Avatar of Raven_Operative
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 849 (0.22 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Raven_Operative 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Guten Taaaaag~
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6 yrs ago
Merry Early-Access Christmas, y'all. The full version will release tomorrow.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Just Monika.
7 yrs ago
So I just played 'Doki Doki Literature Club'... All I can say is: GOD DAMN!
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Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste discerning in his choice of ramen. I'm a Canadian student currently living in Germany to do my Masters. I enjoy sports, martial arts, reading, writing, videogames and draw inspiration from all of these for my roleplays.

As for RPs, I like many different topics but only ever join one or two at a time. Any more than that, and I run out of time to write, so my quality really starts to slip. The upside of this is that I almost never drop an RP unless everyone else deserts it. If you see me apply to yours, it probably means I'm in for the long haul.

Most Recent Posts

"Don't control other people's characters!"

I know, I know. But no one was posting and I needed something to go off of, so... yeah. I didn't think I did anything too out of character for them anyway.


Yes. Extremely.

I'll get a post up for Lilly sometime later, but I'm out of time for the night after writing that. Maybe someone else will even manage to post by then
Evan Carn

"How... How long does it take to decide on a set of shoes?" This thought came to Evan's mind sometime during the third hour of their stop at the Randgrize shoe cobbler. First there was the clothing store, which took far too long (though he could at least understand how long it took to change clothes), then there was the café, which was a welcome respite from all the walking. The unfortunate downside was that since Eris was paying for his lunch, Evan had to pace himself and avoid letting his prodigious appetite bankrupt his benefactor. After that, they visited a shop specializing in jewelry, purses and other accessories, and lastly, the dreaded shoe shop. Originally Evan had actually been looking forward to this. It was just shoes, right? How bad could it be? In and out in 20 minutes, tops. ... Well that was two hours ago and Evan was quickly realizing exactly how wrong he had been.

By the time the girls had finished, they found Evan passed out on one of the street's benches, having lost the will to live been exhausted by carrying the small mountain of purchases around for them and deciding to capitalize on their tardiness by taking a nap. When woken, Evan groggily wiped his eyes and slowly sat up, stretching his stiffening muscles as he did. "Finally done? Ready to... You've got to be kidding me..." His relieved expression quickly faltered when he saw the nearly a dozen boxes that the girls were carrying with them... Just how the hell was he going to haul all of this?

By some miracle (and having the girls take a few of the bags themselves), he managed to make it back to the hotel with his entourage in tow and succeeded in setting the stuff down in a reasonably gentle fashion. "You guys figure out who's stuff is who's. I'm out." With a quick wave of his hand, he turned to leave but was stopped by a certain girl before he made it too far. Eris wanted to know about their bet.

Did he enjoy himself? Honestly, he wasn't quite sure. While lugging the bags around was far from 'fun', the banter they got into was enjoyable and their lunch was nice. He even managed to fit in the nap he'd been looking forward too all day. ...On the other hand, having Eris clinging to his arm multiple times during the day in a manner that was (apparently unbeknownst to her) incredibly easy to misunderstand... that was an annoyance. As Evan himself had said, he was probably old enough to know her mother. "It was alright. Fine, you win girly. I'll pay for the squad's next outing, but you'd better go easy on my wallet." Shaking his head, he pried her loose and headed back to his room before collapsing onto the bed.


Unfortunately, a nap so late in the day didn't do any favours for Evan's sleep. He had trouble actually drifting off, and spent the majority of the night in that place between asleep and awake where dreams were plentiful and nightmares lurked. He finally felt like he was about to drift off when he heard a knock at his door. Groaning and hauling himself out of bed, he sleepily staggered over to the door and opened it. There, standing in the hallway and dressed in a silken nightgown was... Eris? What the hell was she doing here? Evan blinked a couple times before asking her just that. "Um,... What's up?" Eris blushed and looked from side to side, before whispering back "I wished to talk with you... May I come in?" Well that was worrisome. The blush, the showing up in the middle of the night... did something happen? She looked nervous. "Uh, sure, girly." Leaving the door open for her to follow, Evan walked back to his bed and sat at the edge of it, a puzzled expression on his face. "Now what's up? Is something wrong?" "Oh no, nothing like that," said Eris as she closed and locked the door behind her. "You know, it was really nice of you to help us like you did, carrying around all of our stuff. I wanted to make it up to you~" Her voice had a slight predatory tone to it, as she stepped forward. Freeing one arm of her gown, she slowly shrugged the loose garment off, letting it fall to the floor and-

