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  • Old Guild Username: amycdefghi
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    1. ShadowedRaven 10 yrs ago


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Saxon glanced up from his current position on his desk, two voices close by sounded familiar, it was as if his hearing has been suddenly amplified as as he looked up the voices of Penelope and David were actually across the other side of the room. He stared at them a few moments, maybe he had imagined it....?

His gaze was caught by the teachers obvious glare that signalled her disapproval of first being late and secondly not doing any work so far. He bent down and rummaged through his bag pulling out a random wad of paper and slinging it on his desk giving her a *you happy now* look which again didn't go down to well.

As she turned to face the board he rested his head back on the desk, his arms shielded around it in an attempt to block out the light. However as he closed his eyes it seemed his hearing amplified again. He sat up sharply, instantly regretting it as the pounding in his head intensified. He almost growled at his own stupidity, but rummage around in his pocket for some more paracetamol.

He pulled out his bottle of water and took another, despite the fact it seemed to do nothing to help. He resulted in resting his head on his hands and staring at the board, far from concentrating but at least he wasn't about to freak out again over his hearing.
Hope you don't mind me dropping in on the explosion :P
Ally continued on her path through the weave of alleyways, it was getting considerably darker now and it seemed the rain had come to an end. She dropped her hold over the shadows, the umbrella she had created seemingly melding back amongst them. She adjusted her grip on the laptop, still concealing it within her jacket as she glanced around with each few steps.

She rolled her shoulders the tension slowly leaving as she no longer had to concentrate on keeping the shadow in a solid form. It didn't take much energy side it was a simple rough object, but as time went on or the bigger the object the harder it often became to control it. She had spent considerable amounts of time trying to build up her skills these past few months, but she was curious to see what else she could do, maybe the internet would provide some answers - whether that be through stories or specuation.

The darkness provided much cover without needing to be manipulated and soon she started to relax as she found herself down a familiar side street. However as she rounded the corner onto an alley off the street an explosion of heat and light erupted before her. She stumbled back, the scene playing out almost in slow motion. Instinctively she pulled up a wall of shadows and solidified it, helping to deflect the flame and reduce the heat that rushed over her skin. As it vanished she lowered the shield, instantly seeing the group of figures before her.

She froze, her senses overwhelmed with the urge to flee. What had she just stumbled upon!?
Ally stood just inside the door of the computer shop, the room was dimly lit and packed full of wires, gadgets and array of electronics. She had been inside once before, that's of course how she knew of where the laptop was located and it's access codes.

The first time she had entered was really just to scout out the place, it was so cluttered that she had instantly known if she could take something silently then it would be weeks before they registered as missing since they simply wouldn't know it was gone.

A voice rang from the back, " I'll be out in just a minute". A minute, that was all she needed. A normal person may have called out in return but instead she drew up the shadows from the corner of the room and used it to mask herself as she crossed, expertly locating the laptop she had had her eye on and slipping it under her jacket.

She could hear her own heart pounding, the adrenaline already kicking in despite the fact that it was a relatively simple grab and run. She could hear the rustling of sounds in the back and quickly crossed back to the door as the footsteps grew closer.

She reached for the handle and pulled the door swiftly open, the cover of her shadows dropping as she walked back onto the side street. The rain was beating down hard and she made a quick dash for the other pavement, pausing momentarily under an overhanging roof. She glanced nervously at the computer shop door the adrenaline still thrumming through her.

The details of the shop passed through her mind as she took a moment to make sure she had successfully retrieved everything an left nothing out the place. Her shadows would have kept her hidden from the security camera and the guy hadn't even made it out in time to see her enter.

However she still needed to get to the cafe and as she walked back towards the town square it seemed her previous distraction of the activists had turned more into an uproar and flock of people and police alike. She froze - trying to spot an easy path through the crowd, it was either that or heading back down the side street and then taking a network of alleys to the cafe, which would considerably cut her time.

But it seemed that would be her only option as the crowd was riskier in more ways than one, she would be out in the open and under the risk of being taken in by the police just for being near the protestors and rally never mind the laptop she had. She would rather brave the backstreets in the pouring rain gloom than the square itself.

She pulled a disk of shadows above her head and took a moment to solidify it, bending it to take the form of an umbrella and creating a handle just for affect. It took a considerable amount of concentration but it did the job and would stop the laptop from becoming a victim of the ever pounding water.

With her umbrella in tow she took off at a run down the alley keen to make it to the cafe, out of the rain and away from the commotion in the main square. She wanted to be rid of this laptop tonight, use it for her own means then sell it on for a bit of cash.
Saxon rolled over to face the alarm clock ringing by the side of his bed. He violently grabbed at it, the noise pounding through his head his ears still ringing even after it had stopped. He lay on his back, hands to his head as he shielded the morning light from his eyes. Never had he woken up with such a headache before. Maybe his prank yesterday had just been to much.

He lay there silently for a minute or so, but the pain didn't seem to dim and so he all but dragged himself from his bed and crawled across the carpet towards his bedroom door. He opened it a crack, recoiling at the brightness but slowly adjusting. He contemplated shouting his mum to grab some paracetamol, but shouting seemed worse than crawling right now. He was only thankful he was on the ground floor.

