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  • Posts: 318 (0.17 / day)
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    1. Scrivener 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
My badass cat literally just pimp slapped a red wasp out of the air and quickly ate it up in two crunchy bites. He didn’t even flinch or blink.
4 yrs ago
Two fish are in a tank, one turns to the other and asks “How do you drive this thing?”


”It is no nation we inhabit, but a language.”
-Emil Cioran

I have an actual skull atop my personal bookcase.

The Fine Arts, Philosophy, Linguistics, Poetry, Architecture, History, Cultures, all of these are passions of mine to study.


Most Recent Posts

Banned for being a good bean.
Wow check out this height comparison chart of everyone's characters. Sorry Scrivener, had to use the average batarian height in place of Von.

Anyway, how do they all toast their bread? Drink their coffee? Cream cheese or butter their bagels? Set their toilet paper over or under? Inquiring minds want to know.

No problem at all. After all, “all Batarians look alike”, RIGHT??? (Japes for days.)

Banned by Trump.
Reynolds? We can only assume. Me, I'm just referring to vorcha regenerative abilities and how hilarious it would be if we had a vorcha with a wee lil baby hand attached to a stump because some dude shot it off like a week ago.

They had something like that on American Dad. Stan lost a leg and Roger used an alien formula to regrow it, only for the new leg to sprout out as a wobbly baby’s leg making Stan todder about. Ha, funny...
“We are Harbinger. Do not resist. You have been banned.”
I’ll have my Batarian up sometime this evening.
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