Avatar of Phi Chisym
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  • Posts: 92 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Phi Chisym 3 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Insomnia with no cure to find! Someone, knock me out, please!


Hi, everyone!

I'm Phi Chisym, or Phi/Phiomey. I'm a happily divorced mother of two young women, one trans son, and grandmother of an extraordinary 7-year-old granddaughter. I'm a graphic designer/ghostwriter/fine artist, a ShorinRyu Assistant Instructor, and an editor/proofreader for a local company.

Owner of Pen Brush Mouse Creations (graphic design, ghostwriting), Upsidedown Words-Collaborative Writing/Illustration Group, and Co-CEO (with my cousin) of Linicomn Richardson Fine Art-an online art gallery supporting WeAppans.

I've been RPing online since the dawn of the era (Don't laugh). It's been my training ground, if you may, for testing the waters of the writer's pool to see if I can tough it out within the younger populace; hoping that my skills capture the attention of this crowd. Why? If you could see how many freaking YA and graphic novel concepts I have on the shelves in my room! I have a lifetime of ideas collecting dust that needs completion and publication... But, I'm a nervous bug - too scared even to know what my shadow thinks of me!

Truth be said, roleplaying, and D&D saved me from my fears of rejection, and now I'm not so frightful about the strange worlds, creatures, and life events my inner muse rakes my brain with daily.

So, the best way to test the waters - is to jump in!

After 20 years of this, I've met excellent writers of all ages, from hobbyists to professionals, all on various RP sites. Many of them are still lifetime friends and ghostwriters with me. We keep up with each other and continue to build the stories we've started in the past. Eventually, one of us will get our shit in libraries around the world!

Okay, enough of that.

I've got a lot to work on when it comes to story weaving, but I'm a natural Brainstormer and, if time allows, can GM a concept to completion - and a Part 2! I work well with others (unless you're Kenneth Unling from Conversions at the office - stay away from me, man!). And even though I'm a busy woman and constantly have to step away from Roleality for Reality, I always return to a story - no matter how long I've been away. It's the principle of it all, ya know? You start it, then end it! If I can aid someone in building their wonderworld through the silly characters and wild adventures and suffering we put them through, then hell - I'll return just to see if they survived! So, if you don't mind running a story for 3 years, knowing it'll be something remarkable and unforgettable, then hook me up!

Well, not at this particular moment in time. I'm already committing RP Suicide with how many RPs and D&D campaigns I'm currently participating in. But, if I'm up for something, I will be looking around. If you can't find me, if your RP idea works for me, then I'll find you.

K, I'm done typing my fingers off. They're slightly long-winded.

Alright, Happy Writing, Folks!

Most Recent Posts


Leaning forward, Yuri kissed Remy on the forehead and smiled, "I said I love you."

Those words... They were so simple, yet so complicated. Nevertheless, they create the most beautiful statement ever spoken within the English language. So much meaning and passion are tied within those three words... even more so being spoken by the man watching over him. Remy blushed, flushed with the realization that Yuri meant it... truly meant what he said. The charge of adrenaline gave him a second wind well enough to brighten his features with joy. Slowly, he arched his neck up towards his Love, softly pecking Yuri's lips with his to show him just how much he loved him back. But even that action seemed to cause more unknown pains. Remy hissed under his breath when their lips parted.

"Do you have the strength to get up? I can dress you."

"Yes... I think I can... stand." With his arms around Yuri's neck, Remy attempted to find his feet only to cry out fiercely as his movements awoke a scorching pain down his back. His knees buckled but he held his place, "GGAAHHHH! My Back!" Tears whelped in his eyes again as he worked to control his breathing; the unknown 3rd-degree burn made its appearance known to him. "It... burns! What the hell.. did I do to myself...this time?"

Remy's used to these moments - falling unconscious to wake up finding himself damaged or the room torn up. Granted, starting magical school helped to eliminate such events happening daily. But recently, when he did have an episode like this, he ends up damaged, weak, and unaware of what transpired around him. He felt more like a burden than a helping hand...

