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    1. Pixiiboo 10 yrs ago


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Edit: bad Internet double-posted it, sorry! My apologies, my Internet is bad! Sorry. :c
QuietThinker said
!Its too weird to be anything else XD!...but has the rather silly limit to only work on "human aesthetics"

Oi, I said you can point out my stupidity and be constructive, not mercilessly mock it. :x

Anyways, I'm reworking Delphine. She still has her core mechanic (hair hair hair I LOVE HAIR) but I changed her personality from relatively crazy to mostly crazy. And also her and Bolo are going to do some weird s*it together. Should be fun, if I even ever end up entering this thing (which seems further and further a possibility the more I stress over trying to make something that will be deemed both socially and mechanically acceptable). I HATE WORKING ON ANYTHING EVEN IF IT'S SOMETHING FOR FUN IT MAKES ME SOOO STRESSED LMAO XD
Didact, what is the policy on magic items? I get tech items are permitted, but maybe I totally missed the memo on magic ones? Are there regulations by the Council thing or what? ^^;
MrDidact said
I like the idea. Prehensile hair and razor nails are classic. But the whole fashion control thing doesn't really make sense as a meta-power. For the most part they would be more science based. Her powers seem more like a metaphysical magical affinity deal. Also are you still using Eugene?

TBH I had read the entirety of Chew that day (which I loved OMG if you haven't read it DO IT 10/10 worth) and was like "what is the most random crackpot power I can make while being semi-plausible ish?" and that was it.
Initially, it was man-made materials, but that extends to too many things, so I was like "fashion hero LMAOOO".
If you can tell I am generally just very shitty at making characters, I like trying to make unique things but they usually fail and I am forced into convention. SUCH IS THE LIFE OF A STUPID PERSON.
Feel free to point out stupidity as often as you would like. I am a sponge. I absorb that (constructive) criticism and turn it into worse ideas as it seeps out my spongey hole things. :D
And I am not using Eugene, no. I will be using Bolo though. If he's accepted. And maybe Lena (leana, not lenna).
Totally ran with this "clothes manipulator" idea, LMAO.

Name: Delphine Manning (no relation to Delphine from Eugene's profile, I just like the name, LMAO). Goes by Del.

Codename: Coming up with one. ^^;

Age: 19 (I may make her older or slightly younger)

Gender/Sex: Both female. Very very female. XD

Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Currently resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Occupation: Student in fashion design/journalism and popular fashion blogger/vlogger.

Appearance: Delphine is pretty short at a mere 5 feet and 2 inches, but what she lacks in height she makes up for with her wild style. Delphine, as a fashion icon online, is always sharply dressed and made up, and she loves bright colours. She is of both African and Asian descent, and while she inherited her father's darker skin tone, her eyes are slightly more slanted than most and a golden-amber in colour. Her hair is naturally a brown-black, but she dyes it a bright, wild bubblegum pink. It is styled into dreadlocks, which she normally keeps tied back in a high ponytail, and is very long, nearly reaching to top of her buttocks when let down from the ponytail. Delphine wears bright red horn-rimmed glasses with real diamonds on the points of the "horns".

-no resistance to any particular magical type
-weak physically; human
-most ability requires a close range to be effective
OMG can I please make a character that can manipulate clothing/other wearable aesthetics (hair dye, makeup, nail polish, etc?) She'd give a whole new meaning to "hot under the collar" and "deadly fashionable". XD
This totally appeals to my feminine side
MrDidact said
Well you can edit out the Verona school if you can't modify it enough, it's not integral to the idea.

I can't deal with short backstories and that removes a large chunk. :x
I don't know why, I'm sorry, sorry, I will decide by tomorrow who I am using!...possibly!..,
MrDidact said
Pixi, The idea of a secret magic academy is plausible but a little unlikely unless it was associated with the White Fellowship, they wouldn't want a unauthorized coven like that just running around. But other than that it's a great sheet.

Yeah, that's his general bio (especially as Verona is an really old ongoing project between myself and some close friends because unoriginal plot LMAO we started it when we were like 12) so I can modify it maybe. Just dunno how I'd fit it around. Maybe I shouldn't use him, but the only magic-based OC I have that isn't part of Verona is Bolo and he's a yordle, sooooo I dunno.
It might be better for me to make a new character entirely but I have bern exhausted of creativity lately trying to fix up my novel before I present it to anyone, rawr.
I am so sorry, I'm so indescisive about these sorts of things...:c Sorry, my apologies, I will try harder in the future, sorry!

Edit: I just remembered Triss...do you mind if I PM you regarding her, Mr Didact? I keep making clogging posts, but I can do it here if you'd prefer it. Sorry.
Eugene's full profile is up (original post regarding him has been EDITED). Sorry the ending to his backstory sort of sucks, I'll make it better later, LMAO. I hope I did it right?
Also, his personality section sort of does too, it needs work.
QuietThinker said
Well then.. Maybe you could beef up the power? Like he doesn't need to touch them, but just has to focus on them when he can see them? So the floodgate for his power would be to concentrate on something. You could still have him be in a constant state of confusion though, because you could say that giving his attention to something will leak memories into his head, but when he really focuses he gets the whole thing. I reckon that'd be a bit more usable for this RP, but what you want to do is fine :)And Wire wouldn't negate it.. Its just that he has a lot more memories in a shorter timeframe! It'd be like reading the memories of a guy who's very old, only he isn't. And most of the memories will just be his thoughts. So that could be confusing..EDIT: Oh, and forgot to say that I'm pretty darn impressed by how much thought has gone into him. I've RP'd before on a different site (it wasn't specifically designed for it, but whatevs) and I can see that people freaking stress the details here! And it's awesome!

I'll certainly take your ideas into consideration, but to be honest I always like playing Eugene as I initially made him. It's this weird nostalgic thing, I suppose? I'm also just used to playing in magical RP's that have heavy nerfs, and I'm still uncertain about power levels here since some are really really strong and some are very weak. ^^;
So basically Eugene will pretty much be having a mind seizure with Wire? :p
And thanks for the compliment, though I haven't actually done a lot of dedicated character work to Eugene, which is sad because I use him a lot. I have everything about him mapped in my head, I just can't put it into words well. ^^;
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