He made his way to he kitchen, painfully raiding the cupboards and popping open the first packet of paracetamol he could find, shoving them into his mouth and swallowing them without a drink. He glanced to the clock - he was running late! To make it worse he felt like the walking dead.

Saxon was able to shove on the first pair of clothes he could find before heading out the door, it seemed his mum was already at work but at least some of his older siblings were still in to look over the house. He was about to climb into his car, before deciding that maybe walking would be best and safest. It was a nice morning but still he wore sunglasses and a hoodie to shield himself - feeling ridiculous but at this point in time not particularly caring.

He had shoved his pockets full with medicine along with all his school books he could find into his bag, slowly marching to school not really bothered that he would most likely be late - it was a usual occupancy for him.

When he did indeed arrive at school the quiet chatter from classrooms was still overwhelming, but becoming more bearable despite his still pounding headache. He slipped into his English class and sat at the back, doing his best to avoid the windows and merely rest his head on the desk. Maybe he could pass it off as a hangover, most people left him alone then.
Ally walked at a leisurely pace round the side of the town square. On occasions she nipped into one of the regular side streets, easily pulling up the shadows as cover as the police walked past. There seemed to be so many on patrol today, but she guessed with the mutant activists out they had a good reason to. Usually the police didn't bother her, she had never once been caught for her activities and never even questioned, but with her plans tonight taking place so soon she couldn't help bit feel nervy upon spotting them.

As she made it to the other end of the square she glanced back at the ever growing crowd of supporters momentarily drawn towards their views and ideals. It was strange how they were so willing to stand there out in the open and protest against the common view, it took courage and although half probably didn't understand the true meaning behind the act it was still nice to see people were out supporting the minorities side.

She didn't risk staring to long though as she had a job to do. Her gaze returned to the little computer shop just down the street, that was newest target. Usually she did her jobs in the dead of night in the hopes of minimising the risks and optimising her abilities. But she was keen to get back online and finish her search, she felt o close to a revelation but just didn't know what. However to do so she needed the WiFi at the local café and that didn't stay open all hours and she couldn't risk holding onto stolen goods for to long.

As an uproar rose from the crowd she diverted her attention back to the square, watching with a mix of surprise and horror as the stage lifted from the ground. She stood there frozen, for a moment contemplating whether to rush over - keen to find the person behind it - but at the same time it gave her the perfect distraction to finally grab the laptop. She was torn between her heart and her head, but eventually her head won out and she ducked into the shop hearing the small chime of the welcome bell and already silently cursing at the fact. Nothing could ever be easy for her...
Ally perched on the corner of a side street watching the regular mutant activists. She stood there silently, the lingering shadows from the balcony above instantly clinging to her just waiting for the slightest form of consent in order to conceal her fully. The sky above was gloomy, which was both a positive and a negative in her eyes. A dark sky meant rain was to come which inevitably meant a hard nights sleep in the cold and damp, however the clouds kept away the glare of the sun and allowed the shadows to stretch further beyond their confines - a new positive in her eyes.

She watched with curiosity as the various messages were rallied between the group. She half wondered if there were others like her out there, so close that she could touch them if only she knew where to find them. Her ability, or power I guess in a sense, had started to develop only 3 months ago. At first she had no idea what was happening to her, and even now she still wasn't sure of the workings behind it. But she figured that with all this mutant protesting it was indeed her species these humans were trying to help.

She smiled momentarily before taking a few steps back as a policeman wandered by, she was always wary of the bright yellow uniforms, especially in her line of work. Well I guess it wasn't really work, more like a way of life, a means for survival. She sighed looking towards the clock at the town centre. It was late afternoon and she knew if she were to find a good spot - hopefully with decent cover - to rest for the night, then well she best start searching now.

She scanned the town centre once more before beginning to slink around the outskirts. She had planned a big job for tonight to set her up with some cash for a couple of weeks. It even gave her the rare opportunity to get online - a luxury she didn't posses and greatly craved in order to keep searching for things to better explain her abilities and what she could further do with them. So far she had only mastered simple tricks, all with shadows of course, but she wanted to know more, find more and most importantly see if there was anyone else like her out there for real rather than just taking what the humans spoke of as truth. For all she knew she may not be a mutant at all.
I know I'm an awful friend haha! At least I finally put one up tho :3

But YES time skip! I'm all up for my canine counterpart to be revealed ;P
Done! Sorry its so short XD
Feel free to time skip :)
Saxon stood by the exit of the room, after surveying it and watching the others do the same it seemed they had all drawn the conclusion that there was nothing her and no secret rooms or facilities that lead beyond it. His attention was generally short and now that the excitement was over he was keen to just get back to their allocated activities so that the day would hopefully end sooner.

As Pen piped up with the suggestion to leave he nodded quickly in response, however had to stop as a sudden pain burst through his temples. He touched a hand to his head, but made no indication of pain as it disappeared as quickly as it had came. How strange...

He shook the thought away and moved to follow everyone back down the stairs, his thoughts drifting to another prank he might be able to perform, with such a disappointing end to their exploration he could do with a little amusement, but something more than a classic prank would cause. He wanted to pull of something big before they left - he just didn't know what.
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