Avatar of Roleplay Girl
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Roleplay Girl 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current I need help for Roleplay ideas :|
9 yrs ago
Why are roleplays so hard to make for people to roleplay in :(
9 yrs ago
Hey :) i'm new here and would just like to say: Sorry if my roleplay sucks


Hello :3

I am new to this Website but i'm a great Roleplayer :D
I would mostly do anime roleplays and every now and then Harry Potter XD or something else

I accept anyone who wants to join my rp and i would follow back if you follow me :)

Most Recent Posts

Olivia became curious about the caller and smiled "How can i help you with your school paper, Mr Digoji?" she asked politely
Name: Rachel
Age: 19
Appearance: Click on link
Skills: Able to use firearms/bow and arrows
Attitude: always serious, never mess around, hardly smiles

A/N: Please do a bio before joining the plot


Earth was once a peaceful world; Blue sky, green grass, tall buildings, clean air, alive people. But one day a war happened and hell got loose. An army plane from the enemy dropped a bomb in our city but it wasn't an ordinary bomb... it was a nuclear bomb. Once everyone realised what it was, they started running but it was too late everyone in the city got either killed or crushed by buildings, those who managed to survive weren't the same... they were mutants. Luckily for Rachel, she was in the countryside when the explosion happened and was watching the news when it happen, before the bomb dropped she saw her parent's on TV and got happy and couldn't stop giggling, but that stopped when the bomb made impact to the ground and just saw her parents died before the news got cut... the bad news about Rachel... she was only 11 and is now broken since she saw her parent's die on TV, right in front of her
That happened 8 years ago and Rachel is now living in an old -hidden- house next to the city with no crew so that mean she has a lot of food but she doesn't eat much.

It was around the early morning that Rachel decide to go looking around in the destroyed city and was on high alert, every time she heard something; she would turn to the sound and points her pistols to the direction but would always find nothing. She quickly walked deeper into the city and saw it was empty, she thought it was very suspicious that nothing was here so she grabbed a brick off the ground and threw it to the furthest building but still nothing. She frowned and kept walking, looking left to right every now and then

A/N: if you like to, you can add your character's background
- You can be L or your own character -

~My Character Bio~

Name: Olivia (played by f(x)'s Sulli)
Nickname: Liv (To everyone), Agent O (To L)
Age: 21
Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes, pale skin
Skills: Speaks english and Japanese, can easily hack into computers, can handle a firearm
Attitude: Bubbly/Fun, Sweet, Friendly but can be Serious

If you are being your own character, please write a bio before joining the plot

Right now in Japan there is a Killer called Kira. Many People are thankful for him while many thinks he is doing the wrong thing. Olivia was somewhere in the middle, Kira saved her once and is thankful for it but she also thinks Kira is just another criminal. She informed L about what happened and told him that she is thankful but she also said that it could have been a coincident since he is always killing. That night happened 5 months ago and Olivia remembers every single bit.

Olivia was now in University learning English and Law, she was currently in the university library studying English, her phone then vibrates and saw that she getting a call from -You- (L or own character) "Hello?"

A/N:They are all speaking japanese so if i write in Italic that means the character is speaking fluent English
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