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Time May 16th, 7:30am → 9:40am Location Tepes Island Grand Hall Interactions Tepes Family

Valerian knew it would be some time until the rest of his family joined him at the table, even longer still before the rest of attendees filtered through the doors to their places. The idea didn't bother him, though. What did jab at his nerves was the fact that he was as clueless of his father's intentions as most everyone else on the island. The silence of the Grand Hall was almost as loud as the noise inside his head, useless speculations and anxieties spinning around his head, crashing into each other as he tried to connect unfounded dots. Val pulled a flask from some hidden pocket inside his jacket, pulling out the stop and taking a huge gulp. He hated how powerless he was to control his cravings, like a druggie desperate for a bump. The blood was warm and deliciously sweet as he found O positive blood to be. His favorite type. The thick liquid coated his mouth, his tongue flicking out to lick a stray drop off of his lip. Too early to be drinking blood, he scolded himself. If his father knew how much blood he compulsively consumed a day, he'd be scandalized. Aimlessly, he stood to straighten the chairs around the table, the collar of his suit feeling too tight around his neck.

Nothing about his appearance was comfortable, but Valerian was here to represent the Tepes house, not to lounge about the island. He'd been up since the early hours, tediously straightening his stubborn curls and gelling them away from his face and giving a final once-over on his stiff new suit with an iron. He'd tried to shirk wearing the silk blue ascot, but his attendants had insisted on tying it in a loose, large bow around his neck, the tails untucked from his suit jacket. The suit wasn't him, but then again the whole facade he'd been keeping to be his father's poster prince wasn't any more authentic.

From his jacket pocket his phone buzzed, the vibration on his hip snapping him out of his daze. Val pulled the device from his pocket, scanning over the email notification. It was one of his representatives updating him on how funding for a potential cruise line launch was faring. From what he'd read, the situation didn't need his immediate attention. He'd already notified his assistant that he'd be away at the island for a couple of days, and made it clear he wasn't interested in letting his work follow him there. With a whoosh the email was forwarded to his assistant with a request for a summary of the week's events to be ready for him by the time he returned from the island.

Footsteps echoed from down the hallway, prompting Val to tuck his phone and flask away, but not before he took a reluctant last sip. He moved to the other side of the table to take a seat. Tepes relatives tailed each other into the room, eyes picking apart every detail of the room. Val always thought they looked something like a school of sharks, the way their lips were always pursed, their eyes always calculating and cold. They raked their gazes over him, exchanging tight lipped nods of acknowledgement before they settled into their chairs around him. Pointedly he noticed that Niko's chair was unoccupied, biting back a sigh. He'd give anything to let his guard drop for a day, even just a couple of hours. The smallest smile played at the corners of his mouth as he recalled the nights he spent sneaking out to meet Aria, exploring the small wonders the world had to offer. He hadn't had that much fun since-

A frown tugged Val's expression from neutral. He hadn't had that much fun since Aria had fooled around with another vampire and gotten herself turned. 'Out of hand' she'd said the encounter had been. Six years together and all it took was for things to get 'out of hand' to tear everything they'd built together apart. He'd been clear he didn't want to bite her, and she'd agreed easily. Val ran his tongue over his teeth irritably as he kicked himself for being so stupid. His mother had been right all along. Humans were always looking for something new and shiny, desperately trying to keep themselves from growing jaded as the years wore on. For vampires, few withstood the test of time, growing bored with existence after a couple centuries. While Val certainly wouldn't call himself fully jaded yet, it had been a while since he'd taken some time for himself.

As more and more guests entered the room, the silence was washed away by conversation. Guests navigated around the room to greet each other, smiling and hugging. If you told Val that the whole vampire population of New York had been invited to the island, he'd probably believe it. He stayed in his seat, watching the guests mill about the room and eventually take their seats with a perfected air of disinterest and aloofness.
You really are your father's pet, he sniped at himself. His nose crinkled in annoyance as he willed the bothersome voice in the back of his mind to shut up already.

Loudly, the doors of the Grand Hall burst open and Niklaus, Octavius, and Emiliano entered the room. They strutted across the floor as if they owned the very foundation it rested on. Their appearances were disheveled, their demeanors unworried. Did they even know how late they were? More likely, they just didn't care. Jealousy twisted something in his gut, curling its claws in the pit of Val's stomach. Almost as quickly as it came, he was shoving it away.
No time for pity parties.

Across the room a lady was trying to catch his eye, not so subtly peeking at him over her drink. It was a mimosa, Val observed critically. A bit early to be drinking, but on cue with the judgey thought, the flask in his pocket felt like it was filled with lead instead of blood. Point taken, he conceded, as if his guilty conscience was a different person altogether.

