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"I lived with an Arch Demon and Cherubim. I think a wizard and a djinn would be easy." Will said to Jackson, grinning at him. "Uhh..though, I might want to meet this sister first."

"Erm. In the woods, mostly. I have a small place. It isn't much, but I can make what I need out of fire, so I'm okay." Will would say, eyes cast towards the woods. He didn't mention, however, that his home was a small shack made out of wood.

"Why?" He asked, genuinely curious. He had just met this guy, and the guy didn't seem evil.

"You were about to say very cool, weren't you?" Will grinned, having to hold back a laugh. "Don't worry, those aren't all of my abilities. I'm a fiery person too, when I'm not ripping up purse snatchers." The Nephalem told Jackson, holding up a finger and allowing a small, black flame to ignite along its surface. Then, he held up his other hand, pointing his thumb up, and allowing a white flame to burst into existence.

"Nephalem. Half Angel, Half Demon. Haven't met any more, so I think I could be the only one...that I remember." Will said, giving Jackson a nod of his head. "I don't do magic, but what I can do is pretty close."

"Will Redglade. And I'm unsure of knowing anyone. Amnesia." He said, gesturing rowards his head. "All I know is my family, Blake. Apologies." Will would then step onto the grass, before kneeling, letting the ice flow onto the ground and refreeze. "Unless you know other mythical entities like me, who knows?"

"Hmm..Well, I've been in harm's way before." Will said, after the lady had driven off with the purse snatcher. A slight smile upturned his covered lips before he looked towards Jackson, standing and brushing himself off.

"Oh. The mask?" The Nephalem asked, gesturing towards his face. "I was taught to not go around showing my face to police and politicians." Then, Will's silver and gold eyes narrowed as the ice suddenly seemed to liquify, flowing down his arms.

"Ice is just my thing. No Magic, like what you just cast," The Nephalem said, noicing the faint green glow,"but something that I can control using the energy I get from being what I am." Then, he would fix his clothing, shaking his head to attempt clearing the adrenaline from his veins. He was still grinning...a real danger seeker, this one. "I just saw the guy running with a purse. Unless that's what guys do nowadays, I was pretty sure that he needed a good takedown."

Waiting on @Flightless_Soul 's next post. Then I'll reply to both at once instead of typing multiple posts. ^^
Suddenly after, both officers piled out brandishing their tasers on the robber, Red yelling to the top of her lungs, "POLICE! Drop the purse, NOW!"

But the robber merely looked back and kept on running. Red huffed angrily, already in pursuit of him. "Son of a-! Rookie, you take care of the lady, I'm going after him!"

As the Officers shouted, the whisper was carried through the wind. The Nephalem, high in the sky, could hear the pursuit as it was happening. '..What? Wait, I'm missing something.' William thought, stopping himself in midair. He would angle himself towards where the voices originated..and his eyes narrowed as he observed the purse snatcher.

His silver eye seemed to brighten for a minute, the moisture in the air freezing around his hands, rapidly collecting until his hands were covered entirely. Then, the newly formed ice molded itself into razor sharp claws, clicking as he flexed his hands.

Then, he tilted down, his wings flapping once before they were tucked in. The Nephaelic youth would shoot down and towards the Purse snatcher, arms extending
Towards the leather-clad snatcher's shoulders. Will's hands would lock around his shoulders, body bending inwards to plant his feet in the other man's back, using his momentum to send him crashing to the ground. Now, with his foot on the man's back, Will would hiss. "Stay still." He growled out.

The ice from his hands, having ripped the man's jacket, would quickly travel to his face like a liquid, forming into an icy mask that depicted the face of an Arctic wolf. The Nephalem raised his now covered face towards the officer, giving the female a polite nod. "Apprehended, Miss..?"
There. Will's flying in the park, maybe someone'll notice. That or if he sees the purse snatcher and hears what's going on, you'll get a dive bomb sequence.
"Bored. Bored, Bored, Bored." Will said to himself, as he silently swung his legs over the side of the branch he was resting upon. The Nephalem would let the momentum carry him over the branch, descending towards the ground. Once he touched down, he would bend his knees, absorbing some of the impact in a safer way.

"Well...today it doesn't seem too bad. Maybe I can fly and not get shot down." Will whispered to himself, his eyes cast towards the sky with a look of longing. He wasn't sure about flying anywhere near cities. Too many people. However, today seemed like a calm day. The sky was blue, the air was nice.

'Screw this, I'm flying.' Will thought to himself, as he moved away from the tree. Taking off his jacket, the young adult would check the back of his shirt for the pre-cut slits he had placed into each of his shirts. Despite popular belief, not all winged beings feel no pain when they rip a shirt off of their bodies. Then, he nodded his head silently, and from his back, a pair of wings extended. These wings were as black as night, extending out to a wing span of ten feet on either side. Then, he would roll his shoulders back, and under the first pair, a pair of snow white wings would extend, being eight feet long on either side.

Will crouched slightly, before using his enhanced strength to kick off of the ground, flapping his wings to bring him aloft. 'And..And...Airborne!' The Nephalem cheered in his head, before he flew towards the city.

As he flew, Will quickly remembered a certain problem he was sure to run into. Places to land. Angling himself towards the park, Will would soar overhead, high in the sky, shadow cast along the ground seeming to mimic him perfectly. His keen hearing would attempt to let him know what was going on, down below.
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