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After a role call, I found that many core members of this RP were a tad bit too busy to continue it. It is on hiatus until then, as I would like to respect those that stuck with it and showed interest. That said, this roleplay, upon the return of several people and their activity, will resume at that point in time.
The RP is always open and there tends to be a theme as well as a balancing scale for powers. When you say types, I'm not toooo for sure what you're referring to, but there is a general theme, yes. I do try to allow a lot of creative room, but I created a system to make a tone, theme and just a sense of stability for the RP. Just run things by me first.
I don't believe anyone is going to mind. Logically, we should have collabed for this, but it's not a big deal. IT's just a prelude to him meeting Crusade or w/e Sep has in mind for the plot. I don't think an arbitrary introduction/exchange of words between two characters is a heinous breech of posting etiquette; I'd go ahead and post.
I'm enjoying Suade significantly more than expected. :D
Suade aboard the Hask orbiting Arbidon

"Ah..." Suade exhaled as the boy spoke of reveling in the dark side. It was true, Suade could definitely sense the taint of the dark side within this youth. It was a spark like any other, albeit maybe a little brighter than some. Suade allowed his smirk to escalate into a maniacal grin for a moment as he began to push his dark side presence closer to to Naraal. For a brief moment of apparent insanity, an eerie chuckle leaked from Suade followed by an illusion of an even more maniac version of reality. His head bobbed, as if twisted in the desert heat, and his voice became twisted for just a moment. He added, "If... you want to revel in the Dark Side..."


A single pause, and the illusion stopped. The overbearing presence, as if it were a hand with the pressure of the deepest ocean trenches, repealed itself. His chuckle ended, his grin faded. The moment dulled down. "I suppose my master might want you and your mind in one piece when he sees you first," Suade commented while retracting his hand. The brilliant sheen of his silken robe glimmered again as his hand rested at his side. "Now, whether you remain whole after meeting him is a whole different story," Suade added again, this time chuckling and sounding human doing it. His laughter was akin to an inside joke, as if he found some cruel humor in ripping apart the minds of others and seeing them crumble. in fact, he did.

He could also feel, more akin to an empathy, how this boy felt. He wasn't tearing into his mind or sifting through memories, but he was definitely picking up on every wavelength Naraal had to offer him. He could feel the rage, as his fists balled. The confusion from his words. The betrayal during a moment of reminiscence. The fear, and his curiosity of it. He could see through the brave feint the boy put up, and he found it amusing. "The dark side arranged this meeting. The Force willed you here to meet us. I am Suade, but you shall learn nothing more until meeting my master. I have told you my name, boy. Be polite. Sith or not, manners make a man."
Suade aboard the Hask orbiting Arbidon


Suade responded to the boy. The troopers surrounding the small freight ship stepped aside as the black-robed inquisitor stepped forward to see Nraal. For a brief moment, there was absolutely no insight to what Suade meant. The single, elegant word rolled off his tongue and bellow a low, slow tone as if he was muttering his own epiphany. Was it a coincidence that was the last thought of Nraal? Suade was speaking directly to him. It couldn't be pure coincidence, could it? No, it couldn't be. Suade was adorned in more elegant Sith robes, embroidered with the common stitching that alluded to ancient Sith runes and traditions. His black robe was accented with what appeared to be gold, of all things. Could anyone with gold embroidery on a Sith robe muttering the perfect word be a coincidence? Was anything that dealt with the Force ever coincidence?

"You wreak of it, boy," Suade added. His bright red eyes met up with those of Nraal. He was using his telepathy from the first moment to delve into the mind of Nraal, seeing what he could see without it being known. His psionic hands had the most gentle, subtle touches when exploring a new playground. Aside from the quirky smirk on his face, mostly due to feeling the tension in the air caused by the uninhibited mental anguish Nraal was facing with his captive, there wasn't a single clue that Suade was attempting to probe the mind of Nraal, looking for answers to likely give his master later. That was the ultimate fate of all knowledge Suade either eased out the minds of his victims, or ripped out violently.

