Avatar of SanaChan


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4 yrs ago
Been on this site for 6 years, but was on the previous version that crashed. Found this site in its original stage not long after the fall of Quizilla forums.


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If no one else has a problem with it, I sure don't. But I think you and the person that PMed will be the last one so the group doesn't get TOO big
I appreciate the sword weight lesson lol Thanks for that cause I didn't know all that!
I was more or less hinting to how large of a man he is that he could keep that big ole thing on his hip
@Aristo To the people yes.
It's one of those "We Praise Iara!" when everything's going great, but "Screw Jirys!" when things are going bad
Oh my gooodness the OOC gets away from me 0-0
We will still accept ICs, yes there is a militant side to the church, but the Imperial City doesn't necessarily acknowledge it because it's one of those "We're not looking, so we don't see" things.
The names of the Goddesses are Iara (the good one) and Jirys (bad one).
Basically the way religion works for these people is that Iara and Jirys were the ones to create Caradia, they set it up and said this is our land, they took care of the people that were placed there and were their sort of mediators to the true higher powers (though the humans don't remember anymore that those true higher powers are the original dragons). They represent that standing together Caradia is unstoppable, but when the infighting starts (as it always does with twin sisters), they fall apart. They created shapeshifters and other similar creatures because they're tricky and sometimes devious twins.

And no. not truly everyone is out to further their names, and they know that, but as mentioned in his bio, he doesn't trust people a whole lot, so it's easier to assume that.
Lol you can still post a CS XD is driving the bus slow enough that people can still get on

"Sir, do forgive my... rudeness, but I feel it is completely unwise to be leaving the city with a bunch of vagabond want-to-be heroes."

"Your concern is noted. Why do you think I'm bringing you along?" A smirk tugged at the cheek of the burly man in his white armor as he leaned his arm on the hilt of his greatsword. Most men would have to carry that sword on their backs, but he was a burly enough guy that he could handle having it at his side.

They were meeting their group of recruits in the front gardens within the castle gates, still surrounded by his guards and the safety that was his home. Esmeralda insisted she was coming down, she wasn't about to let him leave without seeing his companions. And he wasn't going to make her go all the way down into the actual city just to do that much.

"Your attempt at humor never works on me, you realize this?" his red-headed knight captain sighed, closing her eyes as she shook her head, tapping her shield against the ground. Her sword wasn't a greatsword, so she had gotten to the point where she could wield a shield in her other hand with the sword in her main.

"You can't blame me for trying. Look, most of the people who are going to be here are going to have an agenda to further their family names in some form another, and none of them would do that if I were to die on the way because everyone would be suspect and all assumed to be lying and Esmeralda would probably have them all killed," he said as he looked over his shoulder as said Empress made her way out of the front gates, "At the very least many will be hoping to make a name for themselves- Heroes of Caradia."

"I won't mention to her that you just depicted her to be quite the bloodthirsty monster," the captain muttered before turning and looking at the currently open gates, waiting to see when their new "companions" would start to arrive. She had no doubt that they would have some sort of an agenda, even if they didn't realize it at first. Why else would they go into a part of the empire that was plagued and overrun by vicious monsters? Then again they could just be crazy.

"Ah good, I got here before they did. So I won't miss a thing," Esmeralda said as she stood next to Balan, crossing her arms behind her back, her white gown, dragging on the ground lightly, much to her maids dismay the blonde was sure.

"Aww, it's like you're trying to match with me," Balan teased her seeing that she was wearing white and just laughed lightly at the less than amused look that both women gave him.

"Balan, my love, why do you feel the need to go do this yourself?" she asked, taking ahold of one of his large arms, "You know that plenty of people would give their lives if you asked it."

"I do know that, but I should be just as willing to give my life to protect them. They depend on me, do they not?" he reminded her and she practically pouted.

Esmeralda turned her attention to the captain, "Osanne, I'm counting on you to bring him home. Caradia needs him more than he realizes," she said and Osanne nodded.

"Of course, my lady," she said before the three turned their attention to see when their guests would arrive.
I would think that naga's could at least make the armor a little less comfortable to wear if it's good armor. Weaker metals I could see really breaking under pressure and someone without armor. But I guess that boils down to how long is her tail to wrap around a person enough to create that kind of all around pressure lol
Do you guys believe I should wait to see if we garner anymore attention before I start or should I start and see if anyone decides to join us then? If you want me to start, I'll poist the initial post later today.
All are approved. I love that you guys are taking the lore and running with it~

By the way, Esmeralda herself has never attempted to claim to be either goddess; she actually quite hates the comparison as she herself is devout in her worship to them.
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