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    1. Sharnid 10 yrs ago


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Harem, Shojo style.

but yeah 21st birthday= success fellas. WIll post tmra.
Reading? Ugh.. so boring. He hated it, but he thought maybe Cassandra could help him. She had after all, offered him a Bible. He wouldn't mind the time anyways, if Lorenzo was in the room too it could provide quite a bit of entertainment. He responded to them both in turn,"I'm not that familiar.. I remember a few verses from church when I was younger, but that's it." Turning to Cassandra he spoke again,"You're just always there when I need you."

The smile he held couldn't be taken away at that moment, he realized he had people he could depend on. That would watch out for him and care about him. Even if it was just a Bible, he knew that Cassandra or any of them would give a lot more if he needed. The realization made him warm inside. It's gonna be a good day, I can already tell.
Oh, I'll change. No biggy. Thought of a better description for it anyways.
The only sights I used were like, bleach wikia and whatnot to get a handle on the lore, and I asked these guys random questions. Otherwise it was all outta my brain.
What Simon said made sense, and Ren couldn't help but like the guy. He seemed like he had a lot of experience, and he wanted to share it with the two of them. Nothing wrong with that. He flashed his usual grin and replied to Cassandra and Simon,"Well it's not cocky if you can back it up right? So, let's just get to that point! I'm ready to start learning! Send whatever you got!" The truth of the matter was that Ren was excited for this. Simon would help him be of use to the others, and that's all he wanted. Nothing could beat that.
I think Hax should be an Exwire already, he's like a senior member of our group so we don't screw up, and like a peer tutor to help us learn. I mean it would fit in better than like hey heres a transfers student after your second day.

Also will post soon.
Name: Saru Feng

Theme: Inner World

Appearance: He looks like this dude.

Age: 214

Race: Shinigami

Rank: 3rd seat, Squad 2 A member of the Onmitsukidō, or stealth force, 3rd Seated Officer is the Corps Commander of the Detention Unit.

Spiritual Pressure Color: Grey

Personality: Saru is a very self obsessed man. The only person he deems worth anything in the world is himself, besides his betters. The only person he truly cares for is the spirit in his blade, almost an obsession. He will go into a dream like state in his down time to be with the spirit inside.

Very opportunistic personality. Will do near anything to advance in rank. Also follows orders, near to perfection. Extremely loyal to his captain. Trains until he can’t move at most times, he strives for perfection.

The code of the Onmitsukidō “If your comrade is being defeated, you should see it as an opportunity. Rather than standing in the way, you should stab the enemy in the back. And if the enemy is so far above your level that you cannot even manage that... then you should let your comrade die. That is the way of the Onmitsukidō.” He lives by these words.

History: Saru hails from the Feng clan. One of the lesser noble houses. Saru was a privileged child, and always thought himself better than others. Whether it was in small fights or in tests of knowledge. The fact of the matter was that Saru usually was better than the other boys in his clan. Usually, this was the case.

His only competition was his older brother, Yu. Yu was the only person that could get under the thick ego that Saru had and the only person that could make him feel like the child he was. He wiped the floor with Saru every sparring match and every other bit of training the clan head threw at them. It infuriate him, drove him to new lengths. He trained harder than ever, worked every spare moment to be perfect. To be better than the man he idoled, and envied, his brother.

Over the years, the matches became increasingly even. They often lead to stalemates, one being unable to beat the other. The sparring competitions were fierce and full of rage, but out of the training room the connection the two shared was one of love. The two were near inseparable. The two thought of each other as equals, something neither of them had come acrossed before. This connection didn’t last long though.

The two of them took exams to join the Onmitsukidō together. Both entered in middle ranks, which was better than expected for new recruits, this impressed their family greatly, being if they failed they would be shunned. The two young shinigami were sent out on various missions with their squad, to either capture and quell growing threats inside the soul society or to scout Hollow forces in the surrounding area.

One day while out on a mission alone with his brother, Saru got caught in a bit of trouble. They were sent to capture or kill a rogue shinigami, he had resigned from the force, and refused to accompany them to the Nest of Maggots, which was deemed unacceptable. It should have been an easy mission seeing as he was low rank. Sadly, it wasn’t the case.

The man fled into the woods surrounding the outer districts, where hallows surrounded him and dispatched him easily. Seeing the new enemies the two couldn’t just let them roam free and sprung into action. They dispatched as many as possible before being overrun, they attempted to flee, but couldn’t. Saru’s leg had been injured rendering him unable to flash step away. Saru yelled to his brother to go without him but to no avail, he wouldn’t abandon him.

