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Yeah, but I'm not even a character. I'm just GMing. You guys play as third. Just finished writing in second, it will take some getting used to hahaha.

EDIT: What am I even saying! This is in free RP! You guys write in third or first if you want lol. Just tell me what perspective you want for me. I'm still gonna do second at least until it gets further. I wanna see how it would look like when I'm relaying information to you individually.
The eight hour flight is halfway done, and you start to feel bored. You look around you and notice how there aren't a lot of passengers in economy. Some are asleep, some are awake, and some are just minding their own business. Everyone has their own reason for the flight, but for some, it's an adventure.

You may be one of those who had problems with their booking, and decided to go through with it instead of wasting time waiting to be re booked. After all, you booked a trip for an adventure, and what's a better adventure than something unplanned?

Well crap, I'm not sure what perspective I should use. Third or second? I'm gonna use second, GM style. If you guys prefer third, tell me and I'll shift for the next post.
We're missing William Pike, but we're ready to start. I'll write up the intro post, you guys assume Will is asleep in the plane. Maybe let's not land it until he posts.
Hah! If you're gonna call me kid anyway, I'm gonna call you old man... Muhahahaha! But yes, I just haven't gotten to learning the character names yet. Thanks for the tip by the way, this is the first time I'm hosting.
Not sure how the CHAR tab works. Maybe you guys need to apply to post, I dunno, but please post your sheets here. You'll update them when something significant changes (inventory, maybe you got injured, etc.)

Here's the summary so far though.

fer1323, William Pike, Male, 21
Castle, Lane Peterson, Female, 22
Phantomlink959, Brenner Silversmith, Male, 62
Rogue Colm, Cecelia Sothée, Female, 19
Camerch, Emmett Brown, Male, 35
I think he's good. You're accepted unless the others have anything to say about it. They'll pick you up on the road, then?

Also, for new applicants, I'm not sure if we can manage another. But if you're interested, feel free to post. I'm yet to see how it will go with 5 players anyway, so who knows!
Well we've met the initial target of 4 players, but I think another one is okay. I think the others would welcome another player. Feel free to post your sheet here, using the interest check post as a guide.
Keep the ideas coming. The initial idea I had was just to give you guys some ideas. The important thing is we end up in a remote town far off, since it would suck if we're getting killed within the main civilization... right? Right? Heh.

As for old man's reason of coming with, since medieval chick sucks at technology (and maybe other modern stuff) she'll need some guidance. I guess. I dunno, whatchu guys think?

What do you guys think about the first post starting on the plane? Then after that we just skip to the bus trip to town.

My idea would be, there's a screwup with your booking, and you didn't notice / weren't notified early. Instead of wasting your vacation waiting to be re-booked, you decided to just do it, since you were on a vacation for an adventure anyway.
@Rogue Colm

You're accepted! I like it. A weird but positive contrast with aliens, haha.

Old man's right, we're ready to move this to OOC. I'd love it if you guys move your updated sheets to OOC though. And then when we've decided about your backstories I can start with the first post. OR I wil make a catch all post instead.
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