Avatar of Pyromaniacwolf
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    1. Pyromaniacwolf 9 yrs ago


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I'll jump in soon, but I'm gonna get wait until y'all get going again to see where everything is before I drop in.
There we go I've made my contribution, I trust nobody has an issue with us playing a sailor or a drowned man. If so I apologise
I embrace the endless waves of lies and truth in my mind and then push them away, I push them to the outside with the icy thoughts of my old memories, whatever they may have been, to merge with the black inky abyss. I am a man of the sea now, it is right I am surrounded by the shadowy abyss and the endless torrents of the unknown.
I see theres something of a hold on the main plot so I think I'll take this opportunity to state my intent to jump in soon. Just wondering what the thoughts are on me making a cult leader who has basically made a religion based around the fire fens, If y'all dont mind I'd like to figure out where my cult leader and his minions fit in before I start posting, although some kind of deal because making deals with cults that worship fires they think are produced by demons and shit is an evil thing to do with the BBEG is what I'm thinking rn if there are no issues with that.

Also I'm aware low fantasy so no cult magic, especially this early in. I thought instead I'd have my guy and his minions just basically be drugged up, use poisons/acids and sneaky tactics to make up for the fact their equipment is trash compared to the others.
Alright I've been busy dealing with some stuff involving my phone dying and college but I'm here now, seems like we're going to have to try and manifest ourself before anything else.
Still interested although I'm curious as to what the exact setting of the RP will be? And the way this has been described makes it seem as though all the players are in control of the same character, which is completely fine by me I just want to make sure My sleep deprived mind isn't reading it wrong.

Part of me is liking the potential of this turning into a kind of weird meta horror where the character becomes aware they're being dragged around on different directions by different individual forces but I'm not sure that's exactly the desired theme here.
The Lycan Covenant

Vlath paused for the moment as his lycan warriors stood, ready for war. Despite his militias new weaponry and the aid of the void champions, he was uncertain a direct conflict was the wisest way to victory, yet the voidcaller had a plan. Vlad turned to one of the warriors to his left and quickly said "You there, to Seagard quickly! Instruct the bloodfang warriors to fortify the walls and to be ready for an assault! Tell them if they themselves are not attacked and these heathens begin to cross the bridge they must strike them in the rear! Move quickly now, with the speed of the gods in your step!" before quickly making a short blessing for the warriors quick travel and turning his attention to the rest of the warriors.

"Brothers and Sisters, our foe has revealed themselves! They wish to purge us and our gods from this new world! They do not understand our Gods are all the holds back a tide of destruction from the deep! We must destroy them for the sake of not only our Gods but for our new home! If the heathens begin to assault Seagard then we shall rush them from behind and obliterate their ranks! If they are so foolish as to cross the bridge the champions of the Gods shall tear them apart and we shall claim those that manage to cross themselves! Come, prepare yourselves at the river crossing and prepare for slaughter!" as he finished his speech Vlath hobbled his way to the water, he was unsure how the Champions of the Void would respond to conditional commands so instead he opted to wait before he requested for them to rise.

If the Rhinomen began to assault Seagard he would order them to rise up and join his forces on the flank from the rear. If the Rhinos attempted to cut the bridge connecting them to the other side he would request they rise up and destroy whatever was attempting to cut them off while he and his forces swarmed across the bridge.

All while this happened Vlath prayed for the speed of the lycan soldier so that his plan would work, these creatures were clearly more powerful physically than lycans but whether they possessed their cunning was yet to be seen.

Potentially interested, I'd like to make my character more based in the Vale Underworld as opposed to a huntsman if that's alright?
The Lycan Covenant

This was a problem. Vlath pondered the reports of this attack and the great rhinomen before he summoned forth each of his tribe leaders to his tent where he passed the information on for those not already informed. The group of tribe leaders burst into argument and suggestions causing one of the guards, generally used to fairly passive discussions between the leaders, poked his head through the rabbit hide entrance of the tent only to see the leaders unharmed and Grash glaring daggers at the curious soldier who proceeded to quickly make his exit.

The arguing continued for hours, specifically between Goldtooth and Bloodfang. Bloodfang called for his forces to be unleashed upon the beasts with an eagerness that could be mistaken for zeal but was more than likely bloodlust "My warriors are more than capable of obliterating these fools! Great voidcaller, lend me your mighty guardians and I will see to it that our enemy does not last to see another full moon!"

"Your warriors vastly outnumbered the beasts Bloodfang, did you actually listen to the report given to us? Your warriors vastly outnumbered these beasts yet two of them fell and another was injured." Goldtooth responded with a rather smug tone before turning to Vlath "Voidcaller, I propose we fortify the areas along the river near the new location of Wulfhelm and then a location south of it in order to ensure these beasts cannot simply jump upon us in the middle of the night. Sending out warriors to die needlessly is a foolish errand, I'm sure the Gods will understand a more pragmatic approach to destroying their enemies."

In the end after the bickering between the two sides, Goldtooth won out and it was agreed that a force of 2 Bloodfang packs and a Goldtooth builder pack would travel along the river and build some simple wooden fortifications, mainly consisting of wooden stakes to be planted into the ground to prevent the rhinomen charging as easily even if they managed to get onto dry land, the same would be done to the south of Wulfhelm to ensure it was well defended. The rhinomen bodies would have to wait for now although Mex was instructed to continue sending out scout packs and retrieve the bodies of the rhinomen if possible.

Once Vlath had removed the other leaders from his tent he beckoned Goldtooth forwards to speak with him "Goldtooth, I have concerns about our warriors ability to defeat enemies as powerful as this. If our warriors are to be believed they are even stronger than Bloodfang warriors, but we cannot and will not give up. To this end you will work with bloodfang warriors to create a weapon that will aide in the defeat of these creatures from a safe distance. Now go and carry out your task." with a bow, Basir Goldtooth left the camp with new inventions already in his mind.

Basir Goldtooth
Goldtooth awoke the next day with his Voidcallers orders fresh in his mind. He called one of his messengers into his rather humble tent and ordered them to find one of the Bloodfang warriors who had battled with the rhinomen earlier. When he returned with the warrior, despite the look of distrust on the warriors face, he sat him in his tent and he convinced him to explain the rhinomen to him.
"Big creatures, thick skin and a horn. If you get close they can crush you or stab you. Saw it myself. Not nice." The Bloodfang spoke simply, as did most of his tribe. Literacy was not exactly valued highly in the clan of warriors. After the rather simple description and some discssuion as to how that particular warrior would have thought to kill him, Goldtooth dismissed the warrior and began to ponder. If these beasts were as the warrior said, they did not seem to have any weapons. Perhaps they did not even wear armour. Bows would be effective, however that was a weapon mostly used by the Silentpaw and required finesse to master that most lycans simply did not have. An axe or club would require a lycan to move too close to the beasts...perhaps a weapon with a greater reach? That would also allow lycans hiding behind the spiked Vlath desired to be set out to attack safely as well! With that, Goldtooth quickly ran to his messenger yet again and gave the order "You there! Round up a group of my servants and have them fetch me as much basalt as they can carry!" Truly Goldtooth would have preferred to have an established quarry before he began transporting the newly discovered stone to Wulfhelm, but he needed something to make these new weapons from.

As Goldtooth waited he began carving rather simple wooden spears from the lumber available and offered them to any Bloodfang warrior who would accept them to train with, telling them it would give a great advantage against any large beast.

~Paranoia, here we go again~
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