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Robert Weldon

Location: Okefenokee: E16 to D15
Skills: N/A

The soldier’s initial reaction was hostile; the raised sword pointed directly at Robert’s chest didn’t scream ‘welcome’. However the encounter quickly turned serene and humane as the man approached with a shielded sword. Robert lowered his hands as the man approached with a calm demeanor. “I’m sorry, but I don’t fear them anymore. I’m more frightened of not being me,” Robert said truthfully, addressing his order to be silent in the presence of the dead. He no longer felt the threat of walkers as he did in the beginning - it was his faith in God that shaped his confidence and did away with the fear.

The man proceeded to answer Robert’s question - he had not seen Laiyla. The news however did not falter Robert’s confidence to find her, but his reaction was not flux with surprise. He knew she was still out there, felt her presence in the world everyday. Unfortunately this man would not be his ticket to her, so Robert thanked him, recovered his belongings and was prepared to continue his journey, until...

The clear sound of a boisterous vehicle came from the road ahead. Robert swore he could smell the carbon monoxide it released into the air, but that may have been his imagination. The noise clearly turned the soldier anxious. His overall body language changed and he appeared drastically cautious. The two men then took to the sound - see if it could lead them to Laiyla.

It’s a pleasure to meet you Hadrian,” Robert expressed, being thankful for the man’s willingness to lend a hand - even if it was just until they found the vehicle emitting the loud sound.

As the two men continued down the road, the silence between them grew. They didn’t know each other, hardly shared enough to label themselves acquaintances. Therefore Robert decided to do his best to find out more about the stranger - clear the air. “You said you haven’t been with people innsome time? Am I the first person you’ve come across in a while? ” It was clear that Hadrian had experienced some trauma, it was all over his faceial expression. What made him different than many of the people Robert had come across on the road is that whatever occurred did not stop his ability to see some light in the darkness. Some may label that as courage or survival, but that was surely faith - something Robert could relate to.

At a steady pace the two men moved onward - the vehicle’s sound growing louder. The men were either getting closer to it or the vehicle was in motion, it was very difficult to tell. Either way, Robert was certain that they would catch up, one way or another. “Hey Hadrian, are you hungry? I’ve got some chips here in my bag somewhere...

Robert dig through his bag and pulled out two small bags of chips. “Ranch or Cheese?

Robert Weldon

Location: Okefenokee: E16, Empty Road heading West
Skills: N/A

It had been years since the world collapsed. Darkness ensued, and death overwhelmed. Survivors took to the countryside, moving down south in hopes of finding a state clear of disease. Unfortunately, the virus had spread worldwide and there was nothing stopping it. In the first couple of years Robert moved through Georgia in hopes of finding his wife. He traveled from military base to military expecting to discover records of her existence. Sadly, he was not blessed with the information he was searching for. Instead, he was put in the path of other survivors seeking aid. He helped those he could, giving them food, supplies and wisdom – advice on how to survive the new world and remain faithful. He understood that his approach was not optimal in the eyes of others, but his faith was not affected by the circumstances present. Rather, it grew stronger as the days passed and his connection with God appeared unbreakable.

In present day, Robert continues his journey find to Laiyla Weldon. Yet he is not concerned for her safety as he is sure God will take care of her and bring them together when it was time. Now, Robert finds himself walking the empty rubble road in the swamps of Southern Georgia. He is heading to a United States Air Force base north of Bemmiss. Surrounding him are trees covered in pollen, shaving away under the beaming sun. A large body of water lays to his right, about a quarter mile ahead and a seemingly unspoiled building to his left. He walks at a steady pace, holding his insulated container on his right hand and his backpack’s strap on the other. Slowly making his way forward, moans erupted from the mucky waters. As he gained ground he could see the tattered bodies of unfortunates attempting to make it to dry land. Their movements appeared slow, possibly the lack of balance on muddy terrain.