Evan awoke with a start, cold sweat pouring down his face. A dream. That's all that was. A dream. Goddamn it girl, get the fuck out of my head! Evan rolled out of bed and stomped his way over to the bathroom in desperate need of a cold shower. As fortune would have it, by the time he was finished another knock (a real one this time) sounded from his door. This time it was Corporal Hunt, who looked just as sleep deprived as him, calling him to a meeting.


After the Corporal's meeting, Evan looked around the room for a person to partner up with for the trek to the tavern. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied Eris. Oh hell no. "Vogel! You're with me.", he said, clapping the girl on the shoulder and leaving very little room to argue his statement.

As I told Zark in PMs, I write for the sake of writing, so my prefered pace is usually pretty slow. Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, I'll try to stick to a faster schedule now. Probably something like 1 scene every 2 weeks.
As requested, there we go. The scene has been set, and that's basically a time skip to sunday. I think Zark will need to have Hunt round up the squad, and then every one needs to make their way to the bar for black ops shenanigans.
Lord Barst

/// One week ago in the Gallian Intelligence Agency ///

"ATTENTION!" Understandably twitchy from the knowledge that a noble was running the show, the door guard called the analysts to attention the minute he spotted Lord Barst striding towards the office's main room. "At ease, at ease. I won't be here for long." While he did appreciate the formality, Barst was not a fan of it when he felt that it interfered with more important things, like his subordinates' ability to work. Moving quickly from desk to desk, he picked up the reports prepared by his analysts, skimming through them as he walked. Most of this was run of the mill stuff, troop movements, suspected supply caches, scout activity, etc, things that, while interesting, could be left to his subordinates to disseminate to the army. The last report, though, caught his attention. It detailed strange activity in Randgriz, and suspected espionage or sabotage as the root of it.

"Jackson, are these incidents related to the ones we got earlier in the month?" "Yes, my Lord." The analyst in question quickly stood up and hustled over to Barst, pointing out different figures in the report his had written. "Soldiers getting followed, missing ammunition, offices being rummaged through... It's the same as before. We thought we chased off the spy last time, but it seems who ever was behind this has stepped up their activities again." This remark caused Barst to scowl as he read over the report in more detail. "Damn... This is something I would like to handle personally, but apparently the generals want me to help lead a unit in Vasel... Hmm..." Looking at the map, he pointed to a cluster of points marked on it. "These incidents are mostly centered around the city walls and palace... They're probably scoping out the palace guard..." After he finished reading, he nodded to Lt. Jackson. "Good work, Lieutenant. Dispatch one of our spies to the city to investigate. Once I return from the battle for Vasel, I'll bring more manpower to deal with this." With that, the two saluted and parted ways.

Christian Dahl

The bar was completely empty at 8am. Indeed, it actually wasn't supposed to be open at all, but Christian (not his real name) knew the owner and managed to pull some strings. Lounging at the bar, he slowly nursed his whisky and passed the time by watching the townsfolk wander past. Lord Barst, or rather one of his subordinates, had contacted Christian two weeks ago about uncovering a spy ring in the capital. An unusual choice maybe, but despite his drinking habits, Christian was actually extremely good at his job. Over the last two weeks, he had snooped, stalked, and interrogated witnesses leading to his current situation: having narrowed down the list of suspects to a group of 6 men. Now he just had to wait for his 'reinforcements' to arrive so he could move against them properly.

