Avatar of Ruby Etra
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    1. Ruby Etra 9 yrs ago


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Would be grandmum.

I'll let you fill it in based on whats already known.

It should be noted that though lucille the 2nd is considered the most remarkable. She has made a name for herself.

If you can't remember she's super tough, and though a bit lecherous. Also a bit older life span then average human

Main personality traits: Courageous, Lawful, daring, distant, determined, chivalrous. A bit immature often ignoring the fact that she has a child, and rather lecherous

Important facts: Recently remarried, Her summon is something to be truely respected, and is said to be traveling, the mortal world, spreading the word of god. He can still be called upon, and is something that any war veteran would remember. She has been offered 100 higher positions, but prefers to be in the action.


Hell any good song from bayonetta will do.

IS mum back in the day and now Give me a sec and i'll grab grandma
Where did you post your NPC characters.... I can't find them.

back ic when the grand mum/angel also in pms.
@Ruby EtraAAAHHH!!!! OK. Well thank you. I did not know I could that. (Sounds sarcastic, but I am for reals, thank-you for that info)

If you plan to use mom somewhere do not use summon image.
*facepalm* right click them.....click copy url... Der you go.
@Ruby EtraSend them to me Via PM in a form I can copy and paste them into the intro.

They already existed.....
Hey guys! I have been editing the first post in the OOC. I will be periodically adding NPC characters to that post. Please make sure to read them.

Also, If you have an NPC that you would like to recommend PM his CS and we'll go from there.

I was thinking that people will have a NPC to control as well as a character so the staff of the school could be more lively. If that is ok with everyone.

I already have my 2
Also, its been brought to my attention so i'll explain how it works if a kid's parent is a summon.

Well, the fact is, that in order to keep power balance and such, every person in the world has a summon that was born with them. When the time comes to receive that summon, they do. So even if 1 parent is a half-summon, the kids will not be a half summon. If a kid is born of a summon as a mother or father, the summon is born with them in the same place. (Not from the same mom) If a parent is half-summon, and the other is a human. There is absolutely no chance that the offspring can be a half summon.

Therefore, the only way to be a half-summon is if you get genetically changed into it or you are born as a mix. (Which is as rare as getting quadruplets that were all boys)

It's actually liklier for them all to be boys!
Monday morning day 1

Lucille would be laying in her bed at her grandmothers house sprawled out on the bed. as if she had just had a nightmare, while the little angel on her screen would be screaming, "Your gonna be late. Your gonna be late! Wake up already!" Meanwhile Lucille would open her eyes to scare the little program into near deletion. meanwhile she got up still dressed in her usual uniform her hair straight instead of the curls she wore last year. She stood noticeably a few inches taller as she got up and put on her socks, leg braces, and shoes. Running into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and do her hair before she was off to school. Though the annoying little angel would find a way to bother her even when brushing her teeth bt switching the way the tooth brush was going whenever she thought she didn't get the last spot good enough.

As she ran down stairs grabbing the energy drink her grandma put out for breakfast before going out the door slamming it behind her. She'd get on her moped setting the mp3 in her front coat pocket with the headphones letting it use its natural speakers before it would start trying to couch her on directions saying things like "Make a clockwise turn at the next triangle." Lucille would let it go mostly because she knew it wasn't used to human life at all, and it would take some time to adjust. Though in the mean time she had to get to school, and finish her drink at the same time, while trying to give this thing some sort of attention.

It would end shortly as she saw eris and someone else in the crowd talking, and would quickly park and lock up the moped heading over to see the two as she removed her drink from its socket(electric puns are fun.) As she finally got to her removing her helmet and letting her hair flow more freely she'd wave saying, "Hey what have you been up to over the extended break. Did you ask him out yet?" She'd saying pausing in wait for a response as her summon seemed to stand still on the screen tracking the coffee based energy drink with her avatars eyes. shortly after though she'd fall silent for a second getting a sadder look on her face "Thanks again for helping with Isabella by the way." Though the awkward moment that followed after would be quickly followed by the new summon saying "Can I have some of your drink please." Unaware of what was going on besides the drink said it energized you, and she finally had her turn to talk. Lucille meanwhile would bury her face into her hand.
I'm working on a post now sorry.

Got skunked, and was only allowed n house when no one was around till now.
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