Avatar of Pietra
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Pietra 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
The word nun looks like an n doing a backflip
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9 yrs ago
So sick of the disrespect people have for the people who protect our country... just because there are a few corrupt names does not mean that the entirety of the force is full of bumbling fools.
9 yrs ago
Who wants to see a youtube miniseries, a modernization of Le Fantome de l'Opera that takes place in an all-girls' conservatory?
9 yrs ago
Sleep is like a cat, it only comes to you if you ignore it.
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Examples of My Work

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OC's, both my own and belonging to others, based on the show Steven Universe.

This will be updated regularly.
Welcome to mia Torre di Pietra! Here, you can request art or whatever, and I will happily oblige your request if I think it is within my range of skill. I can do art-art, you know, just the visual stuff or whatever, but I can also do music- I actually compose for a living, and in that area, I am a lot less limited.

Here are a few rules and guidelines for any request:

Be Patient - I have a lot of work that I do outside of this stuff, namely things for school, so at times, it might take me a little while to do things.
Be Polite - If you feel I am taking too long, or if I'm doing it wrong, please let me know, but please don't be mean.
Be Specific - Please don't be vague unless you want me to take artistic license with your thing. It's a bit annoying when people give too few details, and then get mad when I didn't do it the way they wanted. So please, just so that I don't waste time doing things wrong, give me as many specifics as you think I need. If you want me to do something based on another image, or person, please provide high quality reference pictures.
Be Respectful - Please only post here if you are actually going to pay me for whatever I give you. And please, only post your request here if you're going to request something from me- don't also involve other artists, or try to make it a competition. That's disrespectful not only to me, but to the other artists as well.
Be Timely - If you need something done by a deadline, please let me know that you need it in a timely manner. If I have to do a rush job, I will still put a lot of effort into it, but I will charge extra.
No Haggling - I will set a price after you send in your request, and I will not budge on that price. Do not attempt to haggle, or I will immediately turn down your request.

And here's the request template:

Request Type: Image / Music
Kind/Genre: If an image, specify what kind (pixel art, avatar, banner, gif, etc.); If music, specify the genre
Size/Length: Specify a size; length x width for images, estimated time in minutes for music
References: If you want to provide reference pictures, or songs that emulate what you want me to do, or whatever, those go here.
Other: Put any other details or specifications you want

After you submit your request, I will respond within 24 hours with a price, and an estimated finishing date. I expect a response from you within the next 24 hours- after I receive that confirmation, I will begin work on your thing, whatever it may be. I'll try to send you updates via PM so that you can see the progress, and let me know in advance if you have any hesitations about my work. I accept payments via paypal, @ avagracecash@gmail.com

Current Commissions

Past Commissions


@Pietra Oh wow those are Fantastic, I would also gladly commission your take on Balas!

Well, here's my take on her! I made some minor changes for both aesthetic and practical reasons, but kept the color palette and most of the major elements of her outfit. My paypal email address is avagracecash@gmail.com, and I guess the price is $25.
@Marik, the car wasn't moving yet. It was still parked. And, on top of that, as a junior detective, Carla would not yet be allowed to drive the car, hence why she was waiting for her senior officer....

And on top of that, in modern police cars, there is a layer of wire in between two layers of glass which separate the policemen in front from the criminals in back. So, if your character reached around and hurt the officers, he would have to slice open his hands into little bits in the process.

Also, how would your character grab her hair? It's too short in the back (in the image I posted) to be grabbed and held onto.

What I'm saying is, your post makes absolutely no sense at all, in or out of context.
Do we have any idea when the IC might begin?
"Sure, I have some acetaminophen somewhere..."

Rose walked behind the counter at the end of the lobby, and knelt, rummaging through the drawers. After a moment, she emerged with two bottles of water, and a few little round pills. Returning to Tess, she sat beside her, handing over to her a bottle and the pills.

