Avatar of Saarebas
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Saarebas
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7038 (1.86 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Saarebas 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Hey everyone! Trying to get back into the swing of things after a LONG break. Happy to see the site still kicking =)
6 yrs ago
Just wanted to say sorry to all my RP partners for my disappearance. Things around my unit have gotten ridiculously busy lately and I have had almost no free time. I'm hoping things calm down soon.
6 yrs ago
Yay I'm finally 21! I can no longer be charged as an adult for being underage!
6 yrs ago
Ice hockey is basically just people wearing knife shoes fighting each other with long sticks for the last Oreo.
6 yrs ago
I like just letting people think I'm dumb, it's too much work to open my mouth and prove them right


Hello my RPing comrades and welcome to my little slice of the internet, help yourself to a cookie. If you have come here you must want to know a little bit about me, colored me faltered!! Well to start I'm a twenty year old male who has been roleplaying for the past six years, I actually got my start on the original site before it went down if anyone was around for those days. I am currently employed as a LPN for the U.S. Army, which is just another way for saying that I usually have quite the busy schedule yay... My interests are pretty simple; gaming, reading, and of course roleplaying!!

As for my RPing skills I usually try to keep to the casual section for RPs, though I have dipped my toes into the advanced sections from time to time, so I usually try to shoot up two to three good paragraphs per post. Interest wise I am a sucker for anything fantasy or superhero based, what can I say dungeons and spandex excite me XD I love a simple slice of life RP too, helps with a change of pace. I normally play male characters, I just feel that I am able to write for them better than a female character. I love talking in the OOC, almost a bit too much so if I am chatting your ear off please tell me to shut my trap, trust me I really need to from time to time.

Oh and please if you want to send me a PM feel more than free to, I love meeting new people, and I only bite half of the time =D

List O Interests:

Elder Scrolls
Marvel Universe
DC Universe
My Hero Academia
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
The Wolf Among Us/Fables
Star Wars
Mass Effect
Oh and of course...

Most Recent Posts

Hey all I would love to throw my hat into this =) I've only recently really started to dip my toes into actual DnD RPing so if you guys are alright with a newbie joining your party I would love the opportunity

LOCATION: Avenger's Tower/San Francisco, California
INTERACTING WITH: Miles Morales, Sarah Stacy

Slow. This was the word that Lazlo had come to associate with most organic life ever since he had gained his sentience. Everything they did they did at a pace that he could only describe as tedious. From their work to their personal affairs they performed every task as if they were stinted by something. Even now Lazlo found himself slightly perplexed at the hinderance that he had placed himself in by asking what he found a simple question to the duo he came upon in front of Avengers tower. Maybe the silence and confused look that sprang across the pair's face was Lazlo's answer, maybe he was mistaken with assuming their identities as fellow members of this new team. Or maybe it was the way he approached them, had he been too blunt? Was it possible he had presented himself as off putting? Lazlo's eyes scanned over the two as he reran the situation in his head. Was he the one that was wrong?

This train of thought was quickly interrupted when the familiar buzz of a intercom caught Lazlo's ear. This was much more of the automaton's speed, direct and clear instructions. He moved his gaze back to the still rather stagnate pair and offered them a simple nod before turning on his heels and heading into the building with out a single word. Lazlo didn't have any intention of appearing rude, but given the ultimatum that was just put out over the speaker system he found that he now had even less time that he could afford to waste pondering the ins and outs of human interaction.

Getting to the afford mentioned training room was a easy enough task given that the lay out of tower was rather simple, it was nice to see that despite the rather boisterous décor Tony had had the building designed for maximum functionality as well. Two minutes and fifteen seconds is all it took for Lazlo to himself as he entering the barren room, his eyes quickly scanning it over. He found little of interest save for another eye catching Avengers' A emblazoned on the floor. But what really drew the android's attention was the golden haired woman that was surveying the room from a perch above the ground level, recognizing her was immediate. "Captain Carol Danvers, alias Captain Marvel. Former U.S. Military, current member of the Avengers. Potential threat to this unit: INCREDIBLY HIGH." The information made its way through Lazlo's head as he continued to scan over the icy eyed heroine. As he reached the center of the room he never took his eyes off of Captain Danvers, nor did he speak, he simply waited their unmoving. This was it, this is what the past few weeks had been leading to and Lazlo was ready to meet it.
@Aamaya Woo Hoo! Thanks boss =)
I hope there is still room in this =)


