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    1. RoccanIronclad 7 yrs ago


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Milo Ventri

Milo stood for a moment longer until one the servers appeared with drinks in hand, he insisted they were from Sio. Milo and Piage took the drinks and he looked into the glass, a nice scotch, normally he would have already been two down, however it hadn't been since the attack that Milo had had anything to drink, he knew what could happen, he knew what people would think, and he was not eager to fall into that, he doesn't want to lean on it to cope, escape from it, it wasn't the kind of man that he was choosing to be anymore. He sipped lightly and slowly at the scotch, taking his time as they moved into the dining area. Milo tried his best to ignore the pompous rich folk and not dwell on his own thoughts, however time and time again he would look over to Vika, hoping for a moment where he wouldn't have to deal with Jethro Dull and the others.

It wasn't too horribly long before one Ethans tagalongs came up to him and it seemed he excused himself, Milo took this as his opportunity, or whatever he wanted this to be. "I'll be right back, I figure now's as good a time as any to deal with this." He whispered to Paige as he tapped the cane lightly twice on the stone floor. He began to walk through the crowd and ignored most the people a few of which tried to comment on the cane, or his outfit, or him, but soon he approached Vika and her group, "Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping for a quick word if at all possible." Milo kept his voice level, even though looking at her was actually infuriating him.

He was able to get her away for the moment, the two of them had not spent a single moment actually dealing with any of the mistakes they had made. Milo leaned against the wall a bit before holding the cane out to her, "I saw you were looking a little unsteady, I would have given this to you sooner, though it seemed your new beau had it covered." Milo could almost be seen visibly biting his tongue, so many things wanting to be said, yet this was not the time nor place, "Honestly, I wasn't sure if you remembered the cane or not, I kept working on it, even after you ghosted me, thought you might come back, apologize, maybe try again." Milo could feel the annoyance in his chest. He smirked and let out a chuckle, "I shouldn't be so upset, you ran from me cause I had a woman in my place of business, and into the bed of a man that has loose women in his tour bus every night, and I got picked up by an old friend who won't let me down." Milo just shook his head, "I hope this shows you that you did mean something to me."

Milo Ventri

Milo waited patiently, though to be fair as of late he had very little patience for the incessant clucking of the West Coast elites that sol seemed to have, had it not been for the direct invitation from Sio, he would have never even come. Things however, never play the way that Milo wishes, and a flashy group of overly entitled looking children come in one of whom heads straight for Vika, there display was a tad overly dramatic though Milo could tell part of it was likely her balance, and he was now struck with a desire to assist her as well as to walk away, all because of this rumor abound that they were talking of a pregnancy. Milo masked his anger, when he believed she just didnt want to be with him it was one thing, but to already be having another mans child. How long had the two been together? Had she even waited until they had actually split before she slept with him?

Milo turned to Sio as she told him about heading outside, Milo nodded, "Yeah, a smoke break sounds good right about now." The not so subtle seething could be heard under his breath, the idea of having been not just abandoned, but used didnt sit well with him. As he followed Sio out with Paige he reached in his vest to the inside breast pocket and retrieved a small humidor, that held three fine cigarillos and a lighter, he had just managed to light it before Maria approached Sio, and of all things attempted to subtly accuse them of being a main component of the spread.

Milo drew on the small cigar and chuckled, "If only we could be so lucky." Milo let the fragrant plume go and shook his head, "Though I would be talking with Hacksyl Rose in there to keep his trap shut about personal matters, and less time pretending that the normies out here are of much consequence." Milo held his brazen stare at the older woman, she may be rich and powerful, but Milo couldn't care less.

Milo Ventri

Milo watched as Paige made her way to him, a lovely blue dress, oddly one that matched him a bit, she looked beautiful though. Milo thought that she always seemed to be able to fit into the scene, whether it were campfire and beer, or gala and champagne. As she came up to him she wrapped her arms around him lightly and kissed him, a sensation he was still getting used to. Milo didn't shy away from it though, he returned the affection in whole and when she stepped back to take in his ensemble he chuckled as she remarked.

"Well, I try to clean up nice, though if I had known we would be matching I may have reconsidered the outfit."

When Paige made mention of the 'technique' Milo could only sigh, the last time he had ever done anything like that was on a camping trip and it was with a buck knife and beer bottles, he was almost stunned that she managed to saber a champagne bottle and not kill anyone.

"Oh, you didn't saber the bottle..."

As he was speaking, Sio sauntered through the crowd, with champagne flute in hand, and as usual a story to tell. Sio came right up and hugged him, to which he was also not accustomed to, and then began to whisper about Marlin or something. Milo looked about as they spoke, mostly looking to see if he could spot Vika, he wanted to deal with this cane early, that way should he feel the need to leave, at least he wouldn't have that hanging on him as well.