Touch and go - Lithy's awareness of her surroundings sat on the edge of falling over the edge of her PTSD. The screams of the assassin who lost his fingers for holding his tongue echoed throughout the room, almost causing Lithy to take a knee to avoid panicking. Her breath ran sharp and quick and her eyes closed to aid in maintaining her balance. She was already exhausted, hungry, and anxious about getting to a more secure place; if there was one... Now, this! The blood wasn't the problem, nor the gore of the act. No, she just knows far too well how the assassin feels right now.

"Everything is fine," Soul noted, pulling Lithy's attention towards the softer tone that wasn't normal for him. It was - strange, but comforting. Blinking back to reality, Lithy stood frozen, staring at her classmate almost as if she barely heard him... Then, she drew in a deeper breath and released it along with her past fears, and gave Soul a reassuring nod. She's still not use to others being considerate around her; it was much appreciated. Everything is fine... for now...

Emelia looked at Adam a little disappointed, "Okay, that's enough." Waving her hand before the damaged assassin - returning his fingers where they once were, unharmed.

Lithy was shocked. "She has regeneration?" she whispered in awe, wondering if any of the other students see the Librarian use such a high-level healing spell before. Silently, she listened further as Emelia gained more information from the assassins, learning that many were prisoners of Madame Muir. She enchanted them to attack, then teleported Black Hill Top into an inner dimensional trap! How was any of that even possible? The woman had already set plans in motion for the very location they were supposed to be safe... They were sitting ducks just waiting to be roasted! Lithy's senses were on high alert, now more than ever. If that madwoman was able to pull this off once, how possible would it be for her to attempt again?

"We'll never be safe - no matter where we go," Lithy hissed under her breath.

"Obviously that isn't going to work now. So what are you going to do with us?" The assassins knew they were stuck there, but - frankly - they're in a better place, right?

When Soul spoke to the crowd, his typical flat canter had returned. It had Lithy wondering if the walking spirit recently learned about how the tone of one's voice can express more than a single word... All of his suggestions were wise, but Lithy wasn't sure about any of them except death. The whole idea of dealing with these men again truly was an irritating thought, but she was not concerned about them.

"Um... well, the assassin did say that Muir would bring them back if they were successful here," Lithy's voice was timid but easily heard. Even though Amos was asleep in her arms, she was still nervous about talking before such a large group. "They're stuck... She's not going to bring them back. And, frankly, do they want to return to prison, or be freed?"

Staring at the responses of the assassins, she wondered if any of them wanted their lives back. "If they are bounded to a Contract of Truth, to never return to Muir or attack any innocent life for her sake, then it'll be possible for them to gain their freedom, and us... a day of peace? Maybe?" Folding her arms around herself for comfort, Lithy cringed, "But, I'm more worried about those ghouls more than the assassins... What were those things? And where can we go to stay safe, if Muir's capable of just transporting our entire location to - another realm of her choosing?" That's crazy!"

The Book of Wynn Series

Act I: The Protegio Institute

About Wynn

About Magic

About Dragons

Character Sheet

This concept is still a thing if anyone is interested. There are a few character ideas that are still open or possible to build, so look around and see what catches your attention. If you come up with a character idea that is different that the cast already planned, bring it to our GM = VampireTwilight.

Updating the list and offering more ideas.

Potential Royal Suitors:
1. The Kitsune - Lord Reynard Vallon - @TheFox
2. The Avian - Lord Zachariah Neo Verninac - @Zora
3. The Sorcerer - Edward Alexander Phillips Valentine - @Vampiretwilight (GM)

The Majestic High Royal Court of the Nine Feathers
@Phi Chisym (Co-GM):
Queen Hadaya Fahlsing, Ruler of the High Crown on Lacrymorr
Crown Princess Nahra Fahlsing & Lord Dachelous (Panther Familiar)
Crown Princess Marleen Falsing & Lord Zepher (Dragon Familiar) - Royal Dragonrider
Crown Princess General Celestia Falsing & Lord Koven Soulynx Guardian) - General of the Royal Warmagi

King of the High Crown of Lacrymorr - OPEN

Royal Guard (Champion of the High Crown of Lacrymorr) - Allaster Gloomsinger - @Sanity43217
The Royal Ghost Jester - Yorick - @Solarpunk ((Move your CS to the CS Thread, if you didn't mind! Thankie!))

