Avatar of RPCWhite
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 246 (0.07 / day)
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    1. RPCWhite 10 yrs ago


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Spectre gunned it towards the shores, even with his suit on though something seemed off. It seemed almost like something was driving him to get there as quickly as he could. They hit the shore quickly ad Spectre jumped off the boat. He grabbed his AUG, a tomahawk, and a M9 pistol with a suppressor and moved towards the building. He began scaling the wall with his tomahawk and soon was over before Svetlana could follow. H landed on top of a guard and snapped his neck. He grabbed the mans suppressed UZI and slung it over his shoulder and sprinted through the loading area of the complex, forgetting about Svetlana.

Iceman had gotten to the airport before they hit the shores and was already set up in his position. He spotted Spectre sprinting, and knew it would happen. "Svetlana, Spectre's off the reservation, it's just me and you at this point. Front gate, forty meters to your left. I can handle the guards." He quickly took aim and began dropping the guards for her. " Gate is clear, move in and take cover. I will scout a path for you." He found a path perfect for her to get into the building and breathed. "All Right, go left ten meters and then shoot straight up the center of the crates. after you reach the blue on go another 25 meters to your left and you got a straight shot at the door, after that you are on your own." He covered her so she could move through the area without alerting anyone one. Once she was inside he packed up and went to higher ground.

Once she was inside the guards all stared at her. There were about 15 in there, with pistols and submachine guns. There was an elevator beyond them. it would take her to the floor she needed to be at. The men quickly scattered and took up positions to shoot at her, and also to keep her from the elevator.

Thirty floors down.....

Three bodies hit the floor, and Spectre walked into a small hallway, walking over the bodies as he did it. He approached a door and entered a code he had hacked from a computer to get in. The door opened and he walked in, and saw his prize. He walked up to a pedestal in the center of the room and knelt down to it. He smiled as he looked at a small chip inside a glass container on the pedestal. He took the glass case off, and alarms began to blare throughout the facility. He took the chip, but needed a new suit of armor to put the chip in.
Sorry, some things have come up. I will post wednesday or thursday as that is when my courses for school end for a week so I will have time to reply.
Nah, none of the people I know would be interested. I will post sometime tomorrow, too tired tonight.
As the young elf appeared the crowd began to roar and move forward. The captain saw this and took the girls arm and pulled her into the formation of his men. The men all locked shields and readied their words. The Villagers all looked at the soldiers and stopped. They wanted the girl punished, but were not about to face the Altean Soldiers. Even though the villagers out numbered them the Alteans were trade combatants, and most were veterans of war.

"Back away!" The captain ordered and the Villagers all began yelling, but complied with the order. The soldiers marched forward, the elf in the middle of the formation. They brought her to a jail cell at the sheriff's office and locked her inside. The young man she tried talking to before stood at attention inside whil the rest of the men stood outside and kept the villagers at bay.
*continues CPR*
Interested in the historical rping (I am terrible with most of the in depth stuff but I enjoy learning about it). If you would like to PM me so we can discuss a possible rp that would be awesome :)
Ugh, forgive the curse of the double post... >.>
If you wanna rp I can do all except the fighter pilots.. I don't think I could do that one well. Pm if you wanna rp :D
Well reserve me a spot. I will fill in a role once other people pick.
Well I know but you also don't want everyone being a sniper or a heavy weapons specialist. I didn't know if you had a set role for anyone yet or if anyone had done so.
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