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    1. searchaway 5 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I am back! See, that wasn't too long.
5 yrs ago
Some stuff has come up this week, so I won't be replying as quickly as I was. Thanks for being patient!
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5 yrs ago
Really happy that this place is active!


Call me Search, or Mobius.

Eastern Daylight Time.

Most Recent Posts

NOOOO I wanted the 666th post....

You get your sugar, but it is stuck to your hand. The only way to get the sugar into your tea is to drink it from your palm.

I wish I posted the 666th post instead of Kuro.
Ack, I can't believe I didn't reply for a whole week. School is seriously kicking my ass. Anyway, if you want to add anything else the director might say, then feel free! Or if you think I went too fast, you can add some extra things.
Lyre went about her work, pressing the stethoscope along Tyssa's back and chest, performing standard reflex tests, and the like. Temperature measurements would prove to be the most invasive—Lyre had to insert probes deep into Tyssa's mouth, practically down the specimen's throat. If Tyssa did not put up a struggle, the check-up would go smoothly. If Tyssa did fight against any of the data collection, Lyre would have to use more force.

As Lyre was picking up the remainder of her tools, she heard the sliding of metal against metal.

Shit. Lyre spun her head around to the entrance, body tense and eyes widened. The door the door the door—

The first thing she saw was a gaping mouth. "Lyre," came the surprised greeting. The director tilted his head. "You didn't tell me Test A had already hatched."
It really looks like Tyssa cares about Lyre's opinion. And Lyre is hecking weak - as strong as her mental capabilities go, she's neglected anything even remotely athletic. She would be like air to Tyssa if Tyssa decides to kidnap her, lol.
What language do the aliens speak? What kinds of sounds do they use? What is their policy/convention when interacting with humans? Use this to think of alien names.

For example, if alienspeak sounds very clicky and jagged, think of names with a lot of coronal consonants (like the /k/ or /t/ sound). If alienspeak is rounder and more continuous, think of names with more vowels and labial consonants (like the /g/ or /m/ sound).

If the aliens and humans don't have a peaceful relationship, they may only have their name in alienspeak. However, if the relations between aliens and humans are smooth, perhaps the aliens will choose friendlier names to the human tongue.
Getting an extra wish undoes your last wish. Since your first wish was the extra wish, now you have broken the wish game. The genie who grants your wishes has died.

I wish I could freeze and unfreeze time at will.
Oops, I ended up editing out the part where I mention Elise's accent.
You better fucking not. Light glanced behind him a split second, where Ryuk would normally be hovering. Instead silence replaced the leathery flapping noise. Who knew there would be a time that he would miss such a sound?

And I'll hear it again, because I'll find the Death Note. The world is waiting. He filed behind Elise, stepping just behind her and Sayu.

Though he was Kira, Light Yagami was still Light Yagami. He couldn't ignore his smile when he saw his mother and sister happy for once. The bags underneath his mother's eyes attested to her stress and lack of sleep following her husband's injury, and he knew the isolation had taken its toll on his sister. As much as the Yagami family would take care of Elise, Elise's existence seemed to take care of them too.

He met his mother's expectant gaze. "Sure, mom," he replied with a nod of acknowledgement. Then Light turned to Elise. "This way. Some places aren't stable to walk on, so I'll just show you the important points of the house and how to get there safely."
The most capable bioweapon in our world... fears pain from data collection? Lyre blinked dully. "As I said," she replied, "additional scans. They're for your own good." The scientist dropped most of her tools on the ground, leaving in her arms only a very large stethoscope. If Tyssa would let her, she would take her heart rate and observe breathing.

I thought this wouldn't be a problem. Why is this thing so mentally unstable? A couple extra steroid compounds here and there shouldn't cause this much trouble. She had engineered countless reactions in this bioweapon. It should have been perfect. From what Lyre had already seen of its physical capabilities, it really looked good—superhuman strength and agility, high intelligence, and a docile nature when idle. The problems Lyre saw were technically just details she hadn't bothered to predict.

So she pushed away the unsettling feeling in her stomach. Meeting the specimen's gaze, Lyre stated, "Now stand still."
Lyre wouldn't plan an escape for Tyssa. She doesn't actually care for Tyssa yet. If anything, Tyssa would have to escape on her own.
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