Avatar of Radaguast
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    1. Radaguast 10 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Looks like when life sneaks up on ya its like a ninja in the night.....but for now it seems ive gotten away, so lets get back into the swing of things shall we!
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Male - 27 - Easygoing RP Casual and 1x1's Im actually very flexable and can intagrate myself into a wide variety of Genres and Plots very easily, although more so with those that contain the 'Unreal' rather than the 'Real'. " YOLO "

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Uhg...I guess i need more than sugar and caffine to keep me running XP

Sorry for the sub-par post, my mind descided to draw a huge blank about half way though and i kinda just sloshed my way through the rest. I left myself wide open for anyone to say 'hi' and I promise my next post will liven up instead of being 'jerkey under a heat lamp'.....lol although I guess Kage would feel like that after 5 days in his 'special' cell LMAO.
Light....it was all that filled the small cell, occupied by not much else but a sink, toilet, cot, and the slender frame of a young boy that sat curled up in the corner. Ever since he had woken up in this room Kage was assaulted hour after hour, day after day, by the blinding glow of the light that broke through the glass walls of the cell, a never ending torrent that kept him from really knowing just how long he had been locked up.

The first few days Kage had yelled and cussed at thin air, not knowing if anyone could hear im, or if they even cared, but the only contact he could recieve was when the small slot at the bottom of his cell door would slid open and produce what he could only guess was his meals, soon they were the only things that allowed him to truly judge how long he had been cooped up. Sadly as time passed he no longer had the will to shout and scream...and his meals now would just remind him of the hours of blinding tourture he had to endure, feeling as if his body was becoming beaten and drained by the burning light that washed over him, as if they were feeding on his very life to sustain there wicked glow.

Through the buzzing of the bulbs Kage could almost make out footsteps from beyond the door, 'Day 5....I wish they would just ki...' but the next sound he heard was not the normal sliding of the metal sheild that heralded his meal, this time it was the loud metallic 'thumps' of locks and the screech of hinges as the door slowly opened. Weakly lifting his head from his knees Kage wondered for a second or two if his torment was finally over, that maybe he had served his time and could finally go home....but he knew better than to trust that little voice....for it had been wrong more times than he could count.

"Get up Prisoner......I said get Up!" came the harsh gruff tone from a rather burly looking guard who entered the cell, and although Kage did his best to stand, being rather weak from the lack of sleep, it wasnt fast enough for the man, who reached out and seized the boy by his arm and lifted him off the floor, drawing Kage's face towards his till he could see his own reflection in the black sunglasses the man wore. "When I give you an order you obey....got it!" the guard yelled as he turned and threw Kage behind him, causing the boy to trip and fall through the door and out of the cell, "The Warden says its time you got some exercise, thinks your getting fat just sitting on your ass all day in your room." the man said with a laugh as he watch the scrawny boy slowly pick himself up from the cold floor. "How pathetic....and they gave you our highest 'rating', your nothing but a waste of time." he sneered as he walked passed Kage and checking him hard in the chest with his elbow. "Now get to the Rec Room....and dont forget to play nice."

Kage wanted to turn and face the guard, to reach deep down inside him and show him he was messing with the wrong man, to picture in his mind a fist or club smashing him in the face and off his feet...But there was no use. Even though Kage's shadow was splayed out below him...it might as well have been a strangers. Since finding out about his abilities the young boy stuck to the shadows like they were his best friends, feeling relaxed and safe in the darkness, but ever since he awoke in that cell Kage could feel something was wrong...and it was al because of the strange bracelet on his arm, now his very shadow, once as 'connected' to him as his own legs, was now nothing more than a silhouette again.

To hungry to fight and to weak to care Kage only brushed himself off and slowly made his way through the hall, passing a few tables were other inmates sat, not making eye contact less accidentally angering without knowing, he only wanted to put distance between himself and the chuckled laughs of the guard as he bantered with the others, not wanting to guess at the topic of there discussion.

With every step he took Kage could feel eyes boring down upon him, wither from the Guards or the other inmates he cared not, for he only wanted to be alone, to sink into a dark corner and hope that he could wake up from this...nightmare, but the insomnia only allowed the boy to watch the others as they passed...listening quietly as he heard one of the other inmates do his best to play one of the crude instruments they had been given.
Im almost done with my post, I had to read up on everyone else's a couple of times just to make sure I didnt cross over any lines but I think i took a pretty good path with being a 'new comer', only having shone up a few days ago.

And please let me know if anything is wrong or dosnt make sense, i tend to rush sometimes and also post late at night when im half awake or running on gummybears and TILT XD
Garrison said
The potential for your power to be OP is really high but so long as you just go along with the state degradation of the bracelets and don't go over board, I think it could be really cool. You're accepted. Your Threat Level is 5.

Thanks I actually thought of it the other way around but i promise not to go overboard XD

Ooo, to think someone as nice and shy as Kage got a Lvl 5....cant wait to live up to it Lmao

Sorry for it taking so long to post, I just got my internet back after a verbal bout with
my provider...and I won XD.