Around his black robes was a tall, collared cloak, accenting his appearance with a bright, vivid red and more of the gold accenting. The seemingly silken material whisked away to the side gently, reflecting the lights of the hangar from above. The steady hand of Suade floated in the air, as if a gentle halt to Nraal. Calling it gentle, however, wasn't exactly adequate. With a simple flex of his fingers outwardly, Suade used the force to push at Nraal's shoulder, best compared to the shove of a drunk jerk at a Cantina. It wasn't meant to hurt or even knock him around, just toy with him. In the same gentle voice he spoke with earlier, Suade asked, "Tell me, why are you so scared?" Suade then let out a light, almost menacing chuckle before he added, "you just got here."
Might steal yo hearts, tho. Ain't got no agreement on that. ;) ;) :)

[Male | Half-Zeltron, Half-Human | 39 | Coruscant]

Vienne "Suade" d'Etta embodies many of the Zeltron traits as a Sith Inquisitor. As is the case with most Zeltron, he is obsessed with romance. When he cannot love, he fights. His fights, however, aren't always physical. Suade is known to strike deals with his comrades and even his enemies, placing bets and making impossible antes on anything. A wager often means little to him if there is no life on the line. Vienne has allowed his time as a Sith and his indulgence in the Dark Side to be a pleasure, and it is the Zeltron way to pursue pleasure to its fullest extent. Suade embraces the Dark Side of the Force in ways that can often only be defined as carnal. While others embrace rage, Suade embraces lust, sin, desire. That does not mean to say Suade cannot embrace rage; in fact, his tantrums are as feared as a Sith Lord's. Rage, destruction, pain - these simply aren't ideals associated with Suade.

Suade was not always this way. Suade often refused his carnal side and suppressed his Zeltron heritage. In fact, he hates it. The absolute fact is that Suade hates himself, and that is his true strength. As a Sith, the more Suade indulges in sins of the flesh and the Dark Side, the stronger his own self-hate grows and thus he strengthens his own connection to the Dark Side through it. Every murder. Every life. Every two-bit, Twilik whore he encounters only pushes himself further into the abyss. Although many see Suade as a more refined and possibly even delicate Sith Lord, he is arguably one of the most insane. He is not consumed by his desire for vengeance anymore. He is not consumed by rage. He is consumed, every day, by hate. A hate he cannot ignore or runaway from.

Flaws Suade is a very arrogant individual. Not in his power, but in his belief he can predict almost any outcome. Suade has a distinct disdain for failure as well, making him notorious among even other Sith for how quickly he will kill his own acolytes for even mundane failure. Above all, however, is Suade's instability. Suade feeds off his own self-hate, but he does not sink into the abyss immediately. He remains composed and somewhat aloof most of the time, but if he is tipped over the edge and pushed into his primal rage, there is no help for him until he has calmed naturally. In that state of rage, he loses his telepathic abilities in favor for raw strength in his telekinetic ones.

- Proficient Starship Mechanic
- Highly-effective Starship Pilot
- Trained gunman (with pistols and rifles)
- Trained navigator
- Zeltron: Production of potent pheromones to enhance his attractiveness and likability
- Zeltron: Limited telepathy

2x DL-18 blaster pistols

Force Abilities:

- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Force Illusion
- Force Fear
- Force Persuasion
- Drain Knowledge
- Memory Walk

Personal History

Vienne was born to a servant girl and former prostitute of Coruscant, working in the lower-level slums. He never knew his father, but many others knew of him before he disappeared. His father was a Zeltron smuggler and chances were he seduced his mother into a one-night stand that resulted in his birth. Or, maybe she was paid for the night. With her background, it was never clear. It wasn't clear for his older brother, either; Vienne only knew more because of red dark skin and latent abilities.. No one ever questioned their birth as in the slums; there were an abundance of fatherless kids and women being taken advantage of. Neither the planetary polices forces or the Jedi Order could not completely regulate the massive city-planet.

Growing up in the underground of Coruscant was rough. Drugs, gambling, smuggling - a whole assortment of crime existed in city. Vienne and his brother Roderick grew up with almost nothing but each other as their mother was rarely around, doing the obvious. In all honesty, their petty theft put more food on the table than their mother. Roderick was only two years senior to Vienne, and he began developing his touch with the force just as early. Meanwhile, Vienne was just growing into his telepathic abilities. The two shared a connection quite literally closer than just being brothers. Their minds were melded almost all the time, and this helped them get away with their thievery and juvenile schemes. Vienne honed his telepathy while his brother toyed with the force what little he could, but neither could ever get the attention they wanted. They had to set their goals higher.