Corporal Hunt and Militia Squad 4... Chris had been given a copy of the letter Lord Barst delivered to them. "Gather the squad and meet at the East Street Tavern at 0830hrs. Contact 'Christian Dahl' there, for your next assignment. Arrive in groups of three or less at a time. Burn after reading." Pretty standard fare for spy work. The squad had apparently been sent into the city as soldiers on leave yesterday, but today they were going to get down to work. Ordering another glass of whiskey from a very disapproving looking bar tender, he continued to twiddle his thumbs and wait. Only a half hour until he could chew their asses out for being late and wasting his time.
Alright, I'll try to move us along come tuesday.
@KoL This RP is phenomenally slow paced. I think we're almost up to year 3 and we've had like... 3 actual battles? Granted, each battle usually takes ~2-3 months to resolve but yeah.

The other issue is that we don't want to leave people behind. Our posting speed is slow as it is, and people have been known to disappear for weeks at a time due to IRL stuff. I don't really want to speed through scenes, because then people end up missing them, going 'wtf is going on?' and leaving.

If everyone is OK with it, though, I'm fine with picking up the pace a bit.
Lilly Jatmoore

Lilly smiled and nodded when James asked if she was ready to go. "That I am, though I neglected to bring much in the way of funds with me. We will have to stop at a bank along the way." After motioning for him to lead the way, Lilly followed beside him, keeping unusually close to the man who was her Corporal, her friend, and her... Well, things hadn't progressed that far yet. Still, the brief thought of such a thing was enough to make Lilly's face explode into a blush. "I-It certainly is a nice day out... Randgriz is indeed fortunate that the war hasn't pushed any closer. It seems like most people are still able to carry on with their daily lives." At first Lilly was scrambling for a topic, something, anything to get her mind thinking in a different direction, but as she spoke she composed herself and began to relax a bit. Looking around and watching children play in the streets or civilians going about their day to day life brought a smile to her face. This was what she was fighting to protect.

When they arrived at a bank, Lilly turned to address her companion before walking in. "Please wait here, James, I'll be back in a moment." It was easy to see why she would say this, after she talked to one of the tellers. Upon identifying herself and had her account looked up, the teller stepped away for a moment. When she came back, she was accompanied by the bank manager and several other executives who escorted Lilly into a back room, where they spent the next 20 minutes plying her with offers for investments, financial advisers, and portfolio suggestions. Having learned long ago that fighting the vultures tended to take even longer than simply playing along, Lilly smiled, nodded and feigned interest as the men delivered their sales pitches to what they thought was a young woman with more money than sense. No one expected that her father would have been grooming a woman (even if it was his daughter) as the heir to the Jatmoore Arms company. What they didn't know was that she had been educated exceptionally well in matters of business and finance. "I see... Your offers interest me, though I am not in a position to take you up on them at this moment. Would it be alright if I contacted you sometime during the week to continue our discussion?" The bankers enthusiastically agreed and Lilly, knowing that she would be far away from the city by then, thanked them for their time and continued about the business of withdrawing money from her account.

When she finally emerged from the bank (with a much fuller looking purse), Lilly bowed to James and apologized. "I am sorry that I took so long, James, but I think we can begin our explorations in earnest now. You weren't bored, were you?"

Evan Carn

"Girl, I'm like... twice your age. I probably know your mother." Lilly was not the only one blushing today, as Evan looked up and away from the woman currently clinging to and squashing her assets against his arm. "Fine, sure. I accept your bet, but... Look, you're a nice girl and all but you gotta get off." Carefree as Evan was, even he noticed that people were starting to stare. The last thing he needed was to be branded as the squad creep. After shaking the barnacle off his arm, he shrugged and addressed the group. "Alright, well... where are we going?"
Sorry about the wait guys, things took longer to square away than anticipated. I'll post tomorrow.

EDIT: Sorry it took so long, guys.
I'm technically back but, like an idiot, forgot my laptop at school before I made my journey home.

I might be able to mooch some time on my friends computer, but don't expect a post until Sunday. Rest assured, though, that Raven is watching. Always.
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