Avatar of pyramidsoup
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 25 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. pyramidsoup 2 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current mandatory meetings outside of workhours got me outside with a molotov
1 yr ago
meme site?
1 yr ago
your all dead ahhhh where r u people ahhhhhhh
2 yrs ago
hate tasting blood every morning :D
2 yrs ago
too meek for the arena, writes like yellow in snow, and won't "overly" play pretend


Write whatever you want in your bio. Everyone can see it, even people not logged in.

Ideas: Introduce yourself, keep a list of roleplays you're involved in, describe what kind of roleplays/partners you're looking for, provide off-site contact info, share some hilarious jokes, share art, share dank memes, etc.

Must be no more than 100000 chars

Most Recent Posts

Sounds fun and casual
time lurk but in roleplay fashion
I'm into the idea.
I have no ideas or goals.
So power me up as I deal with the struggles while downloading the wall textures.
{ A events building kinda, social focus to a less so social focus as time reveals spooky issues }

For the helpful
the needing
the mischievous

There is a front office to introduce services and rooms.

These rooms are rented out as resources to aid the public...
Some use the rooms for therapy sessions some for karaoke some as a home...

This place is introduced usually to people whom shortly visit it for different reasons
not knowing about the many different things that are happening and many don't get to
know it in whole.

The building is funded by a mysterious source that is kept hush.
Anyone can open their plans or services to help the public with good intentions,
but whose gonna enforce what hides behind walls? "whatever" has happened has been
ignored or hasn't been discovered by the public. Doesnt matter what happens;
this facility is in control... and chooses to do... this?

-persons may be funded to push their services and take care of themselves
-The front office holds very few ads compared to the total amount of "helpers"
-All Outernet is monitored. . . and seperate from the internet


setting? A massive building surrounded in greenery in a city with hundreds of highways.

Homes outside of the facility? Urban rural whatever
pocket space? this is for me don't worry about it.

just humans(hella boring i know) for now

no crazy magical and skillful characters but you might grow to be given chances

visitor helper other?

wip if your interested, GREAT!
If you got a character sheet sweet!
got something to say DO IT!

looking for people to roleplay with this poor thought up idea :,}
I'm interested if you are still accepting.
In Hi... 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello, just call me soup

28,they or ig he

I don't have allot to say about myself. I suck at writing and don't care enough
to improve as fast as many may wish. I don't like allot and I don't have much of
a drive to do much. I like existing and lurking around fun people and things, but
can't really find myself where I ought to be.

I need some stories to look forward to between work and "life". I do better in groups
that like to envolve me in it rather than doing solo things where I worry about
what a single person wants ultimately. I don't write for myself nor others but
I perhaps write to assist or accent something else.

Things that are good...
-faceless beings/masked
-low energy low hurdles(?)(idk)
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