Avatar of RaeoftheLight
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 440 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. RaeoftheLight 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I can feel the motivation being sapped from my bones....
8 yrs ago
Will be gone all day but my nightly posting will not be affected....I tihnk.
8 yrs ago
Everyone in the apartment has been on a Skyrim binge so fights for the controller have broken out. And we also realized the controllers are so old they are dying.
8 yrs ago
How do I do the cool font thing? Ugh time to search google for these answers
8 yrs ago
Well, I'll be gone for the night! Have to get up early to babysit, so I will go to sleep at 11PM instead of 2AM. Like a responsible adult of my age.


Rae is just a constantly bored person who is trying to figure out life. She is currently struggling to make ends meet, and spends a majority of her time applying for jobs that never call for an interview or contemplating how she ended up such a terrible excuse for an adult. Rae also enjoys spending her time writing, and one day hopes to get enough money for college so that she may get a business degree and finally get her life on the right track.
Also of note is that Rae is a whiny diaper baby, and should most likely be ignored and avoided at all costs. In fact she is crying right now, fucking hell she is pitiful.

For more moments where Rae speaks in the third person and degrades herself, visit her terrible, occasionally funny, blog: Don't click, it Sucks
Or visit her writing blog: Warning:It hardly updates

Most Recent Posts

Am I wrong to think this is going to be more of a sandbox RP than a set story RP? That was the first impression I got; where the characters are telling the story, not filling in details between pre-set plot points.
If you do not want to RP, I understand. I lose interest in things all the time. I don't want to force you to role play something you don't like. I was just confused as to why you vanished, and would have appreciated you letting me know. I have no hard feelings about it, so don't worry!

It has left a sour taste in my mouth, though, and any interest I had garnered for this RP has dissipated. I think it would have been fun, but I'm just going to call this one a bust. However, if our paths cross again I will be happy to RP with you. For now, have fun out there, and thank you for your initial interest in this.
I'm hovering in the doorway, so to speak. I can't guarantee I will join, but it does sound interesting! I'll keep an eye on the progress and depending on my current IRL responsibilities, I may be able to dedicate some time to the RP. My only question right now is about powers. I guess what exactly constitutes as a power for each level. You say we start with an E level skill and combat ability, but what are the choices for that?
Going to assume you either forgot about this or have no interest. If you see this, feel free to either say you have no interest or say you want to do it, but after today I will just abandon this and not start it up again.
So handcrafted weapons, even if they are crude imitations of past weapons, are okay? Not like guns or anything, because I just threw that in there as a general question, but using any resource found to make a long wooden spear, or bow and arrows out or wood and sharpened rock?
One question I have is about weapons. I know the world crumbled in a year from now, but if the RP takes place 20 years after that, will there be possibility for weapons that are unusual? Like hand crafted two bladed daggers, guns upgraded with interesting additions (think Fallout), or even a wooden plank with rusty nails added to it.

~Still looking!~
I'll keep my eye out for this one, but depending on what's going on IRL when it starts I may not be able to join the fun.
Runa found her way to the gym rather easily, and was one of the first to arrive. She found a place to sit, hoping she wouldn't have to deal with too many other students around her. As the room filled with more and more children of the gods, Runa became nervous. Not all gods and goddess were on good terms with the other, surely situations would arise here with their children.

Apparently, Zeus was making an appearance today. Runa wondered if he was the one who orchestrated the entire thing. She had once heard Zeus had the most children of all the gods and goddesses. She wasn't sure if that were true, but if it was maybe that is why he wanted a school for godlings.

His voice filled the room, "Welcome to the Academy of Tomorrow. Here you will learn now to become the gods and goddess of the future. You are all equals here." and Runa scoffed. She doubted everyone believed that. Runa's father wasn't a very famous god, and as such she knew many more 'famous' children would not be carrying the same sentiments as Zeus. Runa hoped, however, the words might get through to the students and make life more bearable for her.

"Kitsune! I read about them in a book once. In Japan kitsune refer to foxes, but there is a lot of lore surrounding them, it ties in with the Shinto religion and their kami Inari...." Nova blushed and trailed off as she realized she had begun to ramble. "Sorry....I t-t-tend to r-ramble."

Tokala flipped through the air and in a puff of pruple smoke was in the form of her butterfly, a monarch looking thing but the only color was varying shades of purple. The butterfly fluttered around and landed on Nova's head. Nova felt the warmth of reassurance and smiled, mentally thanking her friend. The butterfly took to the air and once again became Tokala.

"The spirits....they, um, they are amazing." Nova grinned at Jasper. "I can't believe...that I am here. Because of them. It's a good thing, though!"
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