Avatar of Pie Flavor
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  • Posts: 520 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Pie Flavor 9 yrs ago


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@Thinslayer Thoughts on the PM I sent you in your inbox? Would like to see if that is okay or not so I can finish my character
Placeholder for now, just saving it here~
Just at a quick glance without looking at all the sheets in depth, I'll toss a male archer/rouge character to the party if that sounds fine to you as a navigator/scout/spy type of character. (Or if we need it, a pure tank character)
Hi everyone, was wondering if you have another spot in this roleplay, curious to see if I be able to get a spot if it is open!
[Character Sheet removed, Interest has been withdrawn]
The trip itself wasn't much to talk about, walking through the countryside as Gwyn watched the scenery. Passing time with whatever she could distract herself with, looking towards the grey clouds rolling over the sky, as the thought of rain crossed her mind multiple times. With the four hours that it took to travel from town to the outskirts of where they were, finally paid off as their steps got slower and slower until Ettamri spoke up towards the party.

As the game plan was laid out for the party, Gwyn herself contributed a small gift before the two on horse back departed. Reciting the words necessary for the blessing... A shame that it was cloudy but this would do for everyone, as even a little bit of everything was needed to push the odds in their favor.

" O Keeper of the Sun, Alri-Qua, ever-reaching in touch... "
" By the power of the sun that always rises... "
" Grant safety to those underneath your gaze... "
" Protection "

And with that prayer, Gwyn bestowed the magic of her blessing upon her companions, with [Protection] boosting the entire party's physical capabilities. It was best for her not to approach, having the lack of combat skills to even think about defeating the toad. She delegated herself towards the role of supporting the others, but in order to circle around the toad, it seemed she had to put her own effort in trapping the toad. Looking over towards Muu with a smile.

"Time to go shall we? I'll be able to handle myself for right now, just focus on the toad. I shall support the two of you.

Taking the first step to spur action, but ensuring that Muu would be the one in front of the two of them. She had a variety of skills to defend herself, with a toad, she'd be confident to at least hold it back long enough for the others to swarm it if needed. But a variety of options ran through her head as she headed into position, her hand gripping her staff while repeating a few select prayers in preparation for battle. Her eyes were focus for any change that could occur for their ongoing situation, ready to make any split decision to ensure they would succeed for the good of them all.
Just to grab a character, I'll do Stephen Strange as a clone. Was looking into Ororo as well, but I shall get something out today


"Ah- yes the bounty for those poor souls, that would be something we both would be-" Gwyn began talking for a moment before she was interrupted by an individual and the rest of their party trailing behind them. It must of been daunting to approach the two of them, for a person to just approach one of them must of been difficult, but the two of them together must of taken some willpower.

Polite in their demeanor and humble... to put it at best? If not self-depreciating about themselves in the way that they talked about themselves, but their hearty plea tugged her compassionate heart and she was about to respond but Ettamari overtook her in initiative. The situation devolving quickly as she could see the eyes of the other soloists in the room staring at the spectacle happening, whispering to each other. With a sweat drop seemingly falling down the side of her head as she raised out her hand ineffectively towards the situation, standing in the background as everything happened.

"I think this would be a wonderful idea, right Ettamri? We would have the perfect party to track and wrestle down the bear. I also believe we could head south to also stop the... Slime and Goblin... right?" She said looking towards Matteo and Muu while prompting Ash to get up from the ground. It would be a long camping trip but if everything went well, they should be able to break even and satisfying what both parties wanted... or at least that what she assumed. The current people she saw in front of her was something flexible enough to take on the bounties, but she did worry about the bear and the little saplings.

Preferring if they took on the slime and goblin before the bear to see everyone working together before they handled something like the bear. With an easy target for the first to see them in action and the second one to test how far they were capable of going. The bear would be their final target if everything went without a hitch, but of course, there were many options they could all take.

But as the self-decided mediator, she decided to pitch an idea as equal it could be for both sides, ensuring both safety and personal gain. The amount of supplies they would need to travel though was something she did wonder about, mentally thinking about the distance between here and where the location of the bounty targets were.

A simple priestess that was known in the Northern district as a common face, yet recently had said her farewells to them, having been on a long time break from adventuring. The party that had first put her off the idea of joining the chaotic fray that was the life of adventurers were a little to bloodthirsty for her liking, frightening her of the future that it would bring. Resolving herself to staying within the Andeave as one of the healers of the Church of the First Light, she had learn much about the people living within, having live in the Southeastern district and visiting the others.

Never present in an adventuring party for long, she usually only accompanied those who were heading the right way toward a location that was asking for aid, offering her skill for a temporary spot in the group she was hitching along. Overtime though, she felt that her actions were simply 'reactionary' when she saw all those who were injured and were pressed upon their luck, finally pushing her over the edge when the raid had happened the other week that the sight of those injuries pushed her to become active once more. Lacking the familiarity with many of the adventuring parties around, besides being 'that one priest girl' who always hitches rides, it was difficult for her to find a spot within any dynamic.

Respectfully chatting with the other soloists and deftly avoiding their invitations to make a party, her eyes were keen in looking for a people who were at least average. Someone who she could support and in return they would also support her in whatever they did together, in such a place though it was unlikely. It would be impossible for herself to travel around but with someone else at least capable of carrying themselves, she'd be able to take the two of them further together.

A figured approached her, their armor well handled and taken cared of, that was a good sign and made an instant good impression. Slowly realizing who this person was, for the three horns of their helmet was something distinctive about them when she first met them, another instance of hitching a ride with an adventuring party towards a town who was requesting the aid of a priest. The other was the first to engage in conversation, expecting and receiving what she rightly assumed.

"And if I remembered correctly... A warrior... Yes?" She said, remembering a few of the skills that the other used during combat and besides, a sword on their person definitely limits the classes. "I think that is agreeable, it'll be nice working with you again"

Smiling with her response as two other soldiers backed off when she approach Ettmari, having persistently asking to join together for her skills as a Priestess. Conversation-wise, they were the kind of people she liked to avoid if possible, being too ambitious in her eyes when compared with what really were, boasting and laughing how easy it will be with them. They were the kind of people to bite too much and eventually end up hurt, it was safer for them to not have her and then be reckless on their quests, thinking a priestess would solve all their problems.


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