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    1. Seiryu 10 yrs ago


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TehChron said
Recalling the stats on the Sim's "sword", the Zwei charges in repeatedly, clashing it's GN Buster Sword against it as Ali attempts to shoot the Sim with it's GN Pistol each time it passes it.Ali remains able to keep up with the organic suits movements regardless of it's increases in speed.

Each shot passes through the Sim as it quickly regenerates before unleashing a torrent of tentacles surrounding the zwei piercing it from all sides
TehChron said
A blue axe bisected the antimatter cannon, as the remaining Tau Drives readjusted the colony halves trajectory to keep them on track for dropping on ORB. Meanwhile, the weaponry of the FSC and Biker Gang's hijacked mechs turned on one another."I'm afraid that my friend has some urgent business to attend to." Behind the suit, the ReGHOST dropped it's camouflage, dropping it's Maga no Ikutachi Claws and began draining the power suit of it's energy, "Step aside."The Zwei dodged easily, as Ali's helmeted face split in a crazed grin."HA! Looks like I get to kill this bitch after all!"

The organic Sim suddenly shifted before drawing its 'sword' and repeating its assault increasing speed with each attempt as it encircled the Zwei

Seiryu said
The shattered cockpit floated through space, brushing against the scout unit of the Mass Union Ship before being consumed and assimilated by it. Searching the pilot's memories a mecha was recreated around it, now under the scout's control. The unit slowly sped toward Earth.

Guy of Z said
Geist readied his Antimatter Cannon and clipped the engines of the ship along with obliterating the freshly deployed units.He observed another unit preparing to engage the FSC Not wanting his only link to the regular army to be cut and seeing a possible challenge Geist pursued Throne Zwei.Geist fired one Anti-matter shot at the colony to get his attention, weakening the structure of the debris and breaking it in half.The beam was inches away from Zwei's direction hoping that would give the pilot the message

The alien created Sim sped through space onward to earth, however it sensed energy sources from the colony and had veered offcourse in its hunger. following the trail of Tau particles the Sim attempted to ram into the Zwei

Thanks to Phobos's small diameter and the output of their weaponry the damage was reduced to merely destroying the monument and shaft of a single hive with the Reactor sending the data of the surge back to its superior as the new breeds went into mass production

The laser, heavy laser and special fortress class spotted the falling asteroid and mobilized attempting to shoot it down but only managing to to burn away sections of its surface. Meanwhile the Reactor received orders from its Superiour and fired its routine payload into the Vok's "planet buster" causing spatial distortions and destroying it. However an unforeseen Quantum surge washed over the planet's surface mutating the various classes into new beings
Natsumi: "No, I've been trying for a while but something's blocking the signal. See this is why I said we should have stopped by another base on earth. At least then we could have arranged a convoy."

Post Slam, Outer Space

If it was only the signal being blocked, Natsumi would have had nothing to worry about. But reality is never so kind, as a horde of Megillots

numbering in the hundreds had descended on the station like a pack of locusts, killing everyone they could find inside, leaving the station devoid of life before they mobilised outside and began pushing it out of orbit - straight into a crash course with the Dimensional Barrier surrounding Earth.
TehChron said
The ability of the Voiture Lumiere systems attached to the and warped space around the ships, refracting the laser beams harmlessly around the .Onboard the ships bridge, Flit smiled smugly to himself, "See? If it's Mars, there's going to be aliens. On screen! All personnel to battlestations!" The scanned the surface of the red planet, locating the beings which had attacked them. The large beady eyed creatures continued staring up into space en masse, as Flit rested his cheek in his hand, smirking. "Send these images back to Tsuokolos. Scan for their home base! Hail the !"An image filled up a corner of the viewscreen, showing Natarle Badgiruele in full uniform, "Sir! What was that just now!?""Aliens, woman. Where's Gentles?"Natarle glanced to the side in anguish, "He's cooped up with that toaster of his, he says he's working on something. I don't trust it, Vice Admiral! That thing, it's suspicious!"Flit rolled his eyes, "And what do you care?""I-I-I can't let a robot potentially compromise our tender ship, sir! There's no other reason!"Flit palmed his face into his hand, secretly glad that the Guild Tech had taken her off his hands for the moment. "Tell Gentles and al-Saachez to prepare to sortie...but to first prepare .""That, sir?""He'll know what I mean." Badgiruele nodded, then saluted before cutting off the comm link. "Prepare all mobile suits to sortie! Fire Lohengrins!"A hapless bridge bunny stood up, "Into the atmosphere, sir?"Flit nodded, "Indeed. The atmosphere surrounding Mars is thin enough that it won't affect the Positron Cannon's destructive potential. Simply make sure to adjust for the variants in the targeting solution.""But what about the nearby Australias colony?""They'll be fine."Moments later, the began moving away from the , even as it proceeded to spam massive multicolored beams onto the planet beneath them, striking the alien creatures en masse.

Mars Surface

Information relayed from the destroyed laser and Heavy Laser classes back to the Reactor as it began its computations. The laser attacks failed but their programming ordered them to bring the ship in for... experimentation. The Reactor sent forth pulses to use one of their more powerful weapons on the ship to ground it. The lumbering Fortress moved into position before firing a blast below the Dominion as the "bomb" detonated, creating a gravitational distortion wiping out the starboard engine for certain, according to the Reactor's new calculations. The distortions would protect the bomb until it reached its destination and forced the ship to crash land, where the infantry were waiting to "greet" them.
TehChron said
The and arrived in near orbit of the Red Planet. When asked why they had arrived there in the first place, Flit merely shrugged and said the following:"If you're looking for invading aliens, you should always check to make sure they didnt set up shop there first. Now scan for any space stations. I want to be sure we get the drop on that bastard Ezelcant if hes the one behind this. Vagan scum."

