Avatar of Saint Dismas
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 210 (0.08 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Saint Dismas 7 yrs ago
    2. █████ 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Use the Swastika as a ploy to work your way up through the skinhead ranks. Then prank the shit out of them
7 yrs ago
Shit my dude
7 yrs ago
No my dudes. By the saintly power invested in me, I hearby say, No U
1 like
7 yrs ago
Aw geez. I never thought of it that way.
7 yrs ago
If anyone cares. I'm Jaded. I just changed my name. Yeah. I'm a saint Motherfuckers!


I'm not that seedy actually.

Most Recent Posts

There's nooooo way. It'll go perfectly
Hunks smiled that near empty smile that Victoria so insulted him by and stared into her eyes.

"I didn't come here to insult you. I came here to talk..."
He pulled the little blade out so that it was only visible to Her.
"I want that ring of yours, and if you don't hand it over. I'll have to force it off you."
Are you Fucking kidding me, Junks? You're feeling a bit remorseful?
This bitch has the key to your happiness on her finger and you're hesitating?
Now he had realized she had seen him he began his plan. He had a little switchblade. He always had one. He would essentially mug her, and use the commotion and chaos as a way to escape.
Fuck this school. he was completely ready to leave this whole state.
He came over to her. "Can we talk? I want to apologize for before."
Junks hadn't got his food. It was free due to his utter poorness but he was hungry for one thing today.
The money.
He stared at her from across the cafeteria. He stood in one corner, trying to figure a way to get that ring. He would have to jump her, he supposed. Didn't matter. He had jumped a lot of people in his day. And for the countless thousands he would get? Anything is worth that!
He studied her. Waiting for the right time.
Junks was inpatient. He had been thinking of his plan for what seemed like ages. Sitting there through three boring first day classes.
He would get that Ring.
He would have to.
He realized how stupid his switching idea really was and deemed tbr best course of action was simply grabbing it. He was largely unknown to the school and most of the world. He figured he could find a fence if he tried hard enough.
Or he could simply just disappear.
He smiled about this. Leaving Maverick. This horrible old city that had fucked him over so much. Leaving this country. Living somewhere beautiful. He would leave all this in the past.

The bell rang for lunch.
Junks had never smiled so wide in his life.
It's alright. You can post whenever in IC
The first bell rang, telling all the students that they had five minutes to get to their respecrivw classes. Some were just making their way at this point whiilw others were sitting there in class for a good five minutes beforehand. Junks was somewhere inbetween. Sure completing High School with semi respectable grades, This diamond could be a legitimate clause for Junks skipping his first class of this day and he could have his chance at a fortune he was sure of the result being of his heist. He hadn't thought it through fully. It's a common story that both sides pull ammunition from. "Substance abuse kills your mind." and "No it doesn't."Junks was a ear example of the first. His mind failed to notice the gigantic holes in his plan and even acknowledge them. The first hole in his an was when he realized that she was in an advanced OCT class. Even Junks kmew his limits for hiding. His plan had a sudden breakthrough however, when he realized they shared the lunch (The entire school with them.)
That's when he would do it.
He barely paid attention for that first class he was so excited.
Junks made a "Hmph" noise and walked away. He figured class wasn't teo far off and he was deadly worried (Or deathly hoping) That she would be in his class. His fantasies were already playing out in his head about what he'd.dope with that Diamond ring money. Honestly there was a giant gap between "Snatching the ring" and "Buying a House." I guess there was that same kind of gap in all if Junks ideas and memories.

Like his name. He didn't remember the storydidt his friends would've told you for a gram of something good. Junks crashed and was laying there, Whatever he had was harder than he expected. And there he was, In that coma-like state, when some older asshole remarked "Aw, look at him, A little Junks." Junks was 14. Before that he was homeless, yes. But after he took up drugs he entered the modern Junks era. Rugged beyond belief. Although he had kicked the habit, It still haunted him like a specter.
If only she knew how I got that name.
Or if I even did.
At the mention of his horrible dental situatio like anyone else would've done, He felt his teeth with his tongue. Is it really that bad? he had lost many through countless times of getting the shit end of the stick in life and he was not used to being called out for such.
you just had to bring they up? Hadn't you, it was just nagging you, Wasn't it?
You don't know what I've done, what I've been though. I don't know how you got all dented up and on crutches. Do I? it don't bother me. Look Else. How about you just...
Let it go."
Truth be told. He was never really self conscious about histeeth. He had seen worse, Chewing Tobacco folk he'd seen around. Luckily for him he'd somehow managed to escape his junkie years with atleast some of his teeth.
But despite that. Everything changed. He would feel no regret from from this day forward about stealing that ring, No more guilt of considering the thought.
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