Royal Councilmembers - OPEN

Dragon King - OPEN

Enemy of the Crown - OPEN
1. @TheFox
2. @AlphaTheAllwing

[There's definitely room for employees at the Crystal Castle - personal royal assistants, council members, General of the Royal Army, and the Royal Warmagi... Just ideas for anyone interested in joining. If none are taken, they'll become NPCs. Also, can possibly have citizens who happen to be contracted by the royals - those who frequent past beyond the castle walls more than most.]

The Kingdoms under the Royal Banner of the Nine Feathers
1. High Kingdom of Lacrymorr
2. Biscanaye
3. Shaddur
4. Ossory
5. Argyris Lahti (Silver Island of Dragons)
6. Oliphey - Kingdom of Sephalin (Mountains)
7. Pivowar - The Darklands
8. Ravensgate
9. Blackthorne
Okay, so you're thinking on the lines of starting the story on the day her mother brings her back to her home realm, or will this start a few weeks/months after she's done with her princess training? It'll be wild if her mother tried to explain to her that she's not from earth, that she's a princess... oh yeah, and ya gotta get married like now, or else! 😄
Hey @Vampiretwilight, what ideas do you have on starting this? Are ya thinking of like a meeting or a ball where the suitors introduce themselves to her and they all have a moment to just dance and chat with her. Maybe, that day a challenge can be placed for them to see who can claim first notice to spend a day with her while visiting their KINGDOM IDK, brainstorming a starter than can open things up.
Hey guys, if anyone knows peeps who might be interested in this RP, send them a link!

And, if you guys have ideas or thoughts about how you would like to play off other charries, we can start a convo about it all on here or on discord... Might as well, right?
Updating the list and offering more ideas.

Potential Royal Suitors:
1. The Kitsune - Lord Reynard Vallon - @TheFox
2. The Avian - Lord Zachariah Neo Verninac - @Zora
3. The Sorcerer - Edward Alexander Phillips Valentine - @Vampiretwilight (GM)

1. @TheFox
2. @AlphaTheAllwing

The Majestic High Royal Court of the Nine Feathers
@Phi Chisym (Co-GM):
Queen Hadaya Fahlsing, Ruler of the High Crown on Lacrymorr
Crown Princess Nahra Fahlsing & Lord Dachelous (Panther Familiar)
Crown Princess Marleen Falsing & Lord Zepher (Dragon Familiar) - Royal Dragonrider
Crown Princess General Celestia Falsing & Lord Koven Soulynx Guardian) - General of the Royal Warmagi

Royal Guard - Allaster Gloomsinger - @Sanity43217
The Royal Ghost Jester - Yorick - @Solarpunk ((Move your CS to the CS Thread, if you didn't mind! Thankie!))

[There's definitely room for employees at the Crystal Castle - personal royal assistants, council members, General of the Royal Army... Just ideas for anyone interested in joining. If none are taken, they'll become NPCs. Also, can possibly have citizens who happen to be contracted by the royals - those who frequent past beyond the castle walls more than most.]

I might draw out a map for this, just to help things out. If you have an idea of a name for the country your charries hails from and its terrain, post it up! I'll toss it on the map. I'll list the ones for my charries, and we can add to. If you can't decide, then choose one of the Nine Kingdoms under the Royal Banner of the Nine Feathers.

1. High Kingdom of Lacrymorr - Banner of the Nine Feathers
2. Biscanaye
3. Shaddur
4. Ossory
5. Argyris Lahti (Silver Island of Dragons)
6. Oliphey - Kingdom of Sephalin (Mountains)
7. Pivowar - The Darklands
8. Ravensgate
9. Blackthorne


It was an instant relief when Emelia's spell rushed throughout the grounds. All of Remy's muscles were taut as his aura energy was released to the masses, but when the Librarian's attack struck, his energy exploded like an agitated volcano shooting up in the air. An audible crack echoed along with an agonizing scream as his muscles popped and Remy's body dropped like a stone from the air. He landed on the bed with a thud, almost bouncing off the edge. Unconscious and breathing shallow, Remy's mind wandered across the realms and back again, not quite isolated within the room anymore.