Vienne and his brother entered a militant police sect of Coruscant, albeit his brother did so two years before him. His brother became a proficient pilot while Vienne opted to become his personal mechanic upon entering the sect.. Another year past, leaving Roderick dead due to an aerial skirmish with slavers. Vienne opted to become a pilot just as his brother was, aiming to avenge him. As time passed, Vienne found that he had instincts he was never aware of, and he developed skills to be on par with his brother in little-to-no time. It was as if he could hear and feel his brother guiding him; it was the last gift his brother left. Vienne finished his training as a pilot after only two more years, serving a total of four with the sect. It was only months into his job chasing smugglers that he felt he was on the wrong side of the chase. Vienne ultimately stole a police ship, and became a smuggler himself.

Vienne always felt like he was no the same dead-end rut as his brother Vienne spent many years as a smuggler and refused to his Zeltron heritage or to take bed with a partner at night. Just as he refused the same fate as his brother, he refused the same fate as his estranged father. Vienne sought out who he was and desired to be more than those before him. His ventures as a smuggler led him to become a proficient pilot and mechanic while the interstellar standards were changing, giving him great insight to the different units used for different models and the leaps that could be made by universal understanding. For the most part, Vienne was a far better mechanic than pilot. He was capable of seeing and understanding things, even people, with ease. His skills as a telepath grew as he uptalked deals or even smooth-talked his way past authorities.

As Vienne attained a small fortune smuggling, he upgraded ships for smuggling more advanced than many of the newest models used by the Republic, however, this was likely because his ship didn't need mass produced and it was in fact funded by his own ventures. With his ability to outrun almost any starship in the galaxy as a smuggler and his significantly larger ship, Vienne entered a new and far higher-paying occupation: smuggling the living (and the dead). It was through this feat that Vienne was first introduce to a Sith Lord named Varikk whom was smuggling in new recruits to be trained as Sith Acolytes outside of the sphere of the Galactic Republic. Some of his cargo ultimately became marauders, Sith Troopers or just another husk in the ground. Vienne didn't care as his pay was good.

Until one day, when it wasn't. Vienne was shorted several thousand credits after a drop off and returned guns-blazing to the check point on the shadowy planet. Met by a Sith Lord, his contractor, Vienne was put into a firefight resulting in the deaths of a majority of his crew and a larger majority of Sith Troopers. He was confronted face to face by the Sith Lord, Varikk, Vienne attempted to fight back against the force and succeeded, but only due to the surprise of his dormant force sensitivity. He had toyed with in the past, mostly enhancing his telepathy with it, but never an outburst like this. Breaking free from the force grip Varikk held, he used his trusty blaster to blow a hole in the right shoulder of Varikk. The Sith Lord, however, was more impressed than angered. As he oversaw the training of the Sith in this camp, he knew this: few graduates could break his grip, let alone an untrained smuggler.

It was in vain for Vienne, however. Surrounded and outnumbered, even with a blast on the Sith Lord, he was forced to surrender. He was spared, however. Offered a chance to become a Sith Acolyte to the Sith Lord himself, Vienne was given a whole new path to follow. One unlike his father and brother before him. He took it. He took it and became well-acquainted with the Force. He entirely forsook training with a lightsaber and learned the ways of the Sith just as fast if not faster than the long-term disciples of the Sith Temple and acolytes that had spent years training. Vienne was significantly less capable with the aspects of the force involving telekinesis, but he was exemplary with the Force as it pertained to the mind. Just like a starship, he knew and understood how it worked. He could see its mechanics, probe around in a mind. He trained these techniques above all others, only truly using the others when enraged or desperate.

A decade of training led to Vienne taking the name Suade and becoming a Sith Inquisitor. As Suade, Vienne tossed away the shackles of the life he knew before. He indulged in his carnal desires. Likely fathered dozens of children. He used the spices he smuggled for years. He fed into the Dark Side. He killed without remorse. Part of his training was to kill the remaining members of the crew, and he bathed in their blood as it was baptized into the Sith. His true act of loyalty was his return home to sever the last earthly ties he had to this world. On Coruscant, he cut down his mother and his four new half-brothers, all more bastards the whore had raised. Vienne had became a loyal and unorthodox, yet still powerful asset to the Sith.
I've given my responses to everyone. Now they simply need met, posted, etc.. I'm returning to classwork until tomorrow.
Accepted. :D
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