Yu fought for what seemed like days, slowly backpedaling at the pace of Saru as he limped away. They had to escape together, they wouldn’t abandon each other. They just kept moving and fighting, it was all they could do. Slowly but surely, Yu started to tire, resulting in various wounds from his lack of being able to move with enough vigor and speed. He started to bleed out, the wounds taking their toll, until finally he sprawled on the ground in front of the hallows, ready to be devoured.

What Saru saw that day was something no brother should witness, he screamed and tried to fight them off but it was no use, they were too strong, and he was too weak. The old feelings he had, the uselessness he had felt in his younger days returned and he regressed into himself.

Before almost being devoured himself, the captain of his squad arrived and finished off the remaining hallows, and returned Saru to the medical room. His physical wounds were healed but his mind was shattered. He lost the one person he was close to, his equal. His rival. His brother. The darkness consumed him.

Other: Saru is 5’10” with a very slim build. Although he is slim, it doesn’t mean he lacks strength. He just finds that access muscle inhibits his movements.

Shinigami Skills:

Great Reiryoku(2/4):

Although not powerful in combat Kido techniques, he does have decent spiritual pressure. He can control his shikai and the distribution of his power quite well.
Average Reiatsu(2/4):
Poor Kido Power(0/4):

Pathetic Zanjutsu (0/4):
His skill with a blade is limited compared to most Shinigami, but he can hold his own in any means. Mainly focusing on deflecting blows to get closer for hand to hand fighting instead of attacking with a blade.

Poor Offense(0/4):
Unremarkable Defense(1/4):
Poor Physical Strength(0/4):

Hakuda Grandmaster(4/4):
He prefers speed and agility based combat to strength, and hand to hand fighting than to blades. He is needed to be insanely fast and extremely well versed to be able to fend off the people imprisoned in the Nest of Maggots, which was in part why he was chosen for the position. Noted as one of the most talented in the Seireitei.

Incredible Offense(4/4):
Incredible Defense(4/4):
Average Physical Strength(2/4):

Pathetic Kido(0/4):
Saru never felt the need to learn Kido, he only focused on fighting techniques, and agility based combat.

Average Intelligence(2/4):
Nothing special about Saru in this department, he was tutored until he went to the Academy for training.

Unremarkable Knowledge(1/4):
The only true thing that Saru has a grasp of mentally besides basic teachings, is combat tactics, and that only slightly.

Hoho Master(3/4):
The hakuda techniques Saru has learned require great speed and agility. He has dedicated much of his training to this discipline and it has paid off, allowing him to dodge extremely well and contort his body with ease. He is also extremely adept at flash step techniques, making it much easier to close distance with his enemies.

Impressive Mobility(3/4):


Name: シェードトレイル Shēdotoreiru (Shade Trail)

Type: Kido

Spirit Appearance: Here she is.

Inner World: Smoke envelops the entirety, enabling only scarce visuals. Even so, from what Saru has seen it is desolate and flat.

Sealed Appearance: Without the weird dragon
His hilt is located on his back in a lateral fashion.

Shikai Release Command: Sugata o kesu! (Disappear!)

Shikai Appearance: The tanto seemingly disappears into a cloud of smoke that dissipates into the atmosphere. It can become concentrated at will.

Shikai Skills: (no need to fill all five, no need to stop at five if they are weaker abilities or branched off sub-abilities)

Dissipate- When attacked Saru can meld into the cloud making himself vanish and rendering him unharmed. He can then reappear. Although he takes no physical damage saving his life for the time being, it does take a massive effect on his stamina, and tends to save this for only special occasions..

Fortress of Shadows- A cloud of said smoke surrounds Saru and hardens blocking incoming attacks.

Dark blades- A cloud of smoke forms overhead of the battle raining down various short blades, kunai, and shuriken. Saru usually picks them up and uses them after they have landed if his opponent still breaths.

Death’s embrace- The cloud envelops Saru’s opponent, rendering them immobile while thin blades impale the victim from every side. The technique is usually finished by Saru decapitating his victim.

Cloak of Darkness- The cloud forms a slight coat of armor with spiked gauntlets, thus increasing his offensive and defensive capabilities.

Bankai Appearance: He doesn’t know it yet.
Sharnid34 for skype, I'll be on in a bit.
Just put up your old character! He's still looking!
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