Avatar of SamaraJayne96
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    1. SamaraJayne96 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Hey guys! Family and the Holidays are keeping me pretty busy. Il try to respond as much as I can~☆
5 yrs ago
I ran back to earth, tripped and fell in the glorified dirt. Honestly gravity sees me as a liability~
5 yrs ago
I am an ocean, I am the sea. There is a world inside of me~
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@Legion02 you got jt~

Dibs give you first call on applying for the character. I still have to approve CS and all that :)


At first, I wanted the participants to confront mythical creatures so that the characters had a chance to get to know one another and establish relationships without becoming total enemies right off rip.
Since this is an arena-based RP there will be eliminations once characters start battling each other. I wasn't thinking of killing off anyone necessarily (unless other ideas were presented) just so established relationships could carry on. The losers would just simply drop out of the competition and remain as spectators. They would still live on campus and mill around the area until the trials are over.

That being said, I was wondering how the elimination process would go. I didnt want to make the ultimate decision so I had two ideas on how to make this fair:

1. Should I have you guys send me an email and vote on who the victor of each round should be? Or maybe the most number of likes per post?
2. Should I leave it up to a dice roll?
-Numbers 1 thru 8=Player One wins

-Numbers 9 thru 12=A draw/Rematch

-Numbers 13 thru 20=Player Two wins
Interested with a daughter of Hecate or son of Aphrodite!

Which would you prefer? :)
I am very much interested, though I have a little bit of an outlandish idea

Awesome! Message me? :D
@silvermist1116 Dibs is definitely okay!

I am slowly creating the outline of this RP but if possible I could use some help...
I am experiencing a bit of writers block at the moment.
Is there anything I should include in this RP? Any recommendations or ideas?
So far I have things set up as far as cafeteria, arena, ferry, school, the town off the island, etc.
Should I add other buildings? like maybe a rec center?
Or are there any ideas as far as key aspects of the storyline?

Feel free to message me or respond here.
**Thank you! I promise I am working on it~ please bare with me xD

The Coffee Pot

Morning, 8:06 a.m.

There. A job well done. Atlas thought to himself once completing the pyramid of everything bagels on display.

Remembering the chime of the bell just a few moments ago, he looked up to see who had entered the store. A tall, slender male with blonde hair sauntered up to the counter. Atlas couldn't help but notice the air of confidence that seemed to surround him. Not quite superior but... something else he couldn't put his finger on.
What can I say... blondes do have more fun.

Sage leaned forward, her nose practically grazing the screen of her laptop. A large number of emails seemed to flood her inbox overnight. Intensely focused albeit a little stressed, her fingers flew over the keyboard with determined precision. Once a week the local newspaper would publish an advice column known as "Ask Roman." The column was hosted in the papers as well as their virtual platform online. The article was known for accepting citizens' questions about life, love, and everything in between. The participants who submit their entries have the choice of whether or not they would like to remain anonymous. The author, Roman Myers, would then answer their advice in his column giving readers a juicy insight into what could be their neighbor's life. Roman Myers was in fact nonother than the town introvert Sage Lunarie. In an attempt to avoid any publicity, the redhead preferred to use this alias when writing. In fact, the only person who knew of the authors' true identity was her twin Atlas Lunarie. Not even Sages' publisher had a clue as to her true identity. Her work was always submitted online and she was always paid through PayPal.

After reading an email about whether or not the submitter should ask out his best friend of 10 years; Sage leaned back in her seat and sighed, already tired from the onslaught of responsibilities that seemed to be piling up. Rubbing her face with both hands she contemplated retiring to her room and napping for the rest of the day. A silly thought due to the fact that her deadline was less than 24 hours away. She picked up her peppermint mocha and took a sip of the warm, minty liquid. An action that seemed to delight as well as fuel her motivation.

Her gaze flitted up momentarily locking eyes with a stranger standing at the counter. Momentarily she stopped breathing and felt as though she would faint. The redhead's cheeks began to warm as a slow blush crept across her face. Immediately her eyes fell as she stared at the number 3 on her keyboard. Her hands repeatedly clenched and relaxed at her sides all while she nibbled on her lip in embarrassment. The very thought of socializing with strangers made Sage uncomfortable... borderline fearful.

What I wouldn't give to be invisible... Then no one can see me. No one can hurt me. The thought surprised her with how quick it flitted through her mind.

Hastily she continued on with her work hoping the distraction would quell the anxiety beginning to swirl in the pit of her stomach. Another submission... this one having to do with a local citizen nervous about coming out of the closet.

It did not take long for Atlas to notice that the customer that had walked in was looking over at his sister. Glancing over, he saw the blush that appeared across her face. The twins have always seemed to have a sixth sense around each other. Almost as if they could tell what the other was feeling. The emotion coming across now was almost second nature to Atlas. Sage had been struggling with anxiety for quite some time. Frowning, he coughed into his fist in an attempt to get the blonde's attention.

"Excuse me sir..." Atlas smiled warmly placing both hands on the counter. Doing so caused his rings to sound from the friction.
"How may I help you?"

While waiting for a response Atlas' thoughts began to shift towards the past. To a time before Sol City. A time when they still lived in a mansion surrounded by servants and gilded glory. A time when the twins had been spoiled as well as abused. Atlas tended to think that he had an easier upbringing... Physical abuse while still terrible, was easier to heal from than psychological turmoil.
His sister, however, was another story. Their aunt and guardian at the time had certain... expectations. Having no children of her own the twins were expected to inherit the family fortune as well as all the responsibilities attached to it. Including what to wear, how to act, and what to say. Being yourself was strongly discouraged. On a daily basis, Sage would be brutally reminded on how a lady should act. If she did one thing wrong, a nasty punishment was sure to follow. Surely the drastic repercussions were due to their aunt having always despised the twins' father. In fact once while having dinner Sage accidentally used her salad fork for the main course. As a result Aunt Laura locked her in isolation for three days.

It pains me to know that no matter how far we travel, our origin still follows. If it wasn't for that old hag maybe Sage could have a normal life. All I want is to see her smile and be happy. All I want is for her to have one person outside of the house. She may enjoy being alone... feeling as though the loneliness gives her some control over life... but that comfortability, that so-called safety is what is killing her. Constant fear is not a way to live.

"Ouch!" Someone shouted pulling Atlas out of his thoughts.

The waiter looked up to see that two gentlemen had made their way into the cafe. Both tall and rugged, their bodies toned to perfection. The two of them seemed tough in an oh-so-delicious way. Atlas' mouth hung open in shock noting how the male with an inhumanely clear umber skin tone just punched his mountainous companion square in the face.

"Excuse me sir." Atlas murmured to the blonde in front of him.
"I will be right back."

One of the males waved their hand in an attempt to get his attention. Cracking his knuckles, the waiter emerged from behind the counter and, almost catlike, sauntered over to their table. He stopped in front of them and crossed his arms, a smirk spread over his features in an attempt to look domineering.

"I hope I don't have to kick anyone out... I detest conflict." He paused for a moment, winking flirtatiously.
"Especially two customers as cute as you guys. But rules are rules... you gotta behave."

The bell hanging above the entrance chimed once more as two more customers walked in. Atlas smiled and waved in greeting.

"I will be right with you. Feel free to look over the menu." He called over to the newcomers as they sat down.

Crossing his arms once more, the waiter returned his focus on his current task. Maintaining peace and tranquility at the cafe.
I was thinking modern~☆
Whoops! Good catch~
I'm just full of mistakes lately.
Sorry guys Il remove that one
Working on my CS now~
If it was okay with you, I was thinking of having my character as the bartender over at Momma May's
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