Mars surface

Their sensors alerted them of the Dominion's presence while in orbit, several pairs of beady eyes staring into the sky in the ship's direction. A short charge later dozens of lasers were fired from the eyes, converging into a single beam which cut through the sky and into orbit striking the ship, burning through its Laminate armor and taking out the starboard engine.

Orbital Elevator, above Middle East

"Sir!" We're we've got a serious problem!"

"What kind of problem?!" The commander roared back, he had been on edge ever since those "armed interventions" by that psycho terrorist group had begun.

"W-we don't know! We've never seen anything like this!"

"Bring them up on screen now- Holy sweet mother of Christ" The commander swore as he saw them filling up the camera's view, hundreds- no thousands of irregularly shaped "meteors" ramming into the far side of the elevator- wait, that wasn't it.
'Meteors?' He quickly realized something was wrong - they weren't punching through the elevator, they were piercing into it and unfolding, becoming a creature unlike any he had seen before.

"Sir they're making their way into the blocks!"

"Lock down the area! Don’t let them advance any further!"

"We're trying sir! Th-they're melting through the blast doors-gahhhhhhhhh" The communication went silent as the Radam beasts had grabbed the man before tearing him into two.

The invasion had begun.
Side 3, Cluster 26

“That was a disaster…” Mikhail muttered returning to the UN Embassy after finishing maintenance. The pirates escaped, three Salamis were sunk, and multiple pilots were killed including student trainees.
‘A single MS and 2 fighters can only do so much…’ Mikhail paused as Doctor Elizabeth entered the Embassy’s lobby.
“We’ve returned Doctor.”

“Welcome back Lieutenant, the Culture Club members are all safe upstairs. What happened? We received a note of thank you from the EF, but not the reason for it”

Mikhail wondered if Yahagi had anything to do with that as it was rare for the Federation to send such a note, especially without reason.
‘At least someone there still has sense’
“Pirates attacked 4 Salamis one of them carrying students from the training school Ecole du Ciel. Many students managed to escape in a shuttle however a few were in GMs at the time of the attack…. From the sound of it several of them were killed in action. The pirates escaped a short time after we arrived. Three Salamis were sunk, all personnel on board were lost.”

“How horrible…”

“The Earth Federation will hold a burial for them later, and hopefully release a statement regarding the attack…. I’m surprised they haven’t already. What about ourselves?”

“We will probably be delayed for at least another week before we can launch because of this incident… I’ll inform the rest of the Culture Club of what occurred.”

“Are you still going to request they move up the departure date?”

“We cannot keep our colleagues on Mars waiting for too long. We’re already behind by over a week now.”

“This last attack only made it worse”

“I will still try, the pirates seem to be targeting the Federation correct? I still might be able to convince them we should be safe. If they are still in disagreement I will request additional security.”

“Understood, I’m heading back to the docking bay for now.”

Ecole du Ciel Campus

“No sir… there’s still been no contact.” Emilu reported to the principal inside the plush office. She had been summoned with the teachers assuming Asuna might have contacted her before or after her desertion, but their interrogation was in vain.
‘Asuna… never came back.’
“But I think I understand why…”

The principal stared at the trainee, hoping to finally get some answers as to the reason for her disappearance.
“So? Then tell me… Emilu Voigtlander.”

“Asuna… she’s blaming herself!” she barely held back her tears in spite of being in front of the principal. “That’s why!”

“There’s still time” an elderly secretary informed the principal before turning to Emilu. “Just stick with it until graduation.”

“Yes Ma’am.”
Emilu could only gaze at the sky after leaving the main building.
‘Asuna… where are you?’
Skirmish of Side 3

“Sir! Reinforcements have arrived, 1 Mobile Suit and 2 fighters! They’ve engaged the suits attacking Salamis 3! It’s taken damage but it’s still holding!”

‘Just 1 suit and 2 fighters? What is going on here…’
“Hail the pilots, request them to back us up if they deal with the forces there”

“They’re certainly disciplined at least, I can’t simply snipe them from here… I’m going in, provide cover fire!”
Switching back to Waverider mode the Delta dashed across the battlefield to engage the Zakus and Doms beginning a second assault on Salamis 3, after dispersing slightly to avoid the initial Beam fire.
‘The first Salamis is still sending out a request for help, nothing I can do about that now!’ Mikhail pitched upward while quickly transforming and firing on 2 nearby Zakus, disabling one and destroying the other.
‘I have really got to get that maneuver down…’ Mikhail switched over to a Dom lobbing a grenade into it before replacing his rifle’s E-pac and aiming at another squad of Zakus attempting to finish off the limping ship.
‘They really want this Salamis sunk, I’m not gonna make it to the other ship’ Mikhail began to get worried before seeing enemy signals on his sensor begin to drop. ‘Signals rapidly decreasing, someone’s taking them out in a row now! I just hope they can keep it up”

Marie might be overjoyed at taking out Feddies but she knew when a situation had turned sour.
“We can’t finish the mission with these reinforcements peppering us, it’s only a matter of time before more show up! We’re done here Akira! We’re pulling out!”
Akira paid her no mind at first instead lining up another shot.
‘You’re too naïve Asuna…!’ Akira fired amidst the confusion of Shinn’s Canard exploding but failed to hit as Asuna pre-emptively dodged the shot.
‘How did she manage that…?’
“Akira!” Marie yelled angrily at him, “I said we’re done here! Stop wasting ammo kid!” To Akira’s surprise instead of chewing him out further her voice turned solemn as she continued.
“Leave the children to their teachers. The world needs them to grow up.”
Akira did not reply, instead setting the bazookas to the Kampfer’s back before following her in their retreat.
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