The woman raised her hand in a small, shy wave when she realized she'd caught his eye. She seemed like she had expected to be unsuccessful in her attempts, her expression unsure, not unlike a dog that had finally caught its tail and didn't know what to do with it next. He felt as if they'd met before, realizing with a twinge of guilt he probably should remember at least her name. He didn't though, so he raised his hand slightly in return and hoped she didn't try to talk to him after.

The female's attention snapped away from him, followed by a hush that swept over the room like wildfire. Following her gaze, Val's father, Dmitri, was standing at the podium. A single eyebrow quirked up in interest as he watched Dmitri clear his throat to speak. Maybe now they'd finally figure out what they were doing on this island anyways. The sooner they did, the sooner he could leave.

It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the island, make no mistake. The island was impressive, as expected for the head house. The beaches were pristine and looked like they belonged on a postcard. The housing was lavish, exceeding the quality of a five star hotel room several times over. The thing was, the awe had a way of dulling after you'd been dragged off to the island so many times. Dinners, meetings, exclusive VIP events, as the poster child of Dmitri Tepes Val had attended them all. Besides, being away from work too long, despite how much stress it caused him, made Val feel idle and stagnant. Somewhere in the past half a century he'd lost his sense of how to relax. Jesus, he needed to get out more. This was getting pathetic.

There wasn't much time for Valerian to deprecate himself for too long, since Dmitri was already launching into his speech. What his father was proposing was shocking, to say the least. Val was grateful that he didn't have to speak, at the moment his mind was completely blank. He hoped his expression wasn't betraying the surprise he was feeling.

It wasn't that he was worried for his wellbeing. On top of his hotel chain, Valerian owned several luxury apartments all over New York. His bank account was well cushioned, to say the least. Landing on his feet wasn't the problem here.

Rather, the cowing part of it all was the freedom returning to him so suddenly. Being independent from the Tepes house meant Val wasn't under his father's thumb anymore. He couldn't imagine Dmitri had been too happy about the idea. Maybe if things didn't work out he'd try and rope Val back into succeeding him, Val thought with a stab of horror.

Too make matters worse, Val had no idea what he was supposed to do with himself. Most of his life was dictated by his parents. Where he went, when he went, what he did throughout the day. For the past half a century, his scheduled had been stuffed to the gills with princely duties. What, was he supposed to go enjoy himself with all the time he had on his hands now? The thought made Val chuckle mirthlessly. What a concept. Maybe now he'd finally get himself his own identity, or a hobby or something.

Almost as quickly as Dmitri had dropped the bomb on everyone, he had disappeared, Val noticed. Meaning, it was probably time for him to start making the rounds. He could feel a headache coming on, one large hand going to rub his temple. Impulsively, he waved down a waiter with a tray of empty champagne glasses. For the first time in a while, disappointing his father was the least of his concerns.
"Two shots of absinthe, cut with sugar and O positive blood instead of water, in one glass, please. Quickly." The waiter nodded before heading towards the bar.

Val turned his gaze back towards the masses of people. Some were pale with anxiety, others seemed to be calculating their next move. Regardless of the different levels of success and wealth spread across the people in the room, each person had to play their next cards very carefully. One mistake could quite possibly destroy your chance of leaving a huge legacy in the vampire world. It was time to separate the lions from the lambs.
[ edit ]
Oh shoot I thought I hadn't already posted my character ^-^''


sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience :) I’m still here and off vacation soon so I should have a CS up within the next couple of days!
Could I reserve a vampire (if I haven't already, I wasn't sure I was clear on wanting a reservation)? I can try to get the CS up before I go on vacation, if you need me to. When were you planning on starting?
This looks great and I'd love to join! Would anyone be interested in having their char take a fresh turned vamp under their wing?

Interactions: @berlin @KatKook @Days

Nick laughed at Claire's joke, glad to have someone for company tonight. Somehow parties always soured once he found himself all alone, drinking all on his own. It was part of why he he allowed her to take him by the arm and lead him towards the circle that was forming up. Whatever definition people had of 'getting high school up in here', he was willing to check it out. As he was pulled through the crowd towards the table, he managed to snag a slice of pizza, folding it in half and taking a huge bite.

It seemed the circle was attracting tons of people, and as they introduced themselves, Nick smiled, shook hands, and tried to commit their name to memory. Someone who introduced himself as 'Park Jun Hoe' bowed, and Nick greeted him, scooting over towards Claire to make room for him to squeeze in. "Seems like that's the drinking fee. Hopefully you don't have too much to be exposed for." He grinned.

Amberle was pouring shots for everyone, and at her offer took a shot. On impulse, he knocked it back before reaching for another. Just something to calm his nerves, if you would. The second shot he set in front of him. "Bets on that this one doesn't survive the first three rounds." At Rowan's first scenario, Nick sighed guiltily. "Didn't even make it past the first round. With questions like this one, I'm due for alcohol poisoning in the next hour." The quip was followed with a good natured grin as he knocked back his shot.
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