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    1. Rupdeus 10 yrs ago


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A thing I would like to include in this is the fact that it is dangerous. Maybe our characters only race when their money's in it? Since you could lose everything if you fuck up.
Also, in regards to racing, I thought maybe we could race each other and be each others rivals until we decide to go ahead and make a team once more people join. I already have a bit of an idea of how this could work out in a story.

That'd be cool, but then we have to decide who's going to win. Assuming everyone's on the same level, we could use a dice to decide the outcome before the race starts.

Yeah, let us build up. We should start in really shitty cars, like in the old Need For Speed games.
Interested * Notices Rupdeus * What the, how do I keep running into you ?

I think we are destined to be in the same RP.
Am I accepted? Is this still a thing?
I, personally, don't think the shapeshifter part will fit in the RP, but that's just me.
I think being part of the same crew would be cool. Then we have to rise through the ranks and race other crews, etc. etc. More like Need For Speed than Fast & Furious.

Miles sits over the toilet, puking out all what sat inside of his stomach. Did he really just stab his mother and uncle? Miles stands up and grabs a towel, with which he wipes his face, after which he turns the faucet on. Blood is dripping all over his hands. It's pretty fucking disgusting. He starts washing his hands as he tries to think. Fuck, what is he going to do now? He can't go out of town, he knows no one outside of Savannah. Inside Savannah? Well, from the sounds he is hearing the whole town has fallen to this outbreak. He read about it in the papers, he saw snippets of news flashes on the TV about a new virus. He didn't really pay attention to it at the time, viruses break out now and then and thus far it didn't affect him or someone close to him. This was different.

His gladius lies on the coffee table the living room. Miles grins uneasy at it as he enters the room. If it hadn't been for that thing, he would have died. The boy steers his eyes away from his uncle and mother, who are laying dead in front of the TV. He picks up the gladius and walks with it to the kitchen. He thought about the situation for a time in the toilet, and he has calmed himself down for now. The gladius is all bloody. It almost makes Miles puke again. He turns the faucet on and he starts cleaning the gladius up. The blood dripples down with the water into the sink. He turns the faucet off and he grabs the scabbard from the dinner table. He sheaths his gladius into the scabbard, and hangs it on his belt. Outside you could see the ravage. Cars are flipped over, a few undead here and there. If you listened closely, you could hear chaos in the distance.

Miles finally gathers the courage to face his uncle and mother. When he sees their faces, he gets really disgusted. Is this his mother? He barely recognizes her. And his uncle... was it even his uncle? It could've been somebody else, if it wasn't for the clothes and his necklace. He faces the window that goes onto the street. A car races through. Miles decides to sit down and think this all over.

A few minutes later, he hears a few shots. The shots seem to be coming from the civic center, not to far from here. The remaining infected seem to be drawn towards the gunshots, because they are moving out towards the sounds. In a minute the street is mostly empty. Miles decides this opportunity to get help. It is now or never. He rushes out of the front door and he stands in the middle of the streets. He looks to his left, where no infected are to be seen, and to his right, where he could make up the civic center in the distance. At the civic center were gunshots, so that means actual people who could help him. Miles takes a deep breath as he thinks this decision over. His final decision is to head to the right, towards the civic center.
Although I have never seen Initial D, I'm interested.
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