Avatar of PokimKyOshi
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    1. PokimKyOshi 10 yrs ago


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hella gucci

Gela's the name!

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hellooo everyone, how's life?

Doing alright, I guess. Though I've gotten sick right after submitting my last assignment just last night ooffff and it sucks big time...
the stress from the past few weeks has finally been starting to take its toll on me in such a wrong timing.
The fire witch gleefully watched the flames lightly dance around the palm of her bare hands as they continued to flare brightly. She’d have had expected a somewhat similar reaction from her partner, approving for her abilities, but heavens she was wrong.

Instead, as Aira glanced back up at Morrigan, she watched her as she hastily drew back, her stance looking more aggressive and alert. Drips of sweat easily started to become visible on her face as it ran down the tips of her skin.
Aira could distinguish tints of rage flickering in her eyes as they had finally come to meet with hers. And in the next moment, a stronger rush of an even colder air blew around them once again. The recurring sudden drop of temperature felt like a hard shove at Aira, and with a little string of caution and fear welling up inside of her, this caused the fire that burned on her hands to shrivel down and disappear.

Aira looked down at her empty palms with utter shock and panic, remembering how the fires she’d produce would have a distinct connection with how she felt. And right now, she’d definitely felt a negative kind of confusion as she looked back up at her partner once again, eyes still looking as if she was ready to pounce on her. The fire girl then wasted no time to wrap her arms around her, hoping to gain sufficient warmth again. “Where the hell is this all coming from?! …Is this all coming from-“

"Of course, you can use fire. You were the girl with the floating orb last night." Morrigan remarked at her in a rather sharp tone.
Aira’s eyes then widened at her as she took in the words she just said. “Last… night?”

"Well if we are to spar, I can see I will have a tough time against you, my powers are weak against your flame."
Before Aira could pester any further, she watched as water suddenly started to rise up straight from the soils of the ground. Aira drew back as the water clump together only to be frozen the next moment. Once Aira got a scoop of the bigger picture, she saw that the frozen water formed together had created an ice sculpture that… looked exactly like Morrigan. It stood still for a few seconds, but then started motioning around in a very stiffly manner.
"I am better with inanimate constructs like weapons or building structures. But I am getting closer with the moving ones every day, if you can't tell, ice is my bitch." Her partner remarked at her with a sly grin making its way across one side of her lips.

In a state of shock, Aira then completely froze. If she assembled her thoughts just right for a few moments, she knew she didn’t hear Morrigan wrong earlier;
She was there. She witnessed what had happened last night.
And the cold temperature and that icy hallway she went through after that night? It was all coming together. She was the suspected Jack Frost.

Aira could only stare back at Morrigan in complete silence. The situation still trying to sink in on her and thoughts only flooding her head to the brim. Her guts were right; who knows how many more witnesses there could be. But it’s all too alarming. Aira feared that Morrigan might do something that may possibly put them in trouble unless she attempts to speak out to her. She may look like the kind of person after all.

Aira looked around her as her eyes fell on the clear sights of Dav and Rainna with their partners. Should she go tell them first?
Her attention turned back to the sounds of clashing solid ice coming from Morrigan’s dancing doppelganger that only started to sound louder and more aggressive. If she were to consult the others, it may only waste precious time. She had to do the best remaining approach.

“Morrigan, Listen.” Aira called out at her as she started to slowly pace towards her partner. The closer she tried to get to her, the colder the air around them felt, so she was forced to stop and stay a few paces away from Morrigan. Even so, Aira was practically shivering, and every hot breath she exhales can be seen turning into very faint fogs, and Morrigan’s ice puppet surely was of no good help with its thick ice skin flailing around along with its broken movements. Aira may know better than to try and get close to it. And she though that chanting out another fire spell may only be best used when really needed. Right now, if she could get through Morrigan without any means of using her abilities, the more peaceful the world can be and possibly the less damage done to an environment such as a wide forest they’re in.

“Morrigan! We n-need to t-talk!” Aira called out at her once again through her shivering stance in hopes that she’d somewhat stop the cold air and calm her ice puppet down.


I will reply by the end of the day

Take your time, dear 🌺
"Yes I am Morrigan, a pleasure to meet you I am sure."
Before Aira could even display her glee, the next moment the girl introduced herself and finally gave the chance to shake Aira’s hand, Aira felt a chillingly cold sensation that ran across the palm of her skin, which only got colder and colder each second the more Morrigan held on to her hand. Like the vibration of a cello string when strummed, the chill rang from Aira’s hand up to her whole arm and passed on to the rest of her body that made her start to lightly shiver. The temperature around them solidly dropped, unmistakably.

"So I am to assume we are to spar with each other? Were the rules of this explained before I got here?" Morrigan resumed to ask her, still holding on to Aira’s hand that was practically in the verge of getting minor frost bites, as if she was holding snow without gloves. Morrigan looked unusually calm and unbothered on what was happening around them as Aira momentarily glanced at her with the look of sheer baffle on her face. Was it really just her? Was her head playing games? How is she not noticing this?! Is nobody seeing this?!

“Err- No! No no, not yet. Dr. Allison hasn’t said anything yet, so don’t worry!” Aira expressed at her with her absolute best of remaining calm, but the tone came out in a more frantic note as she gave Morrigan’s cold hand light taps using her other hand as a sly approach to say ‘its alright to let go now’ as she slowly got to release her hand from her grasp.

