Avatar of shi12
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: shi12
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 557 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. shi12 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Finally back. Now to get through the pile of posts I haven't finished...
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5 yrs ago
So this week absolutely sucks. Currently on day 3 of being sick and stuck in bed. Sorry for any delays, I'll get back to everyone once I'm better.
5 yrs ago
Family visiting. Posts might be slow.
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5 yrs ago
When you have a mountain of things to do but your family decides to add a whole new pile on top of it.... Currently swimming in to-do lists
5 yrs ago
Did not expect to spend my Saturday in bed with a nightmarish headache. Replies might be slow today.


So, hello all, I'm Shi. I've been participating in play-by-post roleplays for the past 8 years, though I did just come back from a break. If I'm working with you and go silent for more than a week without any explanation or heads up please send me a message and call me out on it. (Check my status if this happens. I leave most of these warnings there now.) I honestly just lose the motivation to write a lot...or forget to give a warning and then feel super guilty and put off replying longer.

On a better note; I just recently completed college and my schedule has opened up for the first time in years. Unlike before I am no longer balancing school, work, and life.

That is all...

"My life is my own, its secrets are mine,
I keep my world to myself, so don't cross the line,
But if fiction is what you are looking for, then I will be there,
A pen in my hand and a story to share.

That is what I am here for, to create stories galore,
Epics of heroes, battles of gore,
Lives unheard of, worlds not yet explored,
I am here to write, to no longer be bored."

~By Shi12

Most Recent Posts

I'm totally interested in this but I'm not sure what occupation to do.

I'll probably either be a regular villager or a chef since that position just opened up. (Unless there was someone else lined up for the occupation.)
Sorry I took so long to post, I've been kind of drained as of late.
With some difficulty Rosaline pulled herself upright, her body shaking slightly from her earlier stunt. Every motion gave off the sound of cracking porcelain, a sound that only increased when the woman began to move her legs in an attempt to assess the damage. Several pieces had fallen inside the hollow cavity of her legs, each shifting and grating about as she moved.

Walter watched Rosaline with a look of wonder and fear, only glancing elsewhere when he forced himself to stop staring. Instead he fixed his gaze on Lusso and her bird. He wasn’t sure releasing her was such a good idea. Maybe she was like that for a reason. Maybe it was a trap. He had a feeling it wasn’t though. “I-I-I’m W-W-Walter…N-n-nice to m-meet you.” He stuttered in reply to her question.

Rosaline muttered a few ancient words under her breath, bringing about a soft light from the inside of her legs. Only after making sure that she was healing did she look up at everyone else. Her glassy gaze stopped momentarily on the new woman and her raven, not looking phased by her or her pet. She did not respond though, instead looking to Scarlet. “Well… we need to find the key out. If I know him like I thought I did then…he probably put it somewhere well protected. I’m not sure exactly where though.”

Alexandra was staring up at the ceiling as if intrigued in something she was seeing. There was nothing there however, just an average ceiling.
@37 Cockatiels That's completely understandable. Thank you for giving us all a heads up.
I'll try to get a post up by tonight tomorrow night.
Maxwell nodded in understanding, though he kept glancing towards the entrance to the yard.

“You really should calm down and be patient. The queen probably has a very busy schedule.” Kassandra said, having noticed his behavior.
I honestly have no idea...
“Yes actually, we were.” Kassandra replied, stopping just a few feet away from the trio.

Maxwell stopped beside her and crossed his arms. “Anyone have any ideas of what this might be about?” The man glanced around the yard before giving the trio a once over.
Sorry my reply took so long.
Kassandra read over the parchment once more as she walked, keeping her brisk pace to ensure that she was not late. It had been quite some time since she had been summoned by anyone, and this particular summoning would be a first. She had never met this ruler before, though in truth she had only met two in the past, but the unknown made her curiosity grow.

As she approached the entrance to the yard she noticed a familiar figure headed the same direction. She did not even need to see his face to know it was him, she would recognize that mess of red hair anywhere.

“Maxwell! I guess you received a summoning as well?”

The man in question turned to look back at the mage, a smile breaking across his face when he did. “Kassandra, it’s nice to see you again. Perhaps we will be working together on…whatever this particular summoning entails.”

Maxwell waited for the young woman to reach him, and when she did they continued their walk into the yard. “I wonder if we will be working together al-“His words cut off when he came into view of three other individuals, none of which he recognized.

“It seems not.” Kassandra chuckled, quickening her pace. “Hello!”
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