Avatar of ShadowsofNight
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    1. ShadowsofNight 2 yrs ago


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Talia smiled a little at Bob's fun and jest and Manny's enthusiasm. She tried to imagine what life could be like having true friends that had her back and were at her side... She tried to imagine how much different that life could be and that she could actually feel safe instead of always watching her back or keeping her parents caught up with stories. It had worked for a while, because she hadn't done anything really, truly freeing... Now she had and she loved it! But she didn't even feel safe in her own apartment, and it was no one's fault but hers.

'Enjoy the highs of their successes,' Manny had told them. She didn't even know how to at this point. 'Maybe she could drop back off at home and grab the majority of the things that mattered to her and stow them away at some place where not even her parents would think to look for her,' she thought to herself.

Bob had offered to her that it was okay for her to even stay wherever he stayed. She was already accustomed to heights due to her own performances but thankfully the couple days she'd spent on rooftops with him had made her more comfortable with the building heights too. "Bob, is there some kind of nook or overhang or something you know of where I could stash some of my belongings for a while? I don't want my parents knowing where I am and so I'm going to have to find somewhere else to stay. Also, I'm going to definitely take you up on that offer of finding a new look." The thought of hiding away from them, of running, was almost too much for her to allow... it was better not to think too far ahead, or she might crumble and not be strong enough to do this after all.

Regaining herself she turned to The Gadgeteer, "Thank you, Manny, for your help and your care. It means more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry if you end up having to deal with my parents. Hopefully, they are more pleasant to you if I'm not around. I will see you again this afternoon." She will leave with Bob when he is finished in the room, though attempt to persuade him to maybe not exit straight out the window...
'They cared?' Talia was shocked when her two teammates reached down to be on her level and console her with words and even an arm around her shoulder. She couldn't believe that they actually wanted to help her!

'Maybe, just maybe... she wouldn't have to return to the life her parents had tried for so long to imprison her in... their own personal, stifling and suffocating destiny for her... No, she couldn't do that to them.' She dropped her head and looked away from Bob and Manny. 'She couldn't just disappear and change her appearance so that she couldn't be tracked. Besides, people would pick up on her moves as being from The Performer no matter what she tried to don as her outward appearance. She also couldn't hurt her new friends though. She cared for them, too, and would have defended them if the positions were reversed.'

Steeling herself, she looked back up at them again and forced the words to exit her mouth with a semblance of confidence and assurance she didn't yet feel inside.
"Yes, we are the CHAMPS and I don't want to give up... I won't!" Her face screwed up with determination and focus. "Whatever ideas you both have for me to try or wear or whatever, I am all ears. I don't ever want to go back to them or that life... ever again." Her voice faltered a little at the end, but she still had finished her statement. She'd spoken it out loud. She was never going back to them, not if she could help it.
The pride that had swelled Talia's heart to almost bursting when she had heard the good news, plummeted below her feet into the floors below as Manny shared the bad news... The blood drained from her face and her knees threatened to give way... She was finished, utterly destroyed if they were on their way here... She wished she could have thought earlier about using a mask or different colored silks or something, anything to hide her identity, but she'd been so blinded by her own desperation to gain freedom and purpose, that she'd failed her team. Her parents heading here meant only one thing: she had to hide or be taken back with them and never trusted again. What could she do? Where could she even go? She would have to change her entire look now to avoid this happening again... It was too much... Talia was strong and determined but not this strong... She stumbled and fell to her knees on the floor, uttering only a soft cry of "no!" as she looked down at the ground, not registering anything else for the moment. Let her teammates see now that she was weak and has always been weak, let them see how incapable she really was and how easily afraid... now it didn't matter anymore. Besides, now she might even need their help, which she'd never been able to ask for before or trust another person to give.
As she forced herself to take some normal breaths, she turned to Bob and tried to make her face give a smile and half-laugh as she said, "Guess I should have disguised my identity like you did huh?"
I'm sorry for slowing things... yeah, holidays kicking in and family stuff delayed my responses right now. I've really been wanting a chance to write back. Ack. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Ahhh! Talia is found out! Sad now... haha I had a feeling you would play into that backstory of Talia's at some point, Searat. Well done. :D
Talia read the email excitedly, wondering what the Grey Gadgeteer wanted to tell them and hoping it was good news for their next test. She was still reveling in all the things she had gotten to learn from her times with Bob and the ease at which they'd been able to hang out and just be casual towards each other. It wasn't weird experiences and awkward like she was used to, nor was it a constant feeling of pressure like she was also used to as a performer. It was... nice. She felt like she might just be able to relax and breathe and perhaps even belong for the first time ever.