“Well, uhh…” As Aira spent a few second rubbing her hands together to bring back her normal temperature up and to be able to withstand the slight drop of temperature around them, she looked around her surroundings to see if the class has already begun. Seemed like it was still on hold, but she could see from a clear distance Rainna being fascinated at the sight of what seemed like dead leaved floating around her. Perhaps the mastermind behind it was the young boy in a long trench coat that interacted with her while the leaves continued to flutter in the air.

“Oh! Right!” Aira quickly exclaimed as she turned her attention back at Morrigan with a quick swift. “What abilities can you do? Or…what are you?” She asked her partner in a rather active tone. “I’m a sorceress. I’m still studying a lot about other powers that I can do! Like this,” With a short quite chant, Aira’s open hand pointed at a small stone lying just beside Morrigan’s foot as the stone started to levitate off of the ground. Aira carefully displayed her telekinesis ability and lifted up the stone just by Morrigan’s vision for her to see. And just after a few seconds of sufficient demonstration, the stone dropped back down to the ground with a light thud. “I can also shape-shift myself into a Phoenix and I’m currently trying to perfect my power on Invisibility and healing! But my main power?”

Like a grand performance number and with a soft but focused chant, on Aira’s open palms appeared flickering flames that sat just on the very tips of her skin. The fire girl proudly displayed them in front of Morrigan with a contented smile on her face as she looked back up at her partner and waited for any kinds of response from her. At one point, Aira exhaled a quiet "Phew." as she felt the temperature around them returning back to it's original state.

“What about you, Morrigan?” She posed her partner, tints of pride lacing themselves around her throat as she spoke.

Aira’s eyes twitched and stung when they came into contact with the light from the sun that entered her room from the window. All it really took was one look at her wall clock for her to shake the early morning drowsiness away.

When she finally looked up, her schedule, almost too voluntary, immediately flashed in the back of her head.

Training Class. Right.
And with a swift pull of her blanket off of her body and muscles still asleep, she exerted into a tiny morning routine of stretches before she headed to the shower where the warm water hit her to take a little stroll down dreamworld lane where Aira started to sink into her deep thoughts.

She distinctively remembered the people she had encountered last night and all that she’d seen that had something to do with their headmaster. Her curiosity only began to rise with so many questions popping up. What exactly is going on with the headmaster? Who were those people with him? Moreover, her guts just couldn’t stop punching her on how urgent it may have seemed. Could it be… dangerous?
Aira knew that these thoughts would only have to be saved for later. She wasn’t the only witness - dealing with something as shady as this alone is definitely not a positive option. In any cases, training classes were calling.


Aira deeply inhaled the fresh air when she finally set foot in Roxgeo forest where it was already crowded with students. And in the middle of the crowd, she could easily spot Dr. Allison Roy interacting with others awhile displaying a visible hologram, lined with pictures of students.

It then struck Aira how this training class included having partners. She made her way closer to the hologram while glancing around to already see students interacting with one another. At one point, she was able to spot the glitter girl, Yunnie, shyly exchanging convos with a curly-haired young man who looked quite taller than her. And on the other side of the forest, she found Dav, shaking hands with… with a robot? Aira’s blinked a few times, witnessing the exchange. She was left in amusement, finally seeing what looked like a cyborg in real life. This only made Aira more excited to know who she would be paired up with! Another robot? Another witch perhaps?!

As she came closer to the hologram, her eyes scanned along the faces of students completely unfamiliar to her until she finally found her name and face. And right next to her picture was her assigned partner; a completely unknown female student with dark brown hair, appearing quite… normal. Aira paused for a few seconds, eyes locked at the picture of her partner as she felt a little piece of her soul sink. “Well…she shouldn’t be so bad,” Aira muttered to herself. Taking a mental note of her facial appearance, Aira ventured off around the forest to search for “Morrigan Dorval”.

There were so many students, and the search was pretty rough. Luckily the training hasn’t started yet. But after what felt like a while, she was able to spot out a young-looking lady with long dark brown hair entering the forest. Aira felt her soul do a little victory dance - she was certain that it was her.

Once Aira found her looking quite lost, she took the opportunity to take a deep breath before approaching her with a single touch on her shoulder. “H-Hey.” Once Aira signaled her presence to her, she strangely felt her hand go cold, as if she was touching an ice pack that was taken out of the freezer a couple of hours ago, but the chill was still there. But trying her best to give away a calm first impression, Aira simply took her hand back, as long as she was able to catch her partner’s attention. “U-Uhh, do you happen to be Morrigan? M-Morrigan Dorval?” Aira asked her, trying not to sound too sudden.

As Aira waited for a confirmation from the girl, she shed a warm smile and extended her hand out for the other girl to shake or hold as a sign of peace between two new comrades. “I’m Aira, by the way! It’s nice to meet you.”

In the next moment, Aira wasn’t sure if it was just her or if the air around her, or them, suddenly got a bit chilly.


I shall let you post first and have Morrigan react

Alright, I gotchu

Be funny to pair up Morrigan with Aira 😂😂 fire and ice?? It would drive Morrigan up the wall 😂😂

I agree. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it goes 😂
I like the idea.
Though you're right. It can stir up on students with different abilities. And it might be a bit challenging on how it can be carried out in the IC. But I'm sure it can work out somehow.
A class for training can do the trick. See how two students group together of somewhat similar abilities work together. Or like @Cerces22 mentioned, students of different abilities can have separate different types of training classes.

Hey, guys c:
is it anyone's turn to post? hope things are still running.
@PokimKyOshi I noticed you were referring to Raptra's character as Raptra, not Rainna....

ily thank you for pointing it out! I've edited it now!
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