Avatar of SashaWindrider
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 218 (0.07 / day)
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    1. SashaWindrider 9 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current My mum says not only am I not allowed a trebuchet in the back, I am also not to be lauching anvils from it.
5 yrs ago
"Save the animals. Eat people" - SashaWindrider
5 yrs ago
I have learned never to ask myself how much worse something can get, because boy can it get so much worse.
6 yrs ago
We are not evil. We’re far from perfect, but we are good. - Sam Winchester
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6 yrs ago
"You have an inflated sense of your importance. To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you would feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." - Death


I currently have a roleplay running called Exodus feel free to jump in at any time.

I love sci-fi roleplays, as well as fantasy roleplays.

I am 26 and am from New Zealand. I am a meat-worker.

You can also find me on Discord. My username is SashaWindrider and my tag is #1301.

Most Recent Posts

In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Please don't antagonise T'vor. I like him." Azurael said. before reddening when realising her admission. Azurael followed T'vor, Asmod. and Je'nai.

"Can I talk to you later?" Azurael asked T'vor. "It isn't important but, nevermind." Azurael was sure T'vor would probably not reciprocate and she was sure she would embarass herself.

Damien walked slowly behind the rest of the group.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Some-one help me." The long haired demon said, slowly rousing himself. "Where am I?" He asked as he slowly stood up. His raven flew around him excitedly before settling on his shoulder.

"You are in a camp comprised of both Angels and Demons. We are on Earth." Azurael said. "Do you know your name? I am General Winchester of the Demons." Azurael remembered to refer to herself as belonging to the Demons now.

"I am Asmod Ra'vul. I am a Demon but I can't remember anything." Asmod replied.

"Je'nai, do you mind escorting Asmod to Ari and her tent?" Azurael asked.
"Sure!" Damien replied and lead Ma'ai to site only to see Azurael dismissing Asmod and Je'nai. "Well that's him." Damien said pointing at the shirtless demon.

"Hey Tar-feather!" Azurael called, referring to her and Damien's insult battle. Damien grinned "What snow-brain."

"Did you have anything to do with this mishap" Azurael questioned the somewhat accident prone demon.

"Not this time. Ask Grim." Damien said.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"You, scared of ravens?" Azurael asked Je'nai. "I thought your wings could transform into ravens. Or was I misinformed?" Azurael said, the sides of her mouth twitching in an effort not to smile. The raven seemed to carefully regard Je'nai before leaping onto her shoulder. It seemed the raven trusted Je'nai enough to let her near his owner.

"You and I will need to to transport our unknown visitor to the medical tent. We will have T'vors help. I want to make sure we don't cause further injury."

"Like 'poof' but in reverse. A bonkers raven is protecting him." Damien said. "I promise I didn't do it."
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Azurael looked at the topless demon lying on the ground before her. The first thing that needed to be done was to get him to Ari. Azurael repressed a shudder at the memory of Ari sticking her with a needle. "I need some help, would you mind?" Azurael asked, searching for some-one to help her and T'vor carry the demon. She knew full well either T'vor or herself could have carried the demon alone, but she wanted to make sure he had a nice smooth ride to medical, she had no clue if he had any injuries and was loath to make them worse. The face she had picked out happened to Je'nai. With a loud "Back to your stations!" to every-one else the crowd soon dissappeared.

"Ma'ai, a demon just popped up out of nowhere! General Highwind and Keeper Winchester are there right now!" Damien didn't exactly have to run to Ma'ai, he just thought seeing as he was the newest person at camp then he might know the now newest person at camp.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@omerta I try my best to help people. If you are ever stuck again I am more than happy to help. I can't wait to see what you have to post.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Found an entrance for Je'nai and something for Ma'ai to do. Figured it might help.

If you get stuck again, just do a little time skip or even a short post where a character does something entirely random. Blackie and I have a few characters usually floating around doing not much. It doesn't need to relate immediately to the current plot - having side plots or sub plots is totally acceptable.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Damien shall awkwardly enter the situation. He is more of a comic relief character as my other characters tend to be more of the stuck up the butt type.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aw yiss! *rolls excitedly *.
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Rolls around on the floor*
In Exodus 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Azurael reddened to a shade closely approxiamting that of a tomato. "No-o-oo. What made you think that."

Grim had in fact hit his mark true. Azurael did like the General, not that she would in a million years willingly admit it. Maybe if she was coerced, but even then she would be hard pressed to admit so. At least that is what she thought.

Azurael began racing towards the source of the scream glad for the diversion, she hope nobdy had seen her face. This was embrassing - by the Twelve! She was a soldier not some simpering Court Angel. Still silently berating herself she arrived at the source.

A shirtless demon lay face down on the ground, his massive ragged wings slightly spread, his long black hair trailing messily down to the small of his back. A raven sat perched on his back cawing and pecking at any-one who dared to come close.

"What happened? I heard some-one scream." Azurael asked a nearby Angel.

"That was me. He just appeared out of nowhere. I got a fright. He muttered something about death being near and then collapsed. The bird won't allow us near."

Azurael thought this over and got all bystanders to leave the area.

She saw T'vor nearby. "Do you know where Ari is? She might help here." Azurael asked. Her face was more under control this time.

She figured the whole death thing was a literal Death having been nearby, Death as in the Grim Reaper. She wondered if Grim had anything do with it and voiced her thoughts in simple expression - "Blasted Angel!"
Damien in the mean time was almost frantically tripping over his own feet to spread the news throughout camp. He smashed into one person quite hard in his haste. "Sorry!" He yelled. "Je'nai? Isn't it?" He asked before going to find Ma'ai in his tent. Upon reaching said tent, Damien shouted his name.
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