Avatar of Raxacoricofallapatorius


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current I learn through suffering.
3 yrs ago
Lamest apocalypse ever >:(
3 yrs ago
They’re all eating cake up on Capitol Hill
4 yrs ago
I really missed the Animal Crossing train, but I'm too poor to buy a Switch.
4 yrs ago
Internet broke send help


I want waffle fries

Most Recent Posts

My partner and I have done nothing but play Magic the Gathering for 7 days straight. Not that days matter anymore. I can't work because my job is closed until further notice (I'm a bartender). I'm halfway through reading GoT book 3. Maybe I'll take my longboard out later and roll around the neighborhood.
I’ve been cleaning house and playing Greedfall. Might start doing yoga, we’ll see.
So far today, I had two bowl movements. They both broke the water line. Do you enjoy that feeling of your gut right after a bowl movement, were your gut is so much changing because it lost shit?

I only have a bowel movement every 2 days or so, normally.
I’m an insomniac. I know my quality of life would be improved if I’d gone to bed four hours ago yet here I am, sabotaging myself.
@Ghostwritterna 33 posts in 18 days tsk tsk. Banned for bad maths.
I drunkenly purchased 250 stickers that say “Jeffry Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” on Amazon and I’m gonna put them all over this cursed city that I live in.
I feel like my last post went to a pretty dark place sorry guys. A fun fact about me is that I often overshare without immediately realizing it and then it just makes everyone uncomfortable.
When I was younger I wanted to get married and have a big family. I love kids, they’re pretty awesome sometimes. But now the idea terrifies me. First of all, I feel like I’m too poor to raise a child even with my partner’s help. Second, with my family history of mental illness and addiction, and my partner’s family history of cancer, I would not feel right having biological children. Third, I don’t think I’m mentally stable enough to deal with the stress of raising a child, after raising two puppies and nearly losing my shit at some of their antics I can only imagine how difficult it would be for me to handle myself when it comes to being beholden to an actual human child. You can’t crate train kids, after all. My number 1 biggest fear is having a lapse in judgment, deciding to have a kid or go through with a surprise pregnancy, and later resenting that child/my family to the point I abandon it. Which would make me a terrible person and I’d probably hate myself for the rest of my life or try to end my life.

A lot of people have told me that I’ll “change my mind” when I’m older (ironic since it was actually the opposite, I used to want kids and now I don’t), but honestly with the kind of lifestyle I want to live (minimalist and lots of travel) I cannot see a future in which I could be truly happy with children. Maybe when I’m old and settled, I could foster a couple kids and help them get a better start to life, but I really truly do not want a traditional family lifestyle. Parenting is really important, and not everyone is cut out for it, and I’m not going to risk the wellbeing of a child if I’m not 110% sure that I want that child and can give it the best life possible.
@HaleyTheRandom That’s a hell of an origin story. I was just a regular “oops we forgot the birth control” accident. My parents never wanted kids, but my mom had me and I was the most fucking delightful baby ever so she decided to have another one. My little sister refused to turn in the womb so mom had to have a c-section, and it was such a terrible experience that she also got her tubes tied because she never wanted to go through that again. My sister continues to be as stubborn and difficult as she was pre-birth to this very day.
@Odin It’s really just about preference, I think. There’s nothing wrong with beautiful characters. My take is that everyone makes beautiful characters and it’s just gotten boring for me.
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