Upon having the walkers directly to his right wing, he stopped and observed. Bowing his head in respect, he gave a small prayer for the dead – hoping their souls were now at rest. He undid the lid to his canister and took a sip of his natural water. At exactly that moment his reflexes spikes when he heard a faint noise coming from the building that faced the waters. His eyes took form when he spotted the figure of a large man start moving towards the road he was on. Robert squinted and hurried his step, quickly closing his water container and moving towards the man. “Excuse me!” he called out, unsure what reaction he would face and the kind of man the shielded warrior was.

With hands raised – a universal symbol of surrender/peace – he moved a bit closer and into ‘inside voice’ proximity. “My name is Robert, I don’t want any trouble now, I just want to ask you a few question. I hope that’s okay?” Slowly Robert put down his backpack and water canister on the ground. He wanted to ease into this conversation with passiveness and tranquility. Hopefully the man did not have any objections. "I'm simply looking for my wife, her name is Laiyla Weldon, she's 5'6, weighs maybe 140 pounds, but don't tell her I said that. She's black, just like me. She wears a cross, ummm..... one of the normal ones, the ones in fashion you know? Gold one. Gold chain and all. Have you seen her? Your group maybe?"
I’m a fan of the genre and would be interested, but I would definetly need to get more information on what you have planned for this.
I enjoy Slice of Life roleplays. Will there be any specific plot? How will the GMs keep everyone interacting if things come to a halt?
Sano Takeshi

"Eat all of you food son, do not let any of it go to waste. There are people out there who do not get these blessings. We must cherish them to our fullest gratitude. Your mother worked very hard picking these vegetables. Now go on, eat," Asuma Takeshi spoke with resonance, a hopeful grin spread from cheek to cheek as he reached for his glass of water. Sano bit his lower lip, reinstalling the fork into his hand as he maneuvered its points through the broccoli and carrots. He looked over to his brother who returned the same hopeless gaze. Sano smirked, forcing the fork through a green stem and bringing it to his pallet. He chewed lightly, breaking up the food before swallowing.

"See, not that bad! You are still breathing aren't you boy?"

"Yes sir," Sano answered, eating more of the vegetables persistently. It was breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Skinned chicken and a vegetable medley was their daily menu. The options were limited, but Sano nor his brother ever complained. The food was always delicious, the vegetables were the only flavorless edibles - the reason for their internal struggle to eat them.

"You boys are coming down to the wall today right? Helping out your old man?"

"You're not old poppa, just......seasoned!" Igneous - Sano's brother - joked. The simple tease had everyone at the table laughing, enjoying their early morning before the workday. "Of course father, we'll be there after midday. We have to catch more chickens before, but we'll be there," Sano replied.

"Good, there is a lot of work to get done. The walls are the only thing that protect us from the monsters."

"We do not speak about that at the table," Mother stated, hushing poppa and forcing his eyes to play dumb. "Finish up and get ready boys, we'll head out shortly," she added, picking up the empty dishes as the boys ran to their room. Sano got there before Ignos, always being the more athletic of the bunch. Winded, Ignos threw himself face first against the mattress - a grumbling exclamation escaping him. "Stay positive Ig, it's just another day," Sano expressed with optimism. He changed his sleepwear into work clothes - little kid boots, dirty old pants and a stained shirt. They had plenty of clothes, so used the older ones for the hard labor.

"How big do you think those monsters are out there Sano? Father never tells us. Why is the wall so big?"

"I think they're as big as cows! HUGE! But I don't know. They'll never get through the wall anyway, father is too good a builder."


Sitting under the roofed dinning hall, Sano started the day with warm porridge. The taste was awful, but the nutritional benefits outweighed the need for delight. He'd been up before anyone, deciding to watch the sun rise on is own accord. There had been others up and about, but none from his squad. At the time, the silence felt welcoming. He got to think about things he thought he forgot. It mesmerized him how much history he learned in just a couple of years.

Anyhow, this trance was interrupted by Lauren. The girl caught the side of his eye as she wondered about, nearing the edge of he cliffside. Her walk a bit staggered and not yet conscious it appeared, but her actions were willingly. Sano stood and neared a wooden pillar, holding onto it as he watched closer to the girl's actions.

