Avatar of Scarescrow
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    1. Scarescrow 7 yrs ago


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Dear the staffs or whoever happened to stumble upon this,

Hi, I would like to delete this username as the guy responsible for it(my brother) just recently passed away, and he mentioned deleting this in one of his will. He was paralyzed by an accident and the reactions that followed was never expected coming from him. So, as his brother, I would like to apologize for any troubles that he may have cause during his residency at this server.

Best regard,

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@Doll Maker Yeah, I'm just writing up the response for the previous review of BBeast. Probably gonna send you the new version on Wednesday.
@Doll Maker Thanks. So do you want to see the CS first then discuss the way he came to life?
@BBeastWell, sorry for a month of silencing. It is just that something happen in life that required my immediate attention. Anyhow, the problem is solve and everything should be back to its course.

Well, this is what I planned to do with my cult, or religion.

The needs:

Because everything need something in life, I, in turn, could provide them. If they need food, they prey me. If they want weapons, they prey me. If they want wealth and ecstasy, they prey me. And when everything is so easy to gain, just pray and you will be granted, they will grow dependent on me. You hungry? Pray me and you will be full. You are desperate? Call my name and aid will come. Why would you hunt, risked of danger, if you can be full? It lacked excitement? Nonsense. Pray Adam, and your excitement never drain. Why invent, when all needs are satisfied? Why discover, when there are no reason to venture into the dark?

And because of this, the level of dependency would only increase in time. And moreover, the more his people pray, the closer they become Adam.

I separated into 4 stages:
  • Gratitude: You acknowledge that Adam is good, and he is something that you can trust. Maybe that he had saved you. Maybe he had extended a hand when others don’t. Nevertheless, there is this link between you and him, a sacred bond that you cherished.
  • Enthusiast: You acknowledge that Adam is good, and he is something that you can relied on. Your life, your hopes, your sadness, your dream. Just tell him, and he understands. He will respond the way you want, speaks the word you want to hear. And love, do tell, what is better than hearing the sweet voice of someone you trust with your life? Just pray, and that voice will forever be close to you.
  • Madness: You are what you are. You are limited by your lifespan, a horror of creation. To be born is to be destined to die. But you don’t want to die. You want to live, to continue hearing that sweet voice in your ears, feeling that tingling senses when your skin caressed by the wind, and bath in the glorious light known as pride. You pray more and more. Others did not understand what you speak. They call you mad. They see the horror, but they know not what you felt and see. As you pray more and more, you felt something changed inside of you. Something wonderful. Twisted. But wonderful nonetheless.
  • Lost: You are home. You feel the flesh. You hear the voice. You are me. We are one, never to be separated again.

But of course, there are those with extraordinary feats, who are bound to achieve things that the majority can’t. And for this, I separated them into a few stages. And unlike the previous for stage,, who only managed to become a part of Adam, these “Heroes” are meant to be develop into a lesser- Demigod. Called it half-god or god-kins, these beings are stronger and more well-versed than your heroes yet weaker than already born demigod. Although there are those that may be stronger than a newborn demigod, most followed the rules.
  • The devotion path (for those that regard Adam as their true God and devoted everything for Him)
    • Hallow: “Hear his words. Heed his voice. The words I about to speak to you are words that he had spoken. So, cherishes these words as your life. Protects it but not hide it. Worships it but not taints it. And only then, would the words belong to you. “
      • Now, words that you speak are not belong to you but something greater than yourself. As long as you held your god in your heart and mind, yours words held power. It would decimate enemies, carved the lands, heal the wounded. “Fus-ro-dah.”
    • Insidious: “Can’t you feel it, the flame inside of you?”

      • You words inspire men and women. You actions attracted kings and queens. Your thought ignites their sleeping soul, eager to receive the love of God once more. You came to preach in the name of God. And in the name of God, you will always come home with his Disciples.
    • Glory: “Do not fret. Be proud. For before you, in His Name, and in your prayer, I had come.”
      • Unlike others, who are still lost before He came, you had known your destiny. To serve by his side was your duty. Be his protector and his helper in these darkness nights was your oath. Others may regarded you as the weakest of three. But only you know that strength comes not from sword and shield, but by faith and pride. You are His knight. You are His steed. You are, and forever will be, His faithful servant.
    • Herald: “Before you, I bring the news of change. What must come had come. What must pass will pass. And I am that change.”
      • You do not choose to be His servant? How arrogance. But I do suppose that your intention is clear. Rather than hiding behind him, you choose to be his hands. Rather than hearing voice, you raised voices. His family may never like you. But do know, my dear child, act in His name and fear not the tongue of the twisted.

I also did the Rebellion path. But like you said, I would like to reserve it for later on. Of course, I don’t plan to do this all on my own. And if there are changes that you want to make because it is not compatible with the law. Just ping me. My schedule is back to normal so everything should be fine from now on.
:::Walk toward the field of wild grass
::: Walk pass the field of wild grass
::: Scout the uncharted land
:::Examining the land to see any nearby mineral veins.
:::"Create [Miner]"
Will probably have mine on somewhere between Wednesday and Thursday
@OllumhammersongThat sound good.
@Ollumhammersong Does a Mechanicus priest that focus on healing allow to join?
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