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"Wait, what?" is Penny's only response to being told to get a swimsuit. It takes her a second to realize her team leader is actually being serious about it.

"Wait, what do you mean get a swimsuit?! Is it swimsuit-only?!" Penny asks in confusion. "Do I look like the sort to pack a swimsuit? Or even wear a swimsuit?"

Penny's inquiries go unanswered as the Hastan girl blitzes so quickly out of the room she generates a gale even without her Elementum.

"And where would I even get a swimsuit at this time?!" Penny calls out, even though Nichole has clearly gone out of earshot.
Yeah, probably for the best. Will drop my application. Good luck with the game, and have fun! :)
“...Doesn’t that sound absolutely AWESOME?!! she asked, her gleeful visage looking over each of the gathered cadets in turn, most of whom were too stunned to answer.

Or were desperately trying to keep from laughing their heads off…

Penny just gave a little sigh at how energetic friend went off into a massive gushing description of the episode. She was right the first time; Dana was a seven year old in a teenager's body. Still, it's nice to listen to her She just gives a soft smile as Dana finishes her story.

“Wow, Penny,” the cheerful Norban said with a giggle. “Your test sounds like somethin’ straight outta a horror movie! Y’know, once Halloween rolls around, we should totally get Yagami to set up a haunted house!” she added. “Anyways, at least now I know where your recent hatred for rodents came from!”

Penny makes a face at the idea of Yagami hosting a haunted house.

"Yeeeaaaaaahhhhh.... I don't think that's such a good idea..." she says. "Two reasons.

"One, as I understand it, Yagami is pretty busy, like some other instructors who were brought in. And thank God, because, two, I ran into Instructor Baozhai after my exam, because she wanted to congratulate me on my success. I told her what happened, and joked that Yagami would run a pretty good haunted house. Immediately, Baozhai gives this... thousand yard stare and tells me to never, ever bring it up, especially in front of Yagami. Apparently, she had been in Yagami's year, and Yagami did run a haunted house - once. Except she ran it as a horror movie and traumatized more than a few students, Baozhai included. Nobody got physically hurt, mind, but they never let her run a haunted house again. Personally, I think she's a sadist."

Apparently, the second test had left many of the students weary and exhausted. They clearly weren't kidding about being serious on these exams - but then again, being an Ars Magi, the main line of defense against the Void, is no light matter. You either had to be up to snuff or there's no point in having potential if you can't realize it. Penny notes that 'most' of the girls succeeded; she was wondering about those who didn't succeed, and whether they were taking remedial courses to make up for it.

As for Team 2, Penny listens with a sympathetic ear. She could actually relate to Priya's test, given how she was similarly a close-range specialist with some ranged options. Amanda's trial seemed to be more about leading and command ability than actual combat. Blair's trial was new, though Penny finds it oddly amusing to imagine Blair, the aggressive go-getter, being forced into a more passive or reactive role in order to pass.

And then, of course, there's the tests her own teammates faced. Penny figures she could have done pretty well had she been given Dana's test, but it would obviously not have been a good test; Penny's a close combat specialist, so a melee fight wouldn't really be a good test of her shortfalls.

"...and I shit you not, explosive mice! Twice!" Penny says, explaining her own test. "Didn't even get a chance to dodge the second time, just dropped down from the ceiling! Then again, Garnet may have had a point; if I were paying attention, I would have noticed those prayer strips sooner when they started to fall from the ceiling. Still, it's incredibly stressful to get blown up by kamikaze rodents.

"So that's why I tried to toss Aoi's hamster across the yard yesterday,"
she sighs. "I can understand why she's still mad, but I was still stressed out."

She doesn't mention the bit at the end where Yagami teases her about Altea. The idea is a little too depressing to contemplate right now, and just a little bit ominous.

Then again, we've been to St. Joan's, right? Penny thinks to herself.

The exercise group sounds tempting, and Penny takes Priya up on her offer. She has a few things to work through right now; the test was one, but more recently she got a letter from home about Nessa's condition; the poor girl seems to be stable right now, but currently under watch at the hospital. Penny crumples the paper and buries it in her drawer, not bringing it up to the others; she doesn't want them to worry about her. If nothing else, the exercise offers Penny a chase to work out her fears.

The letter from Aiya manages to snap Penny out of her funk.

"Ooh, got something interesting from your girlfriend?" she teases.

"So I take it we're going to see what Aiya's cooking up?" she asks, sincerely this time.

Time flew at Nova Lux for the young Siscian, spent through training, classes, and time with her teammates/friends, even a couple of times club-hopping with Nichole (the red-haired beauty somehow knew where to find all the best rock clubs). Penny had always wanted to go clubbing, but back home, between school, work, homework, and a busy home life, she never had the time. It’s as fun as she imagined it to be, but maybe that’s just being with her friends. It also made her feel guilty thinking about her home life, and wonders how they’re doing these days. One recent letter made her worry about Vanessa; the poor girl never was in the best of health, now she had a bad coughing fit again.

However, all she could do here was try her best and pass her exams. And Penny aims to do just that, and prove she fully deserves to be here, and that her potential isn’t wasted.

Of course, given her own incredibly studious nature and almost single-minded focus, she notices that Dana needs help with some of her own work. The latter wasn’t negligent or lazy, she just lacks Penny’s almost one-track mind regarding schoolwork, and it irked Penny’s almost disciplinarian nature, especially when Dana would try to take a break or go do something else. Pop quizzes, ambush study sessions, and having a pint-sized tyrant breathing down her neck became the new and unpleasant norm for Dana. The pop quizzes were the worst; any time Penny even felt that Dana was slacking in something, or needed to refresh her knowledge, she’d (metaphorically) hit the poor girl with a pop quiz. One time, Dana stumbled to her bed after a long and exhausting day, turned off the lights and went to sleep - only for Penny to turn the lights back on, several books under one arm, and the dreaded words on her lips:

“Pop. Quiz.”