"Watcha lookin' at there Sano?" a voice came from behind. One of the squad's cadets - Jay - disrupted Sano's current undertakings. "Oh, nothing."

"What are you doing up so early man? There ain't nuthin and none out here yet. Why you all lonely and shit all the time?"

Jay's attitude and temperament didn't sit well with Sano. He wasn't one to relate to big-mouthed people like him - especially when they tested his personal nature. "I like the quiet," was Sano's response, keeping it simple so Jay could understand. The mohawk wielding Scout wasn't really grasping the concept and continued to bother Sano.

"That's bullshit. I think you just like that ass over there as much as me!" Jay laughed, putting his hands on Sano's shoulders playfully. Swiftly, Sano shoved Jay off of him. "Don't touch me," he warned, Jay only forming a fiendish grin. "Oh yea? What're you gonna do huh?" Jay pushed forward, touching Sano again on the shoulder - smacking him hard. Sano grabbed Jay's arm this time, eyes gazing on what was becoming an enemy. Suddenly, Jay threw a punch, landing on Sano's chin, forcing him to let go of Jay's arm. Tasting blood inside his mouth, Sano assumed a defensive position, arms up shielding his chin.

Jay smiled as his pupils staggered demonically. He reached for the end of his shirt and removed it, throwing it over Sano's finished breakfast bowl. "Let's go big boy!"
Sano Takeshi


"But not thinking enough is a greater liability," Sano returned with a selfish smirk. It was a gentle gesture delivered in a playful manner. Jade was right to propose that Sano join his teammates in the snowball battlefield, but the reality he was simply scared. The thought of deviating from his mission for a second and opening up his defenses frightened him. That momentary lapse of fortification could mean the life of himself or one of his comrades. Sano did not want that blood on his hands as he was already tarnished by the remains of the Titan War.

"I'd rather stay in here.....I don't like the cold either," he lied with a candor smile that fooled. Taking another sip of his tea, Sano foudn himself rather tired. Sleep washed over him quickly, his eyes turning red from yawning and his muscles becoming as relaxed as a hibernating bears. "It's odd isn't it? We were briefed that Schulz would be up here with us, but I haven't seen him. I would expect him to be in here since this is the only cabin outside of Cadet's huts. Hm.."

The thought lingered, Sano turning back out the window to continue watching his teammates enjoy the spirit of winter weather. His body suddenly felt a shoving thud from his seat - on his hamstrings. "Woah!" he said rather loudly for a man of silence. "D'you feel that?" he asked Jade, her reaction claiming otherwise. "I guess it was just me," he added, his eyes perturbed by the unexpected shiver. It initially felt like someone had shook the seat, but not a soul roamed his perimeter. Then he though maybe Jade had accidentally moved it - another failed conclusion as her face held no lie.

"I guess I must've cramped up," he said, giving her a faint laughter. "Anyway, why aren't you out there? Besides the cold. We both know it's not as cold up here as it was up the mountain."
Sano Takeshi


Sano's journey up the glacial mountain proved to be eye-opening for the young cadet. The strengths and weaknesses of each individual were more prominent than before, revealing statistics that had not yet been keen. Grant started off showing strong morale and leadership, keeping the group talking and distracted from the hardships that nature casted. Lauren and Mora kept intact, leaning on the conversation to push them up the mountain towards their goal all while assisting their comrades to persevere. Jade kept quiet, but took the lead most of the way - holding an affirmative position in the front of the line. The similarities within the group were evident, but what Sano tried to capture was their differences. The lack of interaction from Jade, the trivial nature of Grant and the internal relationship between the other girls.

Staying behind everyone, Sano took the position of safeguard - ensuring no one was left behind in the storm. It had been a brutal struggle getting up that mountain, but the group's determination outwit the Mother that caused this frigid atrocity. Soon enough, group B had found their feet in a path to warm cabins. On the opposite end, the rest of their community.

