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    1. Second2Last 3 yrs ago


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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lilith and Shantae

Lilith scanned the room as she waited for Lex Luthor to give an answer, mostly just taking in the scenery of the city scape out the window. That was until she took one look at the buff, blonde hair, indoor sunglasses wearing man himself Duke Nukem. She was already aware of him back in the room everyone was in but she couldn't really get over his nature. The guy looked like he already prepared himself for this specific situation, if the vest with bullets strapped on was an indication, so there was at least someone who was well ready to, as he would put it, kick some ass. Duke wasn't even the only one to give off that idea for her as The Doom Slayer also looked to be ready to rip someone's head off.

As for Shantae, she didn't take too kindly to The Chosen Hunter throwing out the word stripper and use it to describe her, sure she did give off a more alluring vibe, she'd except someone to point that out, but that was too far for her. So she reacted on instinct. "Excuse me!?" Shantae was about to continue but Lilith also notice this and stop her before things would get nasty. "Sh-Shantae, please don't escalate this, just ignore it. That's what I...well, try to do anyway." Shantae looked at her and back to The Hunter again before hesitantly agreeing to step off, not without still being annoyed about the whole ordeal though. She was pretty riled up about it but Lilith was right, arguing over each other wasn't going to get anyone anywhere.

Lex Luthor answered Shantae's question by saying that everyone was selected based of their abilities and powers, and that he needed their aid against a bounty. Lilith paused for a bit, she didn't consider herself to be much of a useful person, especially compared to everyone else. "I'm uh...well...I'm not sure if I would be able to help out, why did you bring me specifically?" It's apparent that she didn't want any part in this but there's no going back now that she's here.

Meanwhile Shantae pondered on the thought of the people here being chosen based of their feats and got her thinking, how do they know this. "Wait, you said you chose us based on out skills right? How do you know about all of our individual strengths?"

Interactions: @Thatguyinastore @Lazaro1505 Mentions: @Chung @Critic Ham

(This was before store's next major post)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lilith and Shantae

Finally, at long last the sea of people were allowed out of the room and Shantae let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, finally." She was ready for any answers that she was going to be given when she asks this Luthor guy behind this, meanwhile Lilith didn't say anything and was just glad she wasn't going to be in this room any longer. Honestly, if you had to stay in a room with multiple people from other universes for an extended period of time you would probably want to leave at some point to, ether that or it was just her socially awkward side telling her that stuff. Must've been an introvert's hell in there.

But now back on topic. The two along with everyone else followed the woman from earlier, who was now in a different outfit, over to a nearby elevator, horary more cramped space! And even though there were a large amount of people to communicate with somehow no one was letting a word out, Lilith almost did so but she decided to not bother and keep quite like the rest. She was going to comment on how enclosed the elevator felt but she realized that statement was kind of arbitrary, plus she's a ghost, why would she care about crowded spaces anyway?

Reaching the top floor, everyone waltzed in and took in the scenery, Lilith especially as she wanted to find a way to take her mind of everything happening. However Shantae was still determined to have any questions she needed answered so she asked the one sitting at a large desk across the room, who just so happened to be Lex Luthor himself. "Okay let's cut to the chase, why are we here and what do you need us for?"


(Open for Interaction)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lilith and Shantae

"I feel like we will run into something weirder if we're all here for any importance." Shantae says to Lilith regarding her comment on the salesman, to be fair Shantae wasn't really that bothered by him, however Lilith found him to be pretty strange, likely because she was living in a relatively normal world with only herself being out of place, or at least that's how she felt like. "Whatever it may be, I'm not looking forward to it." Lilith says again, taking a small glance at Shantae before looking over to the aforementioned door from earlier.

Just then another person would step into the ring, this time being a seemingly regular man. To be honest, he was probably one of the only normal people in this room, but who knows, maybe her has electrical powers or something. The two of them would face over to him and from what they gathered there was this guy named Lex Luthor who owns a building called the LexCorp in Metropolis, and he even addressed his name, which was Cole Macgrath. Nether Lilith nor Shantae knew who this Lex Luthor was or where Metropolis is, but if Cole was going to bring this up upon first meting the two then it must be for a valid reason right?

"Well unfortunately we don't really know where this Metropolis is, if that's where you're looking for." The genie said looking apologetic, however Lilith was still pondering on the thought of the reason for him mentioning the city in the first place, and hesitantly she spoke up. "Well...if he is, then it's likely for a reason." She says before looking to Cole "I'm assuming Lex and Metropolis are of some importance, is that so?"

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lilith and Shantae

As Shantae asked for an explanation, the goat lit up and explained the best he could. From what he explained, everyone was trapped in this strange cage and there was this woman who came in to inform everyone not to panic and that someone named Mr. Luthor would be seeing them, who that was he still wasn't sure. Both Shantae and Lilith kind of needed this information since they woke up after this unnamed woman came in and explained the situation to everyone.

"I see, so I guess we're just here to talk amongst ourselves and wait for him to arrive." She said as she looked over to the door where the two would've likely come out of. "I guess we should start introduce ourselves now that we've met, my name is Shantae and this in Lilith." She says motioning her hand over to the ghost.

Honestly Lilith didn't want to be put on the spot like this due to her shy nature, leading to her letting out a quiet "D-Dammit." when she was pointed out, however it would be impolite to not respond to the innocent looking goat so her only choice was to say hi. "Uh, hey." She said, again, keeping in to the point. The three seemed to hit it off well enough, aside from the salesman who looked up at the two. Lilith would notice him and aside from not saying anything, her expression was noticeably uncomfortable.

