Avatar of peachpenguin
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: rileylovespanda
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 241 (0.06 / day)
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    1. peachpenguin 10 yrs ago


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Welcome back solace!!

So demon, do you want me to just have Kouki not make a decision until Shu shows up or should he pick who he's going with right now?
MMMMMmmmmm I can't decide what to do with Kouki. I mean, on one hand getting to see Mikami being scolded by the rest of the blues would be fun, but at the same time him ending up in the red's hands would be fun too.

I mean, I feel like he'd inherently trust Ayano more than Rin because he associates her with his dad, but I'm not sure.
Different people had been adding the U or not adding it. I think in my early posts I wasn't adding it ns decided to switch it up.
But I'll keep that in mind.
(The u is kind of inconsequential considering it's silent anyways)
Wait, I forgot about Tadashi. I'll edit a part for him into my last post really quick.
Kouki Kumini
A spark of hope lit up inside Kouki, although it was mostly masked by involuntary tears from the pain. Somehow, Kouki wills himself to think about the question. Daddy's name... He's not entirely sure he knows the answer, because to him, Daddy has always been Daddy (or some other form of the title, like just Dad when he's angry with him for not coming home enough) so why should he need another name? But part of Kouki also knows that his father has to have another name, because he's only Daddy or Dad to him. So he thinks and tries to remember what other people have called him. It's hard. He's distracted by his throbbing wrist and the way his pants are clinging to his burns. He's afraid of all these people and can't really get over that. Shaking his head and wiping away the tears that have accumulated on his cheeks and near his eyes, Kouki tells himself that he has to remember, because this lady might know who he's talking about.

And then it hits him. He remembers pretending to be asleep last night and listening to Miss Akemi talk on the phone with his dad. He remembers her calling him Kumini and that's all he needs. Looking up at the lady again, he takes a deep breathe before finding the strength to tell her what he's just remembered. "Kumini. Miss Akemi calls Daddy Kumini." Kouki is hesitantly hopeful after that, because above all else he wants this lady to know his father, but can't shake the fact that maybe she won't. Then he'll just be alone and scared again.
Tadashi Sakurai

A seemingly playful yet somehow knowing smile stretched across Tadashi's face. It was, partially at least, an act. He'd never been good at dealing with the reality of any situation, much less one that had been caused, at least in part, by him. So he pretended like it wasn't. After all, guilt wasn't too desirable in his line of work or in his romantic pursuits. "Yeah, that would definitely be an explosion. But no need to get so on edge. I'm not here to hurt anymore." He looked away for a brief moment. Really, it was just long enough to break eye contact. "It's not like I'm gonna hurt anyone."

He thought about it for a moment. The Blues had complicated things. It was supposed to be the Reds he was distracting but this lady, who happened to very cute, was definitely not a member of HOMURA. A member of HOMURA probably wouldn't have punched him at least twice by now. Tadashi wondered if Matsura had accounted for this much involvement from Scepter 4. He probably did, Tadashi decided. After all, Matsura was smart like that. "If you say so," he said in response to her telling him there was nothing he could do.

"Those damn Reds though. Always causing issues and making more work for everyone else. I feel kind of bad for you guys though. Always having to clean up their messes." Tadashi thought that maybe that would be enough to clue her in on the fact that he wasn't just some pretty face (although if she wanted to get more acquainted with his aforementioned pretty face, Tadashi probably wouldn't complain much). Actually, he probably knew more about what was going on than she did. Tadashi found some kind of satisfaction in that. After all, he wasn't usually the most on top of things.
I'll post again then. Just give me a minute.
For future reference, if you've posted less recently than I have, I'm more than likely waiting for you to post, especially when more than two characters are involved in a conversation.
I can post if you want me to Kitty.
i just figured that some kind of posting order would be nice so every character has a fair amount of time to react and get their two cents in.
Sorry guys. (And Demon specifically because we still have to finish and I've been really busy lately) I probably won't be around much tomorrow because I've got to retake my SATs in the morning and have a family thing in the afternoon.
Well, I'm waiting for kitty to post (as you can probably tell from my mess up on the last page) but if you want I can go ahead and just post for Tadashi.
I know. I'm so sorry. I didn't think the first post sent so I typed up another one and well, my phone spazzed and you guys got like five of the same message.
I'm really sorry.
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