busy, but not that busy where every minute of your day is planned. School was just a must, that didn't bother her, but after school it seemed that everyone had somewhere to go, and somewhere to be. But not Mary, she didn't have anywhere specific that she needed to be after school, which was a good thing.

As she walked through the halls she saw a bunch of fliers for different clubs and such, she decided to not really pick one today, she was going to see how today went before she decided on if she even wanted to join a club. It'll keep her from just staying home all day, she doesn't have a job but she is looking for one. She hopes that after school she could maybe go look around, but she isn't sure if she should. A small yawn came out as she then passed by some lockers. Two boys where talking, she tried not to pay attention to them, she doesn't like it when people think she is ease dropping. Which she doesn't do that, she just is very observant and if she's too close to someone she just automatically hears what they say, even if she isn't trying to pay attention to the conversation.

Suddenly one of the boys then called her over. Her head looked over, her light blue eyes scanned both of the boys, then looked at the taller one once more. She noticed the other guy had called her baby, why did he do that? She was defiantly not HIS baby. She rolled her eyes at that. She walked over but stayed a good distance from them but still enough to be able to talk. "Did you just call me baby?" she said raising an eyebrow, "now do you call all the girls that, or do you just call the new people that?" she said waiting for an answer. This defiantly was going to be an interesting day.
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