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    1. RIengo 10 yrs ago


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Just one of the many faceless RPers on the internet. Been doing it for going on 7 years, now, and while looking at the beginning makes me cringe, I had fun. I'm probably a casual RPer, but I'm a tryhard, so I generally shoot for Advanced.

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Maybe the glass is just twice as big as it needs to be.
Maria felt a mixture of both relief and concern flood through her. Certainly, she was pretty glad how well this whole "stay silent" thing was going. She had managed to escape the notice of most of her fellow squadmates, as well as the living hurricane known as Feng. However, if this pattern continued onto a battlefield, and in a firefight, as the Captain had so offhandedly mentioned, Maria was growing ever-the-more concerned for her prospects of survival. But despite her initial trepidation, watching the Sergeant chew out anyone who crossed his path, she couldn't help but feel a small sense of warmth, in her tiny corner of anonymity.

Mentally backtracking, Maria began to idly wonder exactly they were supposed to DO. Her initial concern about being in a firefight wasn't exactly the most realistic of fears, mostly because the chances of them getting in a firefight with a bunch of aliens were hovering at about zero percent. Even escorting a bunch of scientists around, trying to find aliens, was bound to become less hilarious after a while.

She snapped back to reality as the Captain primly made his way out of the room for his meeting with... Who, or what, ever. Thinking in the physical plane once again, Maria strolled inoffensively towards the haphazard groups of bags that were recently delivered into the room. Scooping up her duffel bag under her arm, Maria quickly picked her way back to her bunk, making sure that she didn't elbow any of the various soldiers trying to get their mitts on their own supplies. She stuffed the bag under her bunk, yet another advantage to being on the bottom, and made the quiet choice to rifle through the contents later. She then left the room in order to hop on over to the armory. Hopefully, Maria would manage to beat the throng, and end up back in Echo quarters to pick through the PDA at her leisure, while the rest of the soldiers were jostling for their guns.
*Raises her hand* Present! :P

But all jokes aside, I'll have a post up tonight.
A quick, churned-out post, as promised! Let's just hope that things will pick up a bit more, eh?
Maria jerked back... Well... “Awake” wouldn't be the best word for it, she supposed, but certainly more conscious of her surroundings. She rubbed the back of her head, and did a quick survey of the room. She didn't like what she saw. One of the two men that had barged into Echo Quarters looked extremely pissed off, and so Maria quietly got to her feet, one hand still idly rubbing a spot on the back of her head.

She wasn't in the mood to tangle with her superiors, so Maria at least gave an attempt to standing straight up, though she doubted her posture would cut it in a truly serious situation. Her right hand, which until this point had been rubbing the sore spot on her skull where her head had rested against the wall, quickly dropped to her side, and Maria suppressed a grimace. She didn't like the empty feeling at her side, but she was hardly going to carry a sidearm here, of all places.

To occupy herself while she idly waited for the inevitable explosion from the more angry-looking of Chinese officers, she drummed her fingers on the sides of her legs, a habit that she had picked up in childhood and hadn't bothered to stop since. Unfortunately, things very quickly went downhill. Some crazy Englishman started to run his mouth, apparently trying to antagonize what she assumed were her superiors. She could barely make out what he was saying, between his fairly quick speech patterns, the accent, and the extremely distracting look in his eyes.

Maria repressed another grimace. Did they honestly expect her to work with this... Well, madman? Ridiculous! This program was more cobbled-together than she had even realized. Were they just grabbing any civilian that they could off of th- No, no. Best not to judge, or be overly negative. She was going to be spending a long time here, she guessed, and so if she didn't want to go as mad as the Englishman, she might as well attempt to focus on the positives... No matter how little there seemed to be.

Might have to work on the English a bit more... Despite the fact that every other person here seems Chinese.

A quick, irritated puff of air escaped Maria's nostrils, but otherwise she remained where she was, standing stiffly in front of her bunk. If this was how every single meeting with her superiors was going to go, this was going to be a LONG job....
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