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    1. PCSutfin 10 yrs ago


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These drawing are fantastic, Temp.

Hopefully you'll do a drawing showing each character death. It'd be cool for each killed PC in the Dead Character hider to have an image showing what happened.
Hellis said
Bravo said that he made the final selection and that the rp is closed now man, Your not in it. Sorry.


Yeah, I know. He also said that the next mission would add new players if current players die. I'm simply taking my place in the waiting line.
Gat said
Small issue with that blessing mate. The gods were banished and the heavens sealed so they wont be lending their power or influencing people anytime soon.

Perhaps I described it wrong. Here's the mechanic behind the mask:
-wearer of the mask feeds their stamina into the mask
-stamina is exchanged for holy power
-wearer of the mask uses holy power in their next attack
-wearer of the mask is temporarily fatigued by the exchange

The power is not a direct link from the gods, as it comes from the mask itself. Also, the gods weren't truly even behind the making of the mask. Angels were. That's what I think is so great about my character's situation: the ones who made the mask would have no reason to help him, so on his travels Zarrosh must finds a way to remove it by unconventional means. That is, if he is willing to part with it after realizing the importance of his immunity to corruption (which he isn't truly sold on yet).
Just updated my reserve post with my finished CS. Went with a cursed character based around an interesting pic I found when searching for the original Grave Robber character I was going to make.
Tempest said
In all honesty, I'm not sure about the archangel deal. I believe there were a fixed numbers, and aside from 2 or 3, I don't know of any that have been killed or died. They were immortals and usually, only a god or another archangel (or something equivalently powerful) usually took them down. *furrows my brow* Have to talk to Robert on all that. I genuinely have an idea that could apply for this, if Robert approves... That would give the archangel a history and reasons for being dead... *crosses arms* Meh.

As far as the Papacy goes... Still, I don't think -Renalta- would trust them. They're like... Baby-eaters. On top of that. *gestures to the royal family* They kiiind of have a dislike of the papacy, have allies in the other factions, annnnd... Well, that's just the papacy.. Not talking about their possible issues with things like... Angels, some of the religions, etc. They encountered a few cool people, some allies, but it really seemed for the most part during their entire journey... the gods were torturing and attempting to kill them... After destroying the kingdom in the past. And oppressing the world... And more. OH YEAAAAAH. And the papacy is extremely anti-mage. And racist. Like... Destroy all magic things, kill all mages. And oppress anything not human... Yeah...

As far as your negative effects... I'm unsure on the death for your character thing, though. It poses problems and becomes easily exploitable... The muteness poses a massive issue with in-game communication and is a player choice deal. If you want to know what such disabilities can do, well... Our blind bard could have quite a few issues at times.

The fact that your character essentially has no choice but to follow all the angel says, again, feels like a play-style choice... And, again, brings up a lot of trust issues and more. I dunno. Just seems like a lot that poses a lot of friction with established lore and hard to work with. It would, quite possibly make you disliked by a lot of NPCs, untrusted and ostracized. Angelic beings just... Aren't the favorite people in the world. The Papacy possibly less-so. XD

As far as reliquaries from the papacy, though... I'm extremely certain they have them, though it may not be established in exact details. Their "pope" or whatever he's called, is considered the voice of god and a holy figure himself, so I bet every one of them are probably in a special mausoleum or something. Kings of Rheinfeld possibly had a tomb too, though they were not technically seen as powerful as the papacy's head in the past, I believe... *thinks*

I dunno, I see a lot of lore conflicts here, personally... but your general idea is not bad. I just see the issues and it might take a lot of revamping and beating the thought into the correct shape to fit. : P

Thanks for the response. After giving it some thought, I've decided to scrap the cursed grave robber idea. I wanted to find a way to make a 'cursed' character, and the idea of having my PC be someone that deserved to be cursed was too much to pass up at the time.

For now, I've decided to make a completely different cursed character. The CS will be up later today.
Tempest said 1. I don't see the papacy working with Renalta at all. They have their own kind of issues going on and they aren't really friendly. Or someone that Renalta want to work with.

In my character's backstory, the Archangel convinces the Papacy that someone unable to be corrupted, guided by the Archangel himself, is a valuable tool in the fight against the Nine Hells. Despite their current issues with the rest of Rheinfeld, the Papacy would still understand that the fight for the realm is important.

Tempest said 2. unsure what you mean by Reliquaries?

A reliquary is a religious tomb of sorts that houses both relics and artifacts of religious value and the remains of historical figures related to the church.