The resulting despairing wail brought the other students banging on their door in protest, saying angrily they were trying to sleep, but Penny yelled back at them through the door.

“Oh knock it off! It’s a matter of passing or death!”

Then the written exams finally arrived. For her part, Penny felt like she did her best, and was pretty confident about her results. The answers basically seemed to flow from her hand, writing sentences, filling the blanks, and writing essays with almost manic energy. Dana seemed… less enthusiastic, but then again, so were 90% of the other students.

Still, It’s safe to say that the results were worth it, though Penny had to admit, given the bags under Dana’s eyes and the lack of her usual cheerful demeanor that she might have taken things too far. Even Penny herself felt a little tired from all the late night study sessions, even though she consumed enough coffee to supply a company for a week. Still, the most tedious parts of the test were over, and she was sure Dana would be looking forward to something simple and fun. Penny guiltily wonders if Dana would request all the targets have Penny’s face on them.

After a good night’s sleep and a chance to recover from the exhaustion of the study sessions and the tedium of the writing part, the first set of physical exams began. This, Penny knew, was the easy part; the first set of physical tests were always geared to testing what an Ars Magi was good at. And for Penny, as an Assault-class Ars Magi, was really good at mixing it up close and personal, as several unfortunate combat drones found out the hard way.

A gauntlet of drones, both light and heavy combat units, were arrayed against the Ars Magi, all trying to use a combination of tactics and firepower to take down the young girl. Penny, however, was prepared. Using a combination of her literal lightning speed, Lightning Elementum strikes, and even a newly mastered combination of swift combo attacks and her new Pulse ability, she basically dances between her opponents, a swift, adrenaline-fueled frenzy as she switches from dodging, attacking, blasting and skating in a a manic trance. She even manages to tie in a couple of mixed martial arts into her combat, jumping into the air, grabbing one dron between her thighs, kicking it at another, then smashing them both with a single hammer blow. She manages to evade close calls, near misses, and even manages to turn potentially dangerous strikes into glancing blows, in one case grabbing a robot’s attack arm after it smacked her in the chest, and promptly using the robot’s momentum to sweep it off its feet, then suplex it into the pavement so hard she shatters the circuitry inside.

Her ranged attacks are still weaker than Dana’s, but then again Penny’s a tank, not artillery, and Dana’s ranged abilities were, quite frankly, phenomenal. Still, Penny likes to think she got better at her ranged lightning attacks; more focused, more accurate, and even a bit more range than before, allowing her to take the battlefield by literal storm.

With a mighty swing, she smashes in the head of the last robot, compacting it into half its height, and watches with satisfaction as it falls backwards, smoking.

“Whew,” she grunts in relief as she stretches her arms. “That was quite the workout.”

She’s interrupted by the sound of clapping hands behind her. Turning to see who it was, she sees her instructor for the test, Serene Crimson Garnet, AKA Yagami Tsukino, a former student turned Wing of Justice with a distinguished service record. While her achievements weren’t as lauded as others, that was because she generally operated as part of the more secretive Shadow Ops sections of the Wings of Justice, meaning you only found out about them if someone screwed up. Her serene appearance and calm smile was friendly, but given the reputation she’s heard about Yagami and the Shadow Ops, that calm expression rubbed her the wrong way somehow.

“Well done, Miss Grenoble,” she says. “A bit of a close call here and there, but overall an energetic performance as always.”

“Well, I’m a close quarters kind of gal,” Penny replies, hefting GroB Eisen onto her shoulders one-handed. “Gotta expect a few knocks here and there.”

“Indeed,” Yagami replies with a soft smile. “For the next part of the test, though, it’s less a fight and more… hide and seek. You have one hour to find me.”

Penny looks around, confused.

“I’m… guessing there’s more to this than one would think?” she asks, uncertain. To her surprise, Yagami starts dissolving into cherry blossom petals right before her eyes, all with that same mysterious smile on her face.

“You guess correctly,” Yagami replies casually, as though disappearing into petals was an ordinary thing for her. She leaves Penny looking around in bewilderment.

“I’ll be in Test Site 37C,” came the disembodied voice of the senior Ars Magi. “You have one hour to find me - starting… now.”

With that, she was gone, leaving Penny cursing under her breath as she fired up her rocket hammer and blazes off to her next test.

“Well, that’s one way to make an impression, I guess,” she mutters under her breath, skating as fast as she can.

Getting to the designated zone takes little time, though the size of the test site is a bit daunting. Penny knows she has to find Yagami in an hour, but she isn’t sure what to expect. The experienced Ars Magi could be hiding anywhere…

As Penny looks around, skating slowly to gain her bearings, she hears something rustle in an alleyway. She looks at the alleyway, hammer in hand, ready to fight back, when she suddenly sees something to her right!

Out of a nearby window, a ghoulish-looking woman sprung out, giggling eerily as she slashes with her claws. Penny’s reaction was to slam her hammer into the woman’s face, causing her to collapse on the floor. Initially, Penny is horrified to see herself having hit or even killed a civilian trying to do a Halloween impression, but then she sees the creature’s long, snakelike torso even as it’s disintegrating in death.

“Wait, a projection?” Penny muses. “No, it felt real enough when I hit it. Must be something like a pawn or a summon…”

She didn’t have time to ponder this any longer, as more things started popping out everywhere; from the windows, the alleyways, and even the trash cans! Some were like the one that just attacked her, others were snakes with the heads of women, and one attacking her with a long pair of rusty scissors looked like a normal woman in a trenchcoat had it not been for the horrifying Glasgow grin across her face. Penny counters with her hammer’s long shaft, spins it around to throw the carved-face woman’s strike off, then smacks her into a nearby wall with a counterattack. But even as she starts beating down her adversaries, she notices that even more of them pop out; gremlin-like things with long claws, small deformed human-like things with only one large eye and no nose on their faces.

“Christ, how many of you bastards are there?!” Penny shouts in frustration. She realizes that if she tries to continue fighting here, she’d either be overwhelmed or run out of time.