Immediately, Sano ghosted his people, walking amongst them but seemingly invisible. They all cheered and praised each other's ability to make it up the peak - able to breath upon seeing the smiling faces of their friends and allies. Sano couldn't help but smile also, joyous to see some of the people he'd grown to like. Entering the warm cabin, Sano was able to remove his coat and take in the skin-zapping heat waves from the fireplace. He sat near it, looking out the window at his comrades ebullience. Drinking a cup of sweet lemony tea, all of Sano's nerves and concerns were washed away. He was finally relaxed and able to concentrate on their next mission. Though his longing concentration was interrupted by Jade - Midget Cadet #2.

"It's nice," he commented on her notion, enjoying the enjoyment of others - despite his demeanor. "They needed this," he added, knowing that training had been barbaric recently, so a little joy was desirable. It was sometimes difficult to exclude himself from those games as he was also young, but he needed to ensure that his head was clear and in the game. He had to be ready for whatever and felt as though if he were to deviate from the gameplan or his vision, then joining this Corps would have been for nothing.

"I'm okay. I just want to be ready so they don't have to," Sano started, still looking through the window at the amusement of his teammates. "Today I took liberty of assessing all of you. I know I have no right, that I'm no better, but I thought it'd help if I maybe gave y'all some input."

Sano gestured Jade to sit down, wanting to give her that data he saw out on the field. "You're strong Jade, very strong. You took lead out there, but held no voice. You know, I'm quiet because of choice, but I don't know why you are. You've got friends out there, why do you hold back?
Sano Takeshi


Olivia's attitude and charisma amused Sano, demanding his smile to remain plastered on his face - a gesture he's learned to detest in the last couple of years. To this new set tone, Sano decided to begin the match with some light jabs, keeping Olivia at arms length and outside his circle of defense. In retrospect, Olivia attempted to use her speed to evade the blows, but her head movement and footwork were not technically sound. He tapped her arm with a majority of his jabs, hitting the forearms that were raised to protect her head.

"Bend at the knees and hips, you're standing straight up and only moving your feet. Change levels, be unpredictable," he instructed, trying to coach Olivia through some basic movements. Changing up his own combinations, Sano started throwing crosses and hooks, keeping Olivia as busy as possible as Schulz was at the corner of his eye. With no strength behind his fist, Olivia was absent danger, but would need technique to remain completely unscathed.

"You're shorter than me, so I'm using that against you just like your opponent would. With my longer reach I'm keeping you outside, keeping you on the defense. You've got to close that distance, shoot for the takedown. Next jab I throw I want you to lower your level, come underneath and attack my center," he instructed, throwing the jab instantly after speaking.

Olivia followed, coming under his left arm and springing against his hips. The tackle forced Sano a couple of steps back, trying to regain his balance from the initial impact. "GOOD!" He exclaimed proudly, his hidden smile growing wider. Grabbing her hands, he forced her grip tighter, squeezing his midsection. "Like this." His face turned red as she was so close to his.....

Anyway, he continued the lesson, hoping this strategy would be useful to her in the bear future. "From here youll grab my left leg, lifting it off the ground. Simultaneously you want to shoot your head upward under my left armpit and run to your left. That shoul-" he stopped as Olivia pushed with the order and forced Sano to start hoping on his right foot until he could no longer hold himself up.

"Damn!" He cursed aloud, clashing onto the diet beneath him face first. The ground shook underneath him, or maybe that was his brain rocking foully in his skull. Successfully Olivia took the offensive, now ontop of him in the ground and pound position. Sano cough up some dust before speaking. "...and this would be your opportunity to finish with strikes, punches and elbows. Just be careful, don't give them your arms, keep seperation, but mounted. Be explosive, don't let your opponent get you into a submission hold."

Gently, Sano started to scoot backward and from underneath her. He got to his feet, now full of dust stains over all his clothes and his face. Though no matter, his smile remained, showing an enjoyment a scout had yet to see. Getting awkwardly close to Olivia, Sano bowed, complementing her quick learning and perfect form. "You did very good. Keep training and you'll be a force to be reckoned with." At that point, Schulz instructed another partner change, his voice like thunder.

Before walking away Sano bowed again. "Thank you, you're a lovely character Olivia."
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