Tempest said 3. Archangels are massively powerful creatures. You might be able to channel a -small- portion of their capabilities, however, you would by no means be able to get away with having access to their full prowess. IE) The end-game boss of LoR1 was an archangel.

The Archangel is dead, his spirit tied to his skull, and what little power he still had has diminished over years sitting in a tomb. The unique trait is simply meant to be an attack that does holy damage, not something that matches the might of a living archangel.

Tempest said As far as your uniques, may be some issues with the first one: complete protection from corruption, insta-death on something likely to happen at some point. The second one looks all good in my eyes, though.

The skull doesn't have to be very close to the Grave Robber to still keep him alive. Even if someone with considerable strength grabbed the skull and threw it, the most it would do is cause panic and maybe strain the connection between the Grave Robber and Archangel.

Also, the by-itself-overpowered inability to be affected by corruption is balanced by the curse, which affects him in these ways:

-separation from the skull, at enough distance, kills the Grave Robber
-the Grave Robber is mute
-the Grave Robber must follow the orders of the Archangel, including the order to be loyal to the Papacy.

I think the negative effects make up for the positive effect.
South-East Block: Roman Cassidy

Almost immediately killed by the Goleyeith for his sloppiness, Roman stood before the mass of flesh with no idea what to do next. The flashbang was a nice trick, but the evolving creature wasn't exactly weak to it anymore, and it only had eyes-and a lot of them- for him. He'd been able to wipe out entire raiding camps without breaking a sweat, but his face was so covered in it that it was getting in his eye, the sting unfamiliar. He had to think more quickly, fight the way he knew how to fight. But what cover of night could a man find in the day, with his target staring right at him?

And the he heard it. "Get behind me and look for an exit! I'll try to hold him off." Eira was trying to protect him, knowing that he was vulnerable and in need of assistance. So I guess I am in a team then. Good. Looking one last time at the monster before him, Roman decided to hit the bastard with something stronger before taking the opportunity Eira gave to start fighting the way he would excel at. Running to the mech, he pulled both frag grenades from a pocket, pulled the pins, and threw them towards the Goleyeith. If he survived the retreat, he'd do exactly what Eira recommended and look for an exit.
Brovo, I have some questions for my character.

1. Are there already any existing reliquaries in the Papacy's capital or can I make up my own?
2. Are there archangels in the world's history and can I make one up for my character's backstory?
3. Would it count as two characters if I have a mute grave robber and the spirit of an archangel with him? The archangel's spirit is tied to his skull, which the Grave Robber carries, and he would have no physical body of his own.
4. Could you give me the name of a high-ranking member of the Papacy? They would be responsible for sending my character to the Queen's Blades, and my character biography would be in the form of them writing a letter to Kouri describing the situation with my character.
5. Are these unique traits okay?

--Trait 1. The Grave Robber's Curse: To atone for his sins, the Grave Robber is forced to do the bidding of the Papacy and carry the skull of the Archangel with him until he finds redemption. The benefit of the skull is that its holy presence staves off all forms of corruption, but separating from it means the Grave Robber's death.
--Trait 2. The Archangel's Might: Channeling the power of the Archangel, the Grave Robber can imbue his shovel with holy energy and throw it like a spear.
Biographical Section

Name: Zarrosh the Faceless
Age: 37
Race: Orc
Sex: Male

Homeland: The Free Holds

Motivation: Unification of the living world and removal of his curse.

Traits & Equipment

General Traits
--Trait 1. Endurance Training
--Trait 2. Heavy Hitter
--Trait 3. Defender

Unique Traits
--Trait 1. Blessing of the Bound: To fight for the gods, a holy warrior must have the power of the gods behind them. By drawing on their own energy, the wearer of the mask can convert their stamina to holy power, unleashing a devastating attack that tires the user, but greatly damages the target.
--Trait 2. Curse of the Bound: To be a true soldier of the Angels, the wearer of the Cursed Mask is unaffected by the corruption of the Nine Hells. Of course, a power of that magnitude does not go unnoticed. As an added detriment, the mask cannot be removed by normal means, the curse too strong for simple magic to affect.

Equipment List
-Cursed Mask of the Bound
-steel plate armor (no helm)
-dull blue cloak

Personal Section

Romance: Not out of the question.
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: If so, there better be a whole slew of collectable plushies in Renalta. Dibs on the Nash Skullbringer plushie.

Signature: PCSutfin
So Roman kept referring to the grey monster as a goliath in the post I just put up.

I'm sure Brovo already gave it an official name, but if there isn't one I hope we start referring to it as the Gol-eye-ith
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