• Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: pyre101
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    1. pyre101 11 yrs ago


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"And why do you think you are the unluckiest person? Personally, I wish I could have wings and maybe whatever else comes with it, because then I could escape from reality. By flying, you are entering another world. I have read many novels, but reality never measures up." Ris took a short breath after this long speech for him. He had not spoken to a single person as long as this. He was actually getting into the conversation. "I hurt people. I don't mean to, but just this week, I touched a strip of metal unknowingly and...caused a young girl, maybe your age, to be taken to the infirmary." The image that was brought up by this made his knees start to shake as he thought of his own personal curse. "I have to watch my every step, never wear shoes, not even look at a television. I don't even know the latest news until it is printed!" He put some more emphasis at the end to explain his meeting. He bent his knees and began to brush the dirt with his hand, dust moving into the air. Noting that no metal was visibly there, he took seat there and looked up at Ryuu. "That is why I envy you."
I will be posting my response soon and then I will be off for the rest of the day. I haz homework to work on...
Ris watched as Ryuu took off her jacket and saw her wings as they unfolded. He was taken in at the length of them and he turned towards the sky, feeling a gentle breeze past by them. He felt a small jolt go through the air as he was taken aback, but he did grab a hold of the release and draw it back into his body. He did not want to hurt another person, especially someone with the gift of flight. "Those wings...are you able to fly with them? If yes, you are one of the luckiest people to be alive."
Walking into the dorm rooms, Ris felt the hard cemented ground turn into sleek tile floors. He stretched his toes, feeling some relief from them as the electricity went straight down. He smelled something from the kitchen. He began to feel curious as most people would be out and about at this time of day, going to classes and having a "normal" life, or at least as "normal" as one can be at Riverwood. He was about to enter when he saw a pink-haired girl run out of the building, hand over her mouth. Ris stopped as she went by, heading for outdoors. He sighed as he thought of the many accidents that had occurred here from the students' lack of control. He began to head outside to check on Ryuu as she may want some help. He had been lectured enough about his lack of control and the many dangers to the human populace. It is not his fault that he cannot control his powers. Ris had tried many times to direct his power and he had been awarded by some control, but it was like a static shock when he consciously used his ability. When he was not paying attention...well, you would just have check the infirmary for his latest victim. He lumbered out the door to see Ryuu was shooting out flames. "Are you okay?" The flames seem to be encircling into the sky. His eyes drifted to it, watching as it made the many shapes fire tended to make.
Kael looked towards those individuals who were not going to be guarding the entrance and nodded his head at them, calculating their strengths that he knew about and the chances of annihilation. He scratched his head as he thought what could be out there. There were a infinite amount of Grimm that could be there, hiding themselves inside the ruins, but they needed to take a chance. Turning to the small group now, Kael saw that Schwarz was coming back from her scouting mission when the one-armed girl, Ravira, he remembered from the initiations, suggested that they retreat. Kael's face turned into a snarl at the thought as he did not run away. But, the math did not lie about their chances of survival. The best thing to do would be to contact the school and have the area bombarded before moving in to examine the area. However, by the time the school arrived, the Grimm could've moved on. He rubbed his chin, weighing the risks. "I believe the best thing to do is to send a message to the school with our coordinates and a request for reinforcements. This is a hive, a place where the Grimm can grow immensely stronger before they invade the innocent cities around. We do need to at least check the nearby area to ensure that the perimeter is safe."
Kael stood up from his position, wiping off the dirt stains from his pants and he turned towards the group that they now had. It was smaller than he would have liked, but hopefully capable enough to handle a horde of smaller Grimm. He did not want to go through the problem that they had faced last time during their team-building exercise. That had turned disastrous. They would have to see. "Guys, there is something gathering in that town. It sounded like lots of things are stepping on the ground. I think now would be the best time to prepare for a ambush and to come up with a plan." Kael began to search for multiple entrances into the town, like an alley or a gate. If there were multiple streets, it would not be best to split the group. If there was a gate, it would be best to find out if there is more than one. If there is more than one, it would be best to figure out if they can either get on top or through them. He began to think of many different situations as he stood there in the middle of the group, paying attention only to the city and the ground, where his right shoe was beginning to move in a fashion that could be best described as making several lines in the dirt with maybe a oval in the middle of those lines. He began to mutter to himself as he began to think of a strategy.
Kael ran after them the group after they took a look at their tablet things, and read some kind of message. Who could it have been? Schwarz had ran off so it could be her. Could it be a teacher? He shrugged at these type of questions went on and trudged on the trail, seeing a town in front of them. Kael did take notice that there were only 7 of his classmates here with him. Taking a small breather, Kael dropped to the ground, putting his ear to the ground again, hoping to hear something from the town or the ground would be a nice, dirty cushion.
edited my post so Ris is going to towards the dorms if anyone is going that way.
Ris put the book back where he had grabbed it from. He sighed as he remembered the twists and turns he had endured as he had read the novel. He might just pick it up again in a few weeks. He bent down to pick up his stuff from where he had left it and he checked to see if his feet were still touching the ground and not metal. The last time he did that, the poor girl had been in the infirmary for more than a week. It was not his fault though that he could not control his power. He tried every day to contain it, but failed to direct its currents. He grabbed his bag and walked out of the library, the sun shining into his eyes. He moved his right hand to block it out as he moved towards the dorms, not wanting to give the faculty another excuse to lecture him about control, when they did not know in how to contain him. He carefully made his way that way, hoping not to touch someone and cause any problems.
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