"You need to stay awake for the next twenty-four hours, or if you go to sleep, wake up every two. Someone should monitor your condition. Anyhow, I wanted to speak with you in private, about your abilities. And I wish you would tell me your full name in confidence, or else I will be unable to give mine to you."

Helmet still on, she raised the mask slightly, so that her lips were just barely visible beneath the helmet. She wore a bright red lipstick, which was slightly smudged, bleeding a bit into the pale foundation on the rest of her face. Lifting the other bottle of water to her mouth, she took a long, deep gulp of it, before speaking again.

"I wanted to tell you that you did a phenomenal job at the mall. You acted quickly, and you thought on your feet. However... you need to understand that it is not your job to do so. I am not saying you should not play the part of a hero. Simply put, the fact that you have powers does not obligate you to use them in such a proactive fashion. Law enforcement is a dangerous business, and no one is forcing you to participate in it. Your own safety should be your primary concern, above anyone else. Do you understand?"
I think that's a great idea!
When the girl cursed, Rose smiled beneath her helmet, the grin hidden behind her mask. Tess was awake, and that meant she had not suffered any severe damages. As her mask already muffled her voice, without the further hindrance of the wind rushing past her face at 60 miles per hour, she did not speak. They were not far from her base, after all. Passing by rows and rows of trees and shrubbery, she realized that the drive was quite nice- making a mental note of that, she decided to try to enjoy the sights when time allowed for it.

After several more minutes of driving, Rose slowed to a stop behind a bush, concealed from the view of the road. Setting the kickstand, she turned off the vehicle, and stood. Helmet still on, the Phoenix offered her hand to Tess, to help her stand.

"You've only been out for ten minutes or so, which is perfectly normal. Come with me, little one. This is my base of operations."

Taking Tess's hand, and leading her gently out of the sidecar, she led her into the building by the bushes. An old military hospital, long since abandoned, the brick structure was sturdy and strong, barely affected by years of weather and neglect. Though the brick was covered by moss and spiderwebs, the color fading, the windows blackened and cracked, it still looked impressive. As she was unable to fly to the roof where her base was, Rose merely took Tess into the front lobby. The furniture was old, but nice, and Rose sat Tess down on a little vintage couch, taking a seat next to the girl.

"What is your name?"
When Dean was suddenly quiet, his screams having stopped, she let go of his arms, and stepped off of him. Checking his heart rate at his wrist, she lightly brushed her fingers against his eyelashes. As his eyes did not twitch, she knew he was unconscious. Once sure of this, she rolled his body over onto its side, and with a jerk of his arm, relocated his shoulder. Heaving his body over her left shoulder, and Uprising over her right, she slowly made her way over to the police vehicles. The pain in her wing was almost too much to bear, though, so she called out to the nearest officer to take care of the bodies for her.

A junior officer, Carla Menendez, obliged, aiding Phoenix as she set the two men in the backseat of one of the cars. Carla handcuffed the two, seeming to be used to this. Her nonchalance gave off a vibe of her being unimpressed by Phoenix's actions- she was, as the woman had become Rose's contact with the police, as they had been trained together in the marine corps. As always, Carla would receive the credit for the arrests of the two, to keep the police from seeking out the Phoenix for her semi-illegal vigilante behavior. Thanking Phoenix for her aid with a silent nod, Carla stood guard outside of her car, waiting for her senior officer, her advisor, to come and grant her permission to take the two back to the station.

Before leaving the scene, though, Rose slipped a small brochure into the driver's seat of the car, for a psychiatric institute specializing in the rehabilitation of mentally ill criminals. After securing everything, she returned to Tess, and picked up her limp body. Carrying the teenager over to her motorcycle (as she was temporarily without the use of her wings), she set the girl down in the sidecar. Before reporters could get to her, the Phoenix took off, Tess in tow, towards her own hidden hideout. Taking the backroads, so as not to attract attention, she drove slowly, waiting for Tess to wake.
Alright, there- I'm so sorry, I'm a bit out of practice with roleplaying.
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