Working on my post now.
My bad for the lateness, I hope i havnt caused any hang-ups

If theres anything you need me to change or add please let me know.

Name: RayVen Holliday
Alias: Kage (Kaa-Gay)
Age: 21

Personality: Kage is quiet and shy, usually going out of his way to steer clear of others and only kept to himself. But that dosnt mean he cant take care of himself when trouble arises, and back in the day you were always on the 'winning team' if he called you 'friend'. But his recluseness slowly has begun to take its toll on his mind, his imagination running away with him in the cold confines of the prison, till soon.....it started to gain a voice of its own..

History: As a child Kage grew up practically alone, his parents having died after getting caught up in a 'robbery gone wrong', and the only family he had left was his floozy of an Aunt who cared more about where her next 'fix' came from instead of the young boy she had been charged with raising. Soon he learned at this young age that he had to fend for himself if Kage wanted anything in the dark, dank, world he lived in, turning to stealing anything that he needed to survive, from food to money, even the very cloths on his back he had to 'get' with his own two hands.

Soon Kage could almost make himself 'invisible' if he wanted to and take anything from right beneath your nose, which served him well after he ventured out on his own to start a new life, since his Guardian had OD'd and once again left him alone, which now suited him just fine.

Kage never however stole from those less fortunate than himself and used his skills to help those he met along the way, influenced by the only thing his Aunt had ever gave him, even if it was just so she could shut him up, which was an old copy of the book Robin Hood, which shaped him into a fine man despite his surroundings.

Sadly however his happy, yet simple, life was turned upside-down once again, when he was caught trying to steal from the son of a local mob boss. After hours of being tied up and beaten for his crime the son decided he had a better idea to make Kage regret having set foot in his home, by taking a hot poker from his fireplace...and burning out the boys right eye. As the room filled with the smell of his burnt flesh Kage did his best not to scream, he only concentrated on surrounding himself in a mental sheild of darkness to block out the pain, then just as Kage thought he would pass out from the pain...it stopped.

Kage's shadow jumped to life as it formed the sheild he saw in his mind, forcing out those that evaded it, growing and growing till the son and his thugs fled in fear of the bubble of emptiness that krept towards them, then the sphere sank into the floor and disappeared.

By the time the young boy opened his eye again he was no longer in the home of the man who took his eye, but sitting infront of the home he had grown-up in as a child, the cold night air helping to cut through the 'haze' in head as he tried to make sense of what happened.

It took Kage alittle over a year to grow into his 'power' over shadows, and used it to continue doing the only thing he was ever good at...stealing. But his new found abilities made Kage lose sight of his once noble goals as he now didnt fear ever getting caught, soon making a name for himself as a master theif, which is when he was given his 'nickname'. Of course though it wasn't long till someone figured out about his ability, and his weakness for showing off his new abilities, and set a trap to catch him, by rigging the item he was to steal with enough electricity to knock Kage out for a long while.

When he awoke the boy found himself trapped alone in a cell, one which walls and floor contained bright lights and no furniture that could cast a shadow, not that he could use his abilities anyways within these new walls, for he knew it was just to torture him....every single day....

Skills: Fast and agile on his feet as well as having quick hands. Kage taught himself many defensive fighting styles, never wanting to actually hurt anyone, as well as being rather talented with a throwing knife, if only as a hobbie.

Power: Ability to manipulate Shadows with his mind, turning them solid and even changing there shape to fit his needs, but only when attached to his own Shadow. He can even use existing shadows as it they were doorways linked to every shadow around him, making escape rather easy at times, all he was to do is see were he wants to go and as long as theres a shadow there he can step through one (if not sink into his own) and pop out on the other side.

The History is alittle weak but I promise to make up for it in the IC. Im a big 1x1 RP'r and dont make any CS's so i hope this one is okay XD
Im sacrificing sleep just so I can post my CS XD, which im almost done with.

Ummm, do I need to run my CS by a GM before I post? and if so, who gets the first gander XD
Leviathan said
Rad! You're the friend I was going to pull into this rp!!!

Its as if im a mindreader O.O lol

PoisonLilies said
Of course there is more room.

Sweet, ill go ahead and get caught up on the IC and scan over the OOC one more time to make sure I got everything and as soon as I get off my phone and to my computer Ill have my CS to you.
Hola, do you have any more room, this actually sounds pretty sick XD

Hey Levi! ;)
Name: Alabaster Kage (Ka-Gay) (Nickname: Al)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Haunter Gijinka
Side: Neutral (If thats okay, kinda a loner XD)
History: (I usually put in IC but will add if you need it.)
Personality: Somewhat off putting and a bit of a loner he also tends to be alittle to...'friendly'. But although he seemes open sometimes a party animal, thoughs who are around him long can see it is a mask, a mask that hides his true feelings about the world around him and even his fears. These however do not stop him for sticking up for what he believes in as well as who he cares about with skill to back it up.
Crush: Open
Other: tends to have a few...bad habits as well as he is very good with his hands.

(Hope this is okay, I await your acceptance XD)
Sweet, Ill have my CS in a moment.
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