“FUCK!” she cries out, and then, as much as it irks her, she runs off in another direction, firing her rocket hammer to move on quickly.

Just as she thought she lost them, she barely dodges a spear aimed at her head, and turns to see a trio of large bipedal frogs with spears, rainbow mists coming out of their mouths with every breath. One of them launched its tongue at her, barely missing her, only for the other to grab Penny with its tongue, spin her around and then slam her into a wall with considerable force. Growling with anger, Penny, not wanting to wait for the thing to toss her around, grabs the thing’s slimy tongue, and launches herself at the giant toad, caving its head in and forcing it to disintegrate into nothing. The other two, trying to take her down quickly, launch their tongues in unison at Penny. Acrobatically dodging both, she grabs one tongue and attaches it to the other, causing both giant toads to struggle as they try to disentangle their tongues. Penny, seeing the opportunity, grabs the stuck tongues, give a loud war cry, and then spins the toads around by their tongues like a giant pair of bolas, before slamming them into a wall on top of each other, then killing both at once with one powerful blow of GroB Eisen. Breathing hard, she notices a trio of what looks like Japanese prayer strips, which soon burn up into dust before her.

Skating away, she tries to find a way to a different block, but comes across a dead end. Looking around, Penny is surprised by several prayer strips falling to the ground, but is strangely relieved when they ‘pop’ to reveal several small and spherical little mice, allowing looking up at her, noses twitching.

“Hey, you guys are kinda cute,” she begins, but then realizes that they’re quickly swelling like balloons, cute faces becoming grotesque, and small bodies stretching horribly. She even sees a couple of them begin to glow ominously.

“OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!” she cries out, before a combined large explosion rocks the street, leveling a couple of buildings.

Penny, fortunately, manages to dodge out of the blast at the last second, causing her to be launched into a pile of rubble. Getting up and dusting herself, Penny grumbles under her breath. This is getting her nowhere fast, and she needs to hurry. And yet no sooner does she get going when she suddenly has to dodge several gouts of fire from a nearby alleyway. She sees several paper lanterns with faces spitting fireballs at her, while what looked like umbrellas with one leg hop quickly towards her, then opened up, using their shapes as obstacles and weapons, trying to slash her with their edges or smack her with their bodies.

As she manages to dodge and weave between the attacks, she notices several more flying creatures, looking like flying eels with bug legs, and braces for more. However, she realizes.the things aren’t attacking, they’re just… there. Watching.

She gets a reminder of her current predicament when one umbrella-monster opens up in her face, smacking her into a wall. Recovering quickly, Penny lands on her feet then charges her opponents. For all their cunning and skill, these particular ones seem weak, easily falling to strong sweeps or electric shocks. Once done with those, she turns up to look at the flying things, only to notice most of them are gone, with only a couple remaining to keep an eye on her.

She then realizes what the whole test is.

“Oh fucking hell,” she groans. “Shit. This whole place is a goddamn maze. Booby traps everywhere. And I’m here trying to find a fucking needle in a haystack.”

Penny once more resumes her search, but this time her search is more cautious and paranoid. She constantly looks over her shoulder and peeks into alleyways to discern if something is chasing her. Most importantly, she keeps looking for more of those flying eels, figuring out that they’re basically messengers or control extension agents, there to transmit Yagami’s will to her puppets over a large distance, and quite possibly to keep an eye out for Penny herself. In fact, any time she was spotted by one of them, ambushes and attacks were sure to follow.

Carefully tracing the movements of the flying eels, she manages to track them to a nearby apartment building, long since abandoned. She takes a deep breath, but before she could take a step forwards she hears something to her right and reflexively jump back. This allows her to avoid the jabbing bone-arm of a giant, ugly ogre. It shambles towards her, licking its chops with its long tongue.

“Yoooouuuu loook taaasteeeee….” it slobbers, before raising its arm to slash her.

Penny dodges the strike, spins around her opponent’s bulk, before smashing it in the other arm it was using to prop itself up, causing it to buckle. She then crushes the knee with another blow, forcing the creature down on the ground with a surprised yelp, causing the earth to shudder under its massive bulk. She then finishes it off by crushing its skull with an electrified power strike.

“Tsch, I’ve wasted enough time as it were,” Penny grunts, noting she’s spent more than twenty minutes just on this wild chase. “Let’s wrap this up…”

Powering up her rocket, she smashes through the front door, dodging several skinny ghouls wielding clubs, before using the guardrails as a skating rail as she quickly shoots up the stairs, jumping over gaps and avoiding any traps or obstacles Yagami left behind. She quickly finds herself in front of the top floor apartment. Taking a deep breath, she opens the door, and finds Yagami in the center of the room, seated in deep meditation. Penny approaches hesitantly, unsure of what other traps to expect. It seems a little underhanded to sneak up on the instructor like this, but she’s also unsure if announcing her presence is a wise idea. She’s gotten rather paranoid from the traps all around the place.

“Oh no need to sneak around like a thief in the night, Penelope,” Yagami teases. “Why don’t you come closer?”

Penny hesitates, takes a few steps, then stops again, this time a strong sense of discomfort telling her something was off about the whole thing. Before she could react, the door slams shut behind her, and her attempt to smash it open stopped as a magic circle seems to trap her in. She turns to face Yagami, who stirs unnaturally.

“Oh why the mistrust?” says ‘Yagami’, her voice having an unnatural echo. “You found me, you won!”

‘Yagami’ started growing unnaturally pale, her clothes becoming ratty and torn, as the raven-haired girl’s appearance turned from a cool ivory skintone to a ghastly grey as she faced Penny. Her delicate, manicured hands became long and gnarled, the fingernails turning into monstrous talons to shred apart living flesh.

“TIME FOR YOUR REWARD!” the ghostly being shrieks, lunging at Penny.