Milo was brought back to the conversation with Sio with a poke to the ribs, he winced slightly, still a little sore from his altercation. "There wasn't any planning though, the choice was more so that I wouldn't be carrying this cane while wearing something completely off." As she continued to speak she outlined what was going to happen after a bit. "Hm good thing I showed up, it seemed like this art show needed some actual art in it." He held the false cocky smile for only a moment before chuckling, "You did amazing Sio, you deserve every second of this."

I'd like to see where this goes.
Yeah I am not in many games that interest me at the moment and just want to do something that has a little more control, I am super up for just about anything if anybody has a story they have been dying to play out, I am willing to do most storylines only thing I will ask is that you don't ask me to do a animal rp, I can do werewolves and shape shifters, but I won't play as an animal the whole game.

I like to at least have a paragraph, but you know, dialogue doesn't always go that way. If you want to play lemme know.
Milo Ventri

Milo stood in his bedroom still wet from his shower staring at his closet, he had been invited to that show that Siobhan was putting on, which oddly enough was at Vika and Marlins house. He already knew that Paige was going, her and Sio have been inseparable as of late and the relationship has been good for her. He and Paige have been trying to keep their own relationship steady, no thanks to his recent arrest, he never got charged or anything, but the strain of it has made him a little quiet, she had let him have some space of his own request, but he knew that he shouldn't take too much, so when she told him about the show he took it under consideration.

Milo started to get his outfit together, royal blue dress shirt and pants and a black vest over top, a silver chain hanging from the pocket leading to his watch, his somewhat modern Victorian style, he looked in the mirror, his hair done up and beard was trimmed,he had a thought for a moment and walked out into his shop. After about a minute or two of rustling around he managed to pull out a box and inside was the intricate snowflake designed cane, it was a similar royal blue to his outfit and actually matched him quite well, though it was a hair short for him, it was more for the look anyway, and since Vika never got back to him about it this seemed like it would be the only good time to get it to her. With that he took a deep breath and made his way out to his truck and drove to Hephaestus Manor.

Milo walked up to the front doors and was let in to the show, people everywhere, artwork lining the walls, all of it nice, though not really his style, in the back of his mind the only thing he could think was that the best piece of art here was still the one in his hand, but what artist doesn't think they are the best around. Milo heard the popping of a champagne cork and a familiar metallic click, as he strode over to the mass of people gathering by the bar, the cane lightly clicking on the floor, the sweet sound of silver lightly ringing, there were several familiar faces, Vika and Marlin, Paige and Sio, and many others and of course Paige was there with a champagne saber and an expensive bottle in hand. He kept a distance as they were passing out drinks, for once, he wasn't in the mood to drink.

Milo Ventri

Milo just rubbed his wrists, he had been straining against the cuffs nearly since they had been placed on him. Paige was doing her best to try and console him, now with all the realizations setting in and his fears being brought to light and the road ahead looking more daunting than ever, he thought to the woman that Paige referred to, Miss Knight, he didn't know her well but if Paige thought she could convince her to assist them in some way that was good enough, "Alright, so we just try to talk with your friend at the club, coach them on some key questions and info we need and let them loose?" Milo looked as if he was deep in thought, "Hell, it's like trying to be the good kid at the party but acting drunk enough to not seem weird. Your friend is likely to get found out, you know that right? Things haven't been great for people involved in this."

Milo Ventri

Milo rubbed his wrists, finally free of the cuffs, he understood that they needed to do so, he didn't want to believe everything that he had been hearing since he had come in, the whispers that he had beaten the man to death, the man had been an assassin, he couldn't have been dead, but with the way Paige moved the topic, it set down on him that the reality was that, he was a murderer, as bad as the man he had killed. Paige told him about how she had shot an impostor at the gallery, it seemed they both had had a hard day however just as they knew it would, when he struck back, he ends up in cuffs. Milo could only think that he was lucky that at least it had been deemed as self defense.

Milo sat back down, now that he was no longer sitting on his hands, "What do I do now Paige?" Milo looked at the floor, "Everyone always thought I would do it, but now that I did, how do you deal with this?" Milo just looked at his hands, he could almost see the blood still, all the cuts and bruises on his knuckles, the tightness in his chest, he had so callously thought about doing the very same thing to Nikki just to stop him, yet now that he had crossed that line, he began to fear what it was that he was to become. Could he do it twice? Would it be easier the second time? Should he just leave, let this all fade? Could he even do it? As he looked to Paige, tears in her eyes, he couldn't let her do this alone, that same competitive spirit the two of them had, was the same one that would drive the two of them into the mouth of hell as long as the other one would go. "So what is the plan then? You want to go to the club? Might need to sweet talk a sheriff or two to get them to let me out." the last thing he wanted at this moment was for her to look at him differently, he just wanted to keep talking as if things were ok.

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