LOCATION: Avenger's Tower/San Francisco, California
INTERACTING WITH: Miles Morales, Sarah Stacy

Trust. It is a rather odd concept if one would take the time to think about it. It by its very meaning was to assume an outcome on insufficient data, yet people did it all the time. They trusted that a driver wouldn't run them over as they crossed the street, that their neighbors wouldn't rob them while they left their house, that a mother wouldn't abound her crying child in the depths of the woods. People held strong onto this concept of trust despite history having given them countless reasons to do contrary. It simply boggled Lazlo, yet here he was against everything in his programing telling him how flawed his own current actions were he was finding himself having to trust.

The past few weeks for Lazlo had been rather... different, and it all started with his initial meeting with Tony Stark. The famed hero had not only managed to prevent Lazlo from being recaptured by A.I.M., but also offered the android a way of protecting himself from any of the organization's future attacks against him. All he would have to do is agree to join a group of new young heroes that Tony was assisting with forming. There was nothing that guarantied Lazlo that what Stark was saying was true, or even if it was that it would actually grant him safety, but with the increasing amount of A.I.M. units looking for him He saw little other choice.

With the agreement made Lazlo next found himself in the hands of the government group S.H.I.E.L.D., apparently they had been growing more and more concerned with his actions ever since his escape from A.I.M. and with his recent agreement with Tony Stark they felt it time to move in on him. He spent weeks in their facility being examined and tested, it became obvious that they suspected him of being part of some A.I.M. ploy. Lazlo could understand their suspicion, he would be equally so if he was in their place, so he complied and gave them the information they wanted about himself and A.I.M., well the information he deemed they needed. After a few weeks and another little bit of help from Stark Lazlo was free again and on his way to what would either be wisest or most foolish decision he had ever made.

As he continued to replay the events of the past few weeks back in his mind Lazlo made his way through the city on foot. The towering android carried no luggage, he had no real use of anything save for the clothes on his back and even then that was only to cosmetic purposes. He cut through the crowds of the city as he approached his destination with unwavering purpose. "Avenger's Tower." Lazlo thought to himself as the structure came into view, it was quite impressive. Even from the street level Lazlo could just feel the level of technology that was humming about the building, Tony Stark's reputation surly did live up to itself. Putting aside his desire to immediately start analyzing the building Lazlo reset himself onto the task at hand, meeting this new so called team. He thumbed over the key card that was secured in his pocket, it was simple enough tech from what he could tell that would grant him access to where he needed to go in the tower if not a little be restricted. It was as his hand examined the small piece of plastic in his pocket that Lazlo found himself at the foot of the tower, and it would seem he was not alone.

Lazlo quickly scanned over the pair to try and gain as much information as he could. The first was a petite young blonde woman who seemed to be in her late teens, Lazlo wasn't able to find much information regarding this woman identity, her companion on the other hand was a different story. Miles Morales A.K.A. Arachnid A.K.A. Spider-Man, suspected in the murder of the Prowler. The information came rushing into Lazlo like a freight train and it only served to prove to him that he was indeed on the right track. He took a moment to consider his actions before going with the simplest approach.

"Am I safe to assume that you are here for the same reason as I am." Lazlo's voice was curt as he approached the two, his chocolate colored eyes scanning over the pair or a moment before pulling his key card from his pocket and revealing it to the duo. He allowed them a moment to look it over before safely placing it back in his pocket. "If not I apologize for the confusion." Lazlo added as his hand returned from his pocket and hung back to his side. He continued to look over the two as he waited for a response, if these two were indeed part of this soon to be team then they would of been given the same type of key card and would understand Lazlo's question even if it was asked in a bit bizarre manor.
Definitely interested
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