The Siscian girl barely dodges out of the way, and tries landing a blow, only for the strike to pass through the incorporeal fiend, allowing the ghost to slash back, causing a cut in Penny’s side. Penny, grunting in pain and frustration, waits until the thing comes back for another go.

”EINSCHLAGEN!” Penny cries out, slamming GroB Eisen into the ground and sending a powerful electrical shockwave around her that stuns the yuurei long enough that Penny Slams it with another electrified hammer blow, smashing its head open. Yet despite the grotesque display of ghostly brains on display, the ghost just grins ghoulishly as she melts into a black smoky mist that envelops Penny.

“Hey, what the hell is this?!” Penny says as she tries to shake off the smoky mass. It doesn’t dissipate no matter how hard she tries, and gathers around her ankles and GroB Eisen’s head. Any attempt to dispel the mist with her Elementum only makes it grow faster Then suddenly, a loud rumbling occurs behind the bewildered Ars Magi, and a giant red oni smashes through the wall behind her, giving a loud roar in challenge. Penny reacts immediately, turning on the rocket thruster on GroB Eisen, only to discover that it sputters and struggles to get a good thrust going.

”What the hell is it now?!” Penny groans, being jerked around by the stop-start action of the seemingly failing rockets. Then she realizes that whatever the ghost ‘Yagami’ had inflicted her with was interfering with her Gladius’ powers and her own.

The oni, taking advantage of the Siscian’s surprise, slams his giant club right into his much smaller opponent, slamming her into a wall. Penny initially falls to her knees after the blow, but catches herself, and gets up again, a look of burning determination in her eyes. She charges the oni, this time sticking to her own skating abilities and agility to avoid the blows. While she still isn’t as fast without the rocket thrust, her own augmented abilities and agility allow her to avoid the beast’s blows, though she still gets peppered with the shrapnel. Then, as the oni slams his club into the ground, just missing Penny again, she sees her chance, and jumps onto the club before the thing can react. Skating up its arm quickly, she dodges a couple of swipes by the oni before getting on its back, right between the shoulderblades.

”Alright, ya big fucker, ya like smashing stuff?!” Penny growls menacingly, winding up for a blow. ”HERE, HAVE SOME BACK!”

Penny’s blow strikes the back of the oni’s with brutal force, stunning the giant. But she doesn’t relent. She keeps swinging and swinging, slamming brutal blow after brutal blow to the back of the thing’s head. Soon, it’s spitting up ichor, stumbling as it’s dazed and weak. Trying to stop the attacks, it slams its back into the nearby walls, catching the scrappy little bruiser in between. Penny grunts as she weathers the attacks, and responds by hammering the back of the oni’s skull even harder, even as she’s being slammed repeatedly herself. Soon, the oni’s struggles become sluggish and slow, and Penny jumps off its back and gives a loud cry as she delivers one final blow to the monster’s head, knocking it off its shoulders and causing the decapitated colossus to collapse to the ground before it starts dissipating into mist.

Penny lands on her feet, bruised all over and breathing hard. She notices that the black smoky bands on her ankles and gladius were still there.

”Shit, here I thought this was a temporary thing,” she groans. ”I swear, if I have to deal with any more bullshit…”

She’s suddenly startled as prayer strips fall from the ceiling, all popping into more kodama nezumi. True to form, they all started to swell and glow ominously.

”Oh you MOTHERFU-!! Penny cries out, before they all explode. The resulting blast takes out the top three floors.

Elsewhere, the real Yagami Tsukino watches the explosion through a mirror, surrounded by floating shinidamachu, her usual mysterious smile on her face.

“Perhaps I might have taken that a bit too far,” she muses. “Still, if one’s to achieve their full potential, they need to be properly challenged. Besides, this is a test, not a birthday party.”

She looks at her watch. A bit over twenty minutes left. She better hurry up if she wants to pass the test.

Penny finds herself skating the streets quickly, trying to dodge the fireballs of fire-breathing lanterns and swooping tengu with spears. She growls as she parries a spear thrust with her hammer’s handle, then counters by spinning the hammer’s shaft to throw her opponent off balance, and then brings around her hammer in a strong sweeping blow before they can react.

“FUCK! OFF!” she shouts, smashing the tengu into the pavement, the summoned creature poofing into vapor. “I’VE WASTED ENOUGH FUCKING TIME WITH YOU THINGS!!”

She dodges another fireball, and then skates her way between several attackers, using a couple of strategic powerslides to get under a bunch of chouchin obake and up against a wall. The yokai were surprised by the move, and before they could react, she takes her hammer and swings it against a nearby wall.

“KAISERSCHLAGEN!” she roars, smashing the load-bearing wall and bringing the building on top of her enemies and raising a massive plume of dust. Before the shinidamachu could see through the dust, she opens a nearby manhole cover and dives right in, being sure to close it behind her before she’s spotted.

There, in the old abandoned sewers, she pauses to take a breath. She’s bruised, battered, and annoyed as hell. She’s been on a wild goose chase, and still has to finish this exam to pass.

I’ll give Yagami this; she certainly knows how to push a person to their limits, she thinks, looking at the smoky black curse bands fade away. She also knows how to piss people off. I really got to hurry up and finish this damn thing; I can’t face Dana and the others if I mess up here.

At least I can feel the curse go away; it was annoying as hell to try to power through when it feels like someone’s pressing the brakes on my powers.

She looks up at the roof of the sewer.

At least those things can’t see or sense me through this. Should buy me some time to lose them.

She skates away, trying not to breathe in the musty, foul smell of the sewers.

Elsewhere, Yagami switches between several vistas on her seeing-eye orb, but Penny isn’t showing up anywhere.

“Seems like she’s managed to give me the slip,” Yagami sighs before looking at her watch Just about 20 minutes remaining. “Not bad. Still, there’s not much time left; let’s see if she can still make it in time.

“In the meantime, I think I should pull out the red carpet for her. Prepare for the big finale; assuming she still has her determination to win.”