He then spoke up and the both of them were caught off guard by his big and storming voice before he went off, this left the two to wonder what that was about and Lilith even added a comment regarding her expectations. "I knew we were going to run into something weird."

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lilith and Shantae

Just like so, two more individuals have shown up in the new location and it only took one of them a bit to get up and realize what was going on. Shantae quickly got up and looked around in panic. "H-Huh, where am I!?" She says being completely unaware, this would be strage enough of a situation but once she looked near the floor she found Lilith still unconscious witch startled her more. She didn't even know her or what was happening but she still felt like she should try to wake her up, just in case she was injured or so. "H-Hey are you okay, do you know what's going on?"

Once the ghost heard her call she slowly but surely woke up and went through the same whiplash as her, only she was even more frightened then she was. "What the hell!?" She exclaimed before looking behind herself and got startled again by the sight of Shantae next to her, Lilith couldn't even find a question to ask because she was just so caught off guard by the situation but eventually she formed a coherent sentience. "I...have so many questions"

There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence as the two just looked at each other in confusion, Shantae would of thought there was a chance for the ghost to be dangerous but her nervous and alarmed demeanor shot that claim down, so now was the time to answer some of her questions she 'may' have. "Okay so...no I'm here to harm you and I'm not behind any of this, and yes I'm just as confused as you are."

"Oh." Lilith said in response. "Sorry about that." Shantae didn't even know why Lilith apologized for being startled by her, honestly who knows, but now it was time to trade names and get to now each other. "Well I guess there's no point not introducing ourselves, I'm Shantae." The ghost paused for a second, even though she said she meant no harm to her she wasn't sure if she truly stuck by that, but alas, it would be rude not to greet her back so she did so. "Lilith." She said keeping it brief.

Now that the meet and greet was over the two were left to ponder on the condition. "So...what do you think we should do?" Lilith asked Shantae with curiosity and a pinch of worry. "Hmm, maybe we should ask some of the other people around here, there's a lot." She said looking over to everyone else. She wasn't wrong, there were a lot of people here, all from different multiverses just like the two were, however Lilith was hesitant to do so, mostly because she was shy but also because some of them could harm them. "I'm not sure, some of them look...I want to say sketchy." Shantae rebutted. "Well even if they were, what's stopping everyone else to stopping them, I'm sure at least one person could help us."

To be fair, Lilith thought she had a point. If someone were to try and attack them then everyone else would dry to fight back for them, so she hesitantly agreed to come along, not without letting out a sigh though. "Okay fine, guess I don't have a choice." So the two wandered around in order to ask someone for help and they found some sort of goat person with a green hat and a robe of the same color, they decided to ask him and find out if he had any information for them. "Hello, I hope were not rudely interrupting something but do you have an idea of what going on." She asks the goat kindly, meanwhile Lilith was standing a few feet away for them, hoping not to be noticed.

They must have since he was already having a conversation with a certain crazy salesman.

(Open for interaction)
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay




Shantae Series

Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Shantae is quite the expressive genie, she’s upbeat and has a fair amount of confidence while being up to the task in any situation, especially when trying to protect her home town from pirates. She’s the type of person that wants to get things done and isn’t up to wasting any time in any important task. Although kind at heart she can get annoyed when someone pushes her buttons and dislikes when people try to cause trouble.

Not that much, the only notable thing being some sardines she brought with her in case she gets hungry.

Shantae’s main source of attack is using her hair to whip foes, sort of like a lasso in a way but a lot more fashionable, that isn’t the only thing up her sleeve though as she also has a few other nifty tricks such as shooting fire, reflecting projectiles with a shield or summoning spiked metal balls that surround her.

But her most noteworthy ability is to transform into different animals and objects by doing some sick dance moves. These range from a monkey that can climb up walls to a large elephant that destroys harder materials in its wake.

It is mentioned several times that she doesn't know who her parents are, only that her mother was a genie. Although she's willing to explore her genie side, hoping that it will bring her closer to her mother, she turns down the genies' offer to stay in the Genie Realm at the end of the first game, and at the end of Risky's Revenge is shown expressing sadness as being even farther from her half-genie nature (and subsequently her mother) after having lost her magic powers. It is strongly implied in the events of the game that the mysterious Warrior she meets inside the Village of Lost Souls is none other than the spirit of her father, who went into the land of the dead to search for his daughter but never returned. Neither Shantae nor the Warrior himself seem to realize the possible connection.

Note that I haven't played all the shantae games so let me know if I get something wrong
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Lilith Audrey




Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Lilith’s most notable traits are her shyness and anxiety, she prefers to be in less social situations and can sometimes get nervous when talking to new people she meets. Most of the time when she’s nervous she stumbles over her words and tries to recalibrate herself, though this could sometimes make her more so. She also has the tendency of feeling embarrassed or getting into embarrassing situations, which will also result in her getting nervous.

However Lilith does try to keep her cool in certain situations and has been working on her social skills. Along with that she’s willing to do what’s best for her and any others with whatever means she finds necessary, she has also proven to be helpful in some situations mostly because of her possession ability. She also has a fondness for reading

The only thing Lilith has with her is her diary, usually to write down her thoughts on the currant situation or just her life in general.

Lilith usually doesn’t choose to fight unless it’s necessary but she can still prove formidable in combat. Being a ghost is her biggest plus as it can be hard to lay a hit on her, only taking any real damage by other ghosts or some other specific means. Most of her attacks consist of using white fiery soul like magic, she's also able to pull the usual ghost shenanigans you'd expect.

She has the fear of vacuums known as zuigerphobia.

In her past life she wanted a cat but never got one.

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