She called a taxi and got a ride to the headquarters and walked up the walkway to the door that was familiar to her now. She knocked gently but excitedly and waited.
I finally have a moment and I'm actually a little confused what I am supposed to post next... do I just make a simple post stating that she would go back to the headquarters again? I feel like it would be so short, so I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything...
Talia couldn't resist the grin that came across her face as she saw his childlike excitement. She felt it, too, but was not really allowed to be so free to express like that. She wondered what that kind of spontaneity must be like... and now he was hinting at them hanging out for a little bit to celebrate?? Her mind was reeling a bit... no one had ever spent time with her before when they'd had the choice to not. He seemed so eager to learn and she was not anxious to be on her own already because the thrill of their recent adventure had left her fired up. But her place... if she could even call it that... it was temporary and apparently better than anything he could offer for the two of them now.

"Oh, why yes, of course umm you can come to my place. It's just a modest, little apartment but it'll do for a casual in-between and such..." Her words trailed off a little as she realized he wanted to learn from her and excitement flooded her when she thought maybe he would want to teach her something of his skills, too, in return! She didn't have the devices he did, but perhaps he could help her gain some actual freedom and self-confidence. He seemed pretty adept and a natural at both and she hoped she could glean a little as they hung out.

"It's... not a trade secret per say... but it does require some ability to be open-minded... I'll gladly assist how and where I can and gosh, no you don't disgust me!" Her voice rose an octave higher than she intended at the last part of that sentence, but she couldn't help it. He had no idea the kind of repulsive company she'd been forced to keep as a Performer.

"Do you want to... just meet at my apartment? I noticed you didn't arrive here in the car like the rest of us, so if you have your own way of getting there, I can just give you the address." If he did not resist, she would borrow a note from the officer and a pen and scribble down her address for him and then go wait for a ride herself.
Thoughts and ideas began mulling over and over in Talia's mind at the question... Not about the threats, she was used to those in her line of work and surrounded each time by guys that were disrespectful and rude and didn't like it whenever she showed the rare backbone by resisting one of them. The threats weren't an issue... it was his question...

'Yeah..where would she go??' she thought to herself. It was a suddenly impossible to answer question... She thought instantly of her family and friends from back home, probably worried, but she didn't want to return there even if just to wait for her next assignment. Getting away from them in the first place by coming here, had been her grand plan after all. She just hoped none of this would make it on the news somehow and cause her parents to see the truth. She didn't want to be the chaste, obedient, demure woman they'd raised her to be! No. She looked briefly over to Bob and smiled as she realized that she'd been a part of a functioning team and that all she wanted was another chance to fight for what was right and to make a difference in this world like they hopefully had just done. Perhaps others would join their team. She hoped so. For now, her answer would have to be vague too...

"Sir, I'll be returning to my apartment to also await the next summons to a job," she told Brenner. "I might continue my performances around the area but aside from that, I have no other plans."
Talia stood stunned as she realized that her and Bob's plan had actually succeeded! She took a moment to collect her breath and swayed a bit as she turned, shaken, to look at the officers that had just stormed into the place. Not even pausing to check over herself for any injuries, the Performer saw that Bob was at least standing and she went over to make sure he was okay. Help was coming for Manny, who needed it most... and Link, whom she hoped would be alright. She then quickly went into assessing the situation and returned her pretty, calming smile and demeanor as she turned to the officers.

"Hello," she said sweetly, if not a little out of breath from the events of the evening. "Yes, all three of us are the new team you've heard about and we are so thankful that you are here."
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