She gets up, stretches, and dismisses her seeing eye orb, before walking out into the open, followed by floating shinidamachu.

Penny tosses the manhole aside as she emerges from the sewers again, gagging.

“Next time, I’m bringing a mask,” she grumbles. She then sniffs herself and makes another face. “And taking a shower afterwards.”

Taking cover behind a wall, she notices something; the shinidamachu seem to have changed their flight patterns and movement; no longer were they patrolling the skies in search of her, instead, they seem to be more limited in the directions of their moment. They seem to be keeping in a general pattern between seven tall buildings, all roughly equidistant from a stadium in the center. The circle, she realizes with a start, would be completed by an eighth building; the one she had just fought the fake Yagami in.

Well, fuck me,, Penny thinks. The whole thing’s been a setup. Eight fake targets set up all around town, just to confuse the hell out of me. And in the center…

Looking at the stadium did not set her mind at ease; There was a growing cacophony of laughter and giggling, presumably from the hordes of yokai Yagami was holding back. If she’s at the stadium, it’s going to be one hell of a fight trying to reach her, especially as the yokai will be heavily clumped together the closer she gets to her goal.

She leans against the wall and sighs, looking upwards.

“Just great,” she mutters, “How am I supposed to solve this? Which one’s the real one? This is so-”

Something catches her eye, and she looks up at the sky. There were several more shinidamachu… but they were in the wrong direction from the stadium. Also, unlike the others, they didn’t seem to be patrolling, but moving randomly - or so it seemed. She follows their movement with their eyes, and sees them moving between one of the buildings in the circle, and a smaller building just a bit further, well out of the circle and away from the stadium.

“Wait, why would they travel to a random building-”

Then it hits her. The whole thing was a shell game. Eight fakes, and even the stadium is an obvious trap. While it was blatantly unfair for a test to just set up traps everywhere with no real solution, it makes sense; in a shell game, the shell is never in any of the cups after the dealer shows it off. They always palm the shell before or during the final shuffle. So the real Yagami was never in any of the buildings, or even in the stadium. And if she spreads her minions so far and wide, she needs a system of control to keep them handled. While the range these things can keep active in is impressive, there still has to be some way to keep them organized. Every time she was ambushed, there were shinidamachu nearby, either to guide them, or to extend control. And if she can control her puppets through shinidamachu, she might be able to extend her control through puppets of puppets.

The whole thing’s like a network; each part can transport information to any other part, and there’s a central server handling the whole thing, Penny thinks. It was just a question of where the real server was being kept.

Of course, it can’t be that easy, can it?
she muses bitterly, already spotting quite a few yokai patrolling the route to the real Yagami’s hiding spot. Probably an ace in the hole should anyone figure out her little ploy. So how do I get to her in time…?

She looks around, trying to find another route to the building when she spots a couple of stores nearby. One of them was a hardware and electronics store, long since abandoned, but it causes something to click in her mind. She rushes inside, and looks around. A lot of forgotten, abandoned electrical equipment, possibly unsafe to use, but hopefully they’ll last long enough for the plan to work. Electronics, cables, even a car battery or two.

”Yeah, I think this might work,” Penny says confidently. She looks over at the other store, where several mannequins covered in old, moldy clothes were still posing in the window.

Yagami was getting a little impatient by now. She looks at her watch - eight minutes left. Did Penny get lost somewhere, or did she give up? Either way, it seems like such a disappointment for the test to end this way.

Suddenly, she sees a burst of lightning erupt in the distance. She summons her seeing orb by sacrificing a prayer strip, but by the time she gets a visual, Penny is obviously long gone, leaving a large smoking crater and a few scattered yokai parts that soon dissipate into nothing. What had happened here?!

Before she has time to think it through, she’s interrupted by a sudden plume of lightning and fire erupting even closer and charging on her position.

“So you’ve finally decided to show up, Penny?” Tsukino says with a smile. “Good, I was thinking you might have given up on- eh…?!”

Her smile faded into an expression of confusion as several streaks of lightning and fire promptly appeared and made mad dashes on her position, all outside the circle she set up. She switches her viewing orb to see who it was, and each mystery attacker was a short brown-haired girl wearing a visor, hunched over as they rode the power of a rocket hammer while skating forwards at full thrust. They were going too fast for her to get a good look at them, but it seems like there were five Penny’s racing towards her.

This doesn’t make any sense! she thinks. Penny doesn’t have illusion powers, nor is she capable of creating dopplegangers! How is she doing this?!

She commands her yokai to stop the attackers. Internally, she’s amused to see Penny having seen through her trick with the fakes, but she’s still a mite sore about being outsmarted, and either way she isn’t going to make it easy for Penny. Besides, the rookie’s shown resilience and stubbornness, and she’s curious to see what Penny has up her sleeves.

To her surprise, once the yokai catch up to the targets, the ‘Pennys’ seem utterly reckless, charging forwards regardless of dangers or attacking enemies. One runs into a bunch of gaki, one of which lashes out with its long arms, and hits her legs, causing her to tumble. With her speed, she hits the ground rather hard, and starts rolling in a quite frankly hazardous manner. To Tsukino’s shock, ‘Penny’ actually breaks apart, limbs flying off, one still attached to the hammer, and the head rolls to a yurei’s feet. The ghost yokai picks up the head, and looking through her familiar’s eyes, Tsukino realizes the head is that of a mannequin, with a silly face crudely drawn on it and a rotting wig attached by old glue. The hammer, arm still attached, hits a wall, has a visible electric short-circuit, then bursts into flame.

||Music: Music Stops||

Rapidly switching between different targets, Yagami finds the same thing happening with the other ‘Pennys’. One trips on a rock, causing her hammer to drag her along, causing her lower torso to break off before the power runs out, catching fire and lighting the unfortunate mannequin as well. Another runs into a wall, scattering mannequin pieces all over the place while the hammer shorts out and catches fire. Yet another suddenly has the hammer malfunction, taking out the mannequin (and quite a few yokai who were trying to intercept it), leaving a lower torso and legs squeaking by on half-melted skates. The last one crawls to a halt as the rocket sputters, before coming to a halt. Then it abruptlycaught fire.