"Remy, Remy baby wake up."
A voice... he was hearing things now? Remy felt so numb in his stupor, he could barely understand the words or the sensations present...

"Open your eyes, listen to the sound of my voice."

Familiarity - his eyes began to flutter. He wanted to see the face behind that voice. Was it...?

"I'm here. Open your eyes."

A groan left his lips as Remy fought to regain his consciousness. He was drained of mana and could use a strong B12 shot for energy, but the presence beaconing him back to the surface urged his body to recharge and pull itself out of the deep. He wanted to see Yuri's face...

"Remy, come back to me. I can't lose you. I... Remy if you can hear me, I love you, and I need you."

He was going to say something... His body shifted unconsciously, sending another agonizing shock of pain up his back forcing his red, blood-shot eyes to widen in a silent scream. Breathing to calm the sting, and eyes fluttering to adjust to the dull lights in the room, Remy found himself held in Yuri's arms.

"...Yuri...?" His voice was feeble and the tone of his skin held no color. But as soon as his dull eyes readjusted upon Yuri's face, everything seemed to return to the surface of his mind - including the voice he heard in his waking dream. Instantly, Remy's eyes lightened to sweet pastel pink. "Was that..? Did you say..?" Weak, stuttering; not sure if he was still wandering within his subconscious or if he woke up to the best daydream ever?


Organized chaos - that's how Lithy would describe the activity within the estate. There were healers urgently moving throughout the grounds, the newly healed heading inside to find their friends and help out, and others taking on the task of watching their prisoners while all waited for their instructors to announce the next step. Lithy waited calmly, trying her best to remain patient as the activity began to calm down around her. She was nervous without Amos taking control of her confidence. He was - resting, rolled up in a ball within her arms. This short battle took a lot out of them both - her last little effort used a significant amount of magic to guard so many people. So, as Amos rested, Lithy tried to be... social without feeling paranoid about everybody.

"Why do you and that cat share a scent?"

"AAAHHH!" Lithy jumped in her boots and whipped around, catching her heart in her chest as she found Soul behind her. "Soul!" Taking a deep breath she stilled herself. Amos barely moved. Her brow folded confused, "Share a scent you say?"

"Also earlier it was as if another person spoke with your mouth. Is this a common occurrence for you, or is this a problem we should be wary of?" His curiosity was strange to her, but Soul was a different sort. He was unlike the others within their student body; one who walked absence of an aura she could understand- hell, she should have been able to sense his presence! Soul was just a difficult book to read - yet, an interesting one. Timid as she was, she gave Soul a welcoming grin. This was the first time she's really spoken with him since becoming acquainted. She should get to know her other classmates. These days, tucking herself away from the world wasn't a good plan anymore.

Taking a moment to soak in his question, and finding the right words for him to fully understand, Lithy nodded with a nervous grin, "Amos... is a special kitty. He and I share a bond; he's my Familiar. At times, when I require his assistance, his spirit will connect with mine to boost my abilities. He can either share my form with me or during dangerous moments, take full control of my form while - my spirit - steps away to execute various attacks." Giggling, a sign of relaxing just a bit, she shook her head, "And no... it's not a problem. That's just part of my abilities as a Vessel - a collector of spirits."

Just then, Miss Emelia stepped within the large circle of students and prisoners in the large entrance of the estate. "You are in the presence of a large gathering of real, powerful witches, both male and female. I would suggest you cooperate with our questioning." With the number of students and instructors around them, power in numbers, even Lithy could read from their captors' auras how intimidated they were. And to add to their fear, Adam, another member of the elite student body she's never had the chance (or the courage) to meet, stepped forward to seize the hand of one of their attackers. He held a blade of pure darkness, one Lithy's never fathomed could ever exist within this realm, and placed it near three of the assassin's fingers. The man squirmed, fighting off the 'Bad Cop' interrogation, but he kept his lips sealed.

Lithy intensely watched with an uncomfortable touch of deja vu - quickly closing her eyes and turning back around towards Soul. The situation was just... far too personal to her. She's been on the other end of a blade far too many times.

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