“Where is she?” Yagami wonders. “I’ll give her credit for turning my own tricks against me, but right now I need to find out where she’s gone.”

She commands her familiars to search the area, high and low, but then discovers one of her minions is missing, a shibugarasu. What had happened?

Five minutes earlier, the three-eyed crow was flying high above the ruins, trying to see what had happened when that first bolt of lightning struck. As it scanned the area, suddenly it caught sight of not one but five consecutive bursts of lightning as the fake mannequins started their suicide runs. It turned to take a closer look, but before it could get closer, it noticed something in the corner of its eyes. It turned around to look, only to receive a deadly hammer blow that rattled it, leaving it dazed and floundering, about to fall. Then a pair of powerful legs wrapped around its neck, and before it could realize what was happening, there was a sickening crunch as Ars Magi Bright Emerald Spark broke its neck with a mighty twist, before grabbing a wing, hopping onto the dying thing’s back, and then jumping off with a mighty kick as the thing disintegrated below her.

I got lucky there, no lie, Penny thinks. The spare parts, the dummies, and now the distractions needed to keep Yagami off my tail. If I time this just right…

With that, she uses momentary bursts from GroB Eisen to manage multiple high double-jumps, rising higher and higher into the air with each one until she hides in the dark clouds above. There, she stops using her power, and just lets the momentum take her until she’s almost above Yagami’s hideout. With a bit of squinting, she can see the senior Ars Magi there, commanding her familiars, unaware of her true location as she hunted down disposable copies.

I’ve wasted enough time; let’s finish this, she thinks. Then, as she prepares to bring this chase to an end, a thought comes to her mind. A battlecry. A catchphrase.

“Time to call down the thunder… heh, so that’s how Nichole felt when she came up with her catchphrase…”

Below, Yagami was still trying to make sense of this when she gets a call from HQ.

“Yagami, what’s going on?” came the tinny voice over radio. “Where’d Grenoble go?”

“It seems she’s taken a page from my own book and used dopplegangers to throw me off her track. I’m sure she’s making her move, and I’ll find her soon. She’s almost out of time now; just a few minutes left. It’ll be over soon either way.”

“It better. This test is excessive, if you ask me, and you already took a fair bit of resources.”

“A good test is one that pushes the candidate to their limits,” Tsukino replied dryly. “You called me in to test her, I will not apologize for my methods. I’m actually pulling my punches here and not actively trying to maim her.”

“Could hav.. ooled… report… nse…”

“I’m sorry, HQ, you seem to be breaking up. Could you repeat that.”

“...not cl… answ-... static on your…”

Yagami removes the earpiece in annoyance and studies it. Must be electrical interference, she thinks. Then her eyes widen in shock

Electrical interference-!!

She looks skywards, and sure enough, the dark clouds seem to be extry stormy all of a sudden, with lightning flashing in the sky with increasing intensity. The power focused on one spot, before the clouds parted, and reveal Penny, wreathed in lightning, coming down on her position like a meteor. If she could see Penny’s face, she’d see a manic grin frozen on the smaller girl as she brought down her hammer full-blast, ready to smash with maximum force.

Without a moment to lose, Yagami immediately commands all her minions either to her or straight at Penny, trying to buy time to create a tough enough barrier to withstand the force of the incoming blow. Flying monsters head straight for Penny, trying to form a cushion to either blunt the blow or block it entirely, while the ground-bound ones form a protective dome around Yagami, even as the Shadow Ops Ars Magi is raising a shield as quickly as she can to protect herself from the incoming strike.

Penny sees the black mass of flying creepy-crawlies rushing at her, trying to stop her wild downwards charge. Instead of pausing, or maybe try to avoid the wave and dodge the attack, she instead goes full-bore, supercharging GroB Eisen as she gives a loud roar.

With the pure power of her Elementum, Penny smashes through the forming first barrier, and continues to hurtle downwards full-tilt towards Yagami’s glowing shield, supported by numerous yokai and beasts. Lightning and Spiritual Elementum hit each other, immovable object and unstoppable force clashing once again. The sheer force of the impact causes a massive explosion of energy, one that levels the building itself and even knocking over nearby debris.

As the smoke clears, there’s nothing left but a giant crater and a considerable pile of rubble, several figures standing in it in defiance of the sheer destructive force unleashed. Penny stood, battered and bruised but unbowed, breathing hard but with her hammer in hands, and ready to throw down if need be. Opposite her, Yagami was also battered and dusty, shaken by the strike but not defeated yet. In her hands she holds prayer strips, and she is flanked by several large yokai, all of which had been mauled by the strike but still ready to throw themselves at Penny to protect their mistress. The two Ars Magi stared each other down for a bit before Yagami composed herself.

“You know, some would take that last attack as a sign that you’re quite mental,” she says in a disapproving tone.

“Yeah, well, sue me; I got a little cranky the second time you blew me up with those mice,” Penny snaps back.

“Fair enough, I suppose I did go a bit too far there,” Yagami concedes with a sigh. “So, I gather we’re done here?”

“Unless you got any more tricks up your sleeves,” Penny retorts, but she lowers her hammer.

“Well, not for the sake of this exam,” Yagami replies, straightening herself and dismissing her remaining familiars. “Congratulations on succeeding, Ms. Grenoble. That was quite the show there, start to finish. I admit I may have gone a little overboard, but you must understand that as an Ars Magi, the enemy will not fight in a way that best suits your fighting style.

“You show unusual strength, speed, and toughness, and yes, I am aware of your moniker as ‘Panzer’ Grenoble. However, not all the foes you will face will be straightforward to fight; many will use tricks, misdirection, and yes, even curses and dark abilities to weaken you. Above strength and speed, Ars Magi’s most important weapon is situational awareness; the ability to spot enemy attacks before they happen, or to find a way out should they be caught in an ambush anyways. Barging in blindly helps no one. Improvisation is also important; one must adapt to the enemy’s plans to survive before they can figure out a way to regain initiative. And as they say, ‘discretion is the better part of valor’; one must pick their fights carefully. You will not always have the luxury of just bringing down a power attack full-force on an enemy’s head; sometimes they will be stronger, so you must seek their weak points, and sometimes they will be too numerous to take down quickly and thus must be avoided as you complete your intended objective.

“Overall, I’ll say you’ve handled yourself very well there. Outnumbered, surrounded, and harassed from almost all sides, you’ve found a way to overcome and reach your target, even if you cut it a little close.

“I will say this, however. Be careful in future; this isn’t one of your little shows you like so much. Altea, wasn’t it?”

“I’m aware,” Penny replies brusquely. Yagami chuckles.

“Well, I suppose it can feel like Altea at times. Sort of like episode 15, played on an infinite loop. Have you seen that one?” There’s a hint of teasing in Yagami’s voice.

“Once or twice,” Penny admits, a little more sharply than she likes.

“And yet, you’ve seen the rest of the show several times over, at least. That’s rather telling, isn’t it?” Yagami chuckles again. “Anyways, Penny, dismissed. Once again, congratulations on passing, even if it was a little more rough than would be advised.

“Also? Get a shower,”
Yagami concludes with a wrinkled face. “You smell like shit.”

After a long, hot shower, Penny was only too glad the whole thing was done. While the exam was a little over an hour, it felt like weeks to her, and she wanted a long break from it. She’s too tired and bruised to even do her usual ‘get free drinks from the vending machine trick’, her arm too exhausted to pull off the combination of finesse and strength to pull it off.

She notices Nichole also oddly grumpy, or at least quiet and brooding, so very unlike her. What exactly happened with the usually vibing Hastan to make her so tense? Then again, if it was anything like Penny’s test, she can sympathize. Penny herself was more annoyed than anything afterwards, and for a while afterwards she was oddly tense and hostile to small rodents, something Dana would discover when she had to save a fellow student’s hamster from getting yeeted across campus by a suddenly agitated Penny.

Penny grits her teeth as her strike lands true, shattering through the giant mecha's armor and right into its chest cavity and right through to the ground, creating a small crater where she landed. She pauses there, catching her breath as she recovers from her newest attack.

Penny can feel a sudden heat as something cuts a line through the machine just above her. Blair’s flaming claymore carves a wicked line through half of the thing’s center mass, and Penny for a moment feels like the heat of a furnace as the Scottish girl skids to a halt next to her in the gaping cavity that Penny’s created.

“Fuck,” She complains, “Y’took all the fun, ye’—”

Before Blaire could finish, the machine erupts into an explosion as Cordelia delivers one last strike to the dying war machine. Soon, all that's left is the sound of bending metal and breaking concrete, and then silence. Penny looks up at the fallen titan, then turns to Blaire.

“Field’s clear. Orders are to hold until exercise is over. We’ll rendezvous shortly.”

"Copy that," Penny replies into the comm. She turns back to Blaire. "I vote we get away from the giant, ammo-filled engine of destruction and get back to the group. We'll argue some more later."

“All right!” Dana cheered, jumping up and punching the air, before holding out her hand in a victory sign. “We did it! Nice work guys!” she added with a dazzling smile, as the various officers and Ars Magi gathered together. “We made a great team!”

"Oh, I don't know," Penny replies with a slight smile. "It got pretty hairy there for a bit, wouldn't call it a milk run. Still, I'd have to agree; that was some great teamwork."

“Penny!” Says Dima, breaking briefly away from the group of officers. “You were awesome. Like—way better than Altea.” It’s unclear if he heard all the swearing. Considering he’s supposed to be handling Blair, he might have gotten used to it. “I’ve got to go set stuff up, but, I’ll talk to you later—soon—hopefully--”

Penny is temporarily embarrassed by Dima effectively flirting with her in the middle of a field debriefing. Though she's surprised he's handling Blaire of all people, but then again, she supposes you get used to her. Sort of.

"Oh come on, you're just buttering me up," she says defensively. "I just did what I was told...

"Oh, okay, yeah, talk to you later..."

“Hah. Penny’s got a boyfriend, huh?”

Penny shoots Blaire an annoyed glare, but feels like she can't let the Scot get the last word in.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

“How cute.”

Penny's attention shifts to the blonde, wondering if she has another snarky remark up her sleeve. Well, that's just fine, Penny thinks, I can just fight fire with f-

“Good work, Grenoble.”

Okay, that genuinely catches her off guard. Amanda seems to be honest about her complement. Maybe she's not bad after all. Penny just takes the hand, and shakes it in a firm but friendly manner.

"Thanks. You were pretty good out there too," she replies with a genuine smile.

Priya's offer of paying for lunch doesn't escape Penny's attention.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind that offer - assuming you're not inviting just the sword-wielders of the group," Penny comments.

“Operation complete. All teams prepare from transport. Repeat—operation complete, return to base.”

"And I guess that's our cue to leave," Penny says, hefting her giant warhammer onto her petite shoulders. "Oh, and Blaire, don't sweat it; you'll probably get the killing blow next time."

As the girls head back to base, Penny pipes up.

"Hey, Nichole?" she says. "Remember how you asked if anyone had a good idea for a team name and Dana said she was still trying to think of one? How does the name 'Team Radiant Storm' sound? A little pretentious, but I think it fits us nicely..."

Back at the dorms, Penny is plain tuckered out. The day had been rather exhausting, what with the heavy fighting and the long-ass mission time. Still, there's no denying there's a strong sense of accomplishment, not only in surviving the mission in one piece, but in managing to succeed in accomplishing their goals. Even so, the tired Penny finds it a struggle to get out of her school outfit and into her sleeping clothes, and is almost tempted to just flop onto the bed in her schoolwear.

Somehow, she manages to get to put aside her clothes neatly (guess she owes Mom's discipline a thanks for that one) before dropping onto her bed.

"G'night, Dana," she mutters before she goes to sleep. "Sweet dreams..."

Penny proceeds to rush as fast as she can, barely outpacing the giant mecha's tracking systems, though she still has enough breathing room to fire off a blast of lightning at the mecha, taking out its weaponry on one side while Blair handled the other. Between them, Penny would say they're doing a good job taking out the giant mech's offensive capabilities.

Of course, the machine then makes the smart move to switch its attentions on the nuisances taking out its weaponry - which unfortunately for Penny, happens to be Penny herself.

"Well, of course it fucking would," Penny grumbles, now pouring on the speed trying to avoid getting vaporized by the sheer firepower thrown her way. "Motherfucking thing has a goddamn vendetta against me!"

She starts veering left, right, up and down, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, and it's barely keeping the beam off her ass. If she isn't focusing on survival right now, she bets she could admire the sheer devastation the thing was inflicting on the ruined cityscape.

"I'd admire its determination," she grunts as she avoids yet another explosion, coasting off the shockwave to gain a bit more speed, "if it wasn't trying to turn me into a grease stain against the concrete!"

Another near-hit causes a massive blast that throws her off one rooftop and onto another, where she manages to regain her balance and tumbles almost skillfully back onto her feet, scraped and scuffed all over, but still in fighting shape. She spits as she wipes the dirt and grit off her face.

Fortunately, she finds reprieve as the machine is toppled through the combined efforts of Nichole and Priya, causing the massive thing to crash against several buildings, knocking a couple over and causing a plume of dust and debris to shoot up into the sky. She'd celebrate, but the thing is down, not out, even as Amanda and the other girls are trying to take it apart.

“Grenoble! McKenzie! Smash it!” Calls the girl in white.

"On it!" Penny replies on the comm as she races back towards the fallen metal titan. She dodges incoming fire and weaves between the vengeance blasts aimed at her, and then grabs a chunk of flying concrete, vaults over a missile, uses the concrete as a shield from the blast, and uses the shockwave to send her flying upwards. Jumping from one piece of flying debris to another, she ascends skywards, barely avoiding an airburst that nearly sends her hurtling on an uncontrolled trajectory. She quickly regains control, using her rocket blasts to stabilize her spinning. As she regains her focus, she finds herself hundreds of feet into the air, right above the toppled mecha. Now's her chance.

At her command, GroB Eisen fires up its rocket as lightning crackles around it, charging up its power even as it pulls Penny downwards in a reckless dive. As she goes further and further down, coming to earth as a runaway meteorite, she grips her giant hammer tightly as she charges it with power. Soon, she's enveloped in a terrifying display of lightning. She gives a mighty roaring warcry as she comes down as hard as she can at the mecha.

"KAISERSCHLAG!" she cries out. "STURM! UND! DRANG!"

She comes down on the giant warmachine, bringing with her the full wrath of the thunderstorm. Lightning strikes as her hammer hits metal, bright arcs of pure electrical power striking the target in a terrifying technicolor display.

Penny quickly skates over to Blair, who had gotten out of the debris she had been thrown into.

"Hey Blair, you gonna sit around and let that oversize tin can do that to ya, or are you gonna make it regret it?" Penny teasingly asks the Scot, only to get a very rude gesture in return. She just grins; Blair's fine, just pissed at being smacked around like a bug. "So let's turn the tables on this thing and show it what Ars Magi can do working together.

"We need to work together, though. We need to move in quickly, but remember Instructor Xiang's words; dodge and weave, use agility and abilities," Penny says. "You go left, I go right, we hit that thing with physical strikes and ranged attacks, try and take the pressure off the rest until we can counterattack. Yeah, I know we're not the best at ranged attacks, we're assault specialists, but we can still throw the odd fireball or lightning strike around. We need to keep moving, and use cover and terrain to avoid that thing's heavy firepower.

"So, you ready to kick that thing's ass?"
she asks Blair, lighting up her rocket hammer as she does so. She grins when Blair affirms angrily, glaring at the giant robot in the distance. "That's what I thought. So let's turn this fucker to scrap!"

She charges off on her rollerblades, skating and weaving between debris and ruins and avoiding the mecha's attacks, Blair close behind as the Gaelic Ars Magi uses blasts of fire from her boots to 'jump' long distances and even maneuver mid-air. The Siscian girl then jumps onto a nearby building and wall-skating on it as she zips around like a bug on meth, firing away blasts of lightning as she uses the momentum of her rocket boosts to keep skating. She primarily aims for the weapons systems, seeking to disable or fry them with electricity, though she imagines the antimagic technology would make that a tall order.

"Hey, shithead!" she calls out the mecha, though she doubts it can hear her, much less respond. "Over here!"

She starts maneuvering herself to get as close to the mecha as possible, using her agility to dodge attacks and jumps to switch from the street to the buildings, trying to keep the fight three-dimensional and giving the war machine's trackers and sensors a workout trying to keep up with her.

"Wait, what?" Penny says in surprise as the mecha seems more annoyed than hurt by that last brutal attack. "Oh come, on, nothing?!"

Before she could wind up for another attack, she felt herself sway and struggle with her footing, the giant mecha trying to either shake her off or crush her against the nearby buildings.

"Oh, motherf*cker!" she swore, barely managing to regain control, skating down the giant machine as quickly as she can without tripping or getting splatted against a building. She barely managed to get off the metal behemoth, though a lucky swerve of the machine sent her flying into a pile of rubble with a resounding grunt of surprise and pain.

Penny growls as she helps herself out of the pile of rubble, spitting out some gravel she had accidentally ingested during her tumble.

"So you think you're hot stuff, you oversize tin can?" she grumbles, dusting herself with an aura of anger. "Guess what, asshole, I'm not done yet!"
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