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7 yrs ago
Current Really busy right now. Will probably not be able to post till next week.


Just a guy who enjoys narrative writing with others when he's not dabbling in other things. Not much to say, really.

E-Mail is sillygoy@gmail.com for those interested for whatever reason.

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No, he's not a vanguard vet. Just a really good assault sergeant. I'm changing his age from 152 to 177 if that helps. As for his name - well, it'll make for some very lame jokes during the campaign.

Is my sheet approved, boss?
How do you like this, boss? Every army needs good NCO's.

Name: Avernus
Age: 177

Avernus stands tall, even for an Astartes, reaching up to almost nine feet in height outside of armor. He is clad in standard Mark VII plate, repainted from the dark colors of his parent chapter to the glaring brilliance of the Celestial Falcons. He assesses threats and possible areas of tactical advantage through the rictus snarl of his Mark VII helm, and launches himself to the midst of the enemy with his jump pack. And together with his squad, he cuts into them with his bolt pistol and chainsword.

His features are wide, thin-lipped and gaunt, and his head is clean shaven. Like the rest of those implanted with the seed of Lord Corax, his skin is deathly pale and his eyes are jet black. He looks like a corpse even more so than the usual scion of the Raven. Veins and arteries can be seen bulging under his skin, traveling through the mountain of muscle that makes up his superhuman form. Sometimes they cross scars from past mistakes against equal or superior foes.

Desired Position: Assault Sergeant

  • Mark VII Aquila Full Set
  • Bolt Pistol
  • Chainsword
  • 3x Fragmentation Grenades
  • 3x Krak Grenades

Special Skills:

Shock, Awe and Death: Avernus was one of the the best assault marines in the Raven Guard. His strikes are swift, his blows are true, and his squad always seems to land at precisely where the enemy is at their weakest. Even among Astartes his melee combat skill is superb. He has absorbed the instruction of Corax like a sponge, and more than one armored column has fallen prey to his squad's ambushes and their barrage of sudden krak grenades.

Personal History:

Avernus' history before the Raven Guard is irrelevant to his current being. In fact, all he remembers of that time are just vague black-and-white images of a burning Hive World, and the giants that had come to save it. He remembers being chosen amidst smoke and flame, his still tiny hand awkwardly clutching a bloodied laspistol.

But after this, the memories turn from grayscale pictures to vibrant, colored explosions of recollection. Eager to prove himself and realizing the chance that he had been given, Avernus devoted himself entirely to the Chapter. He served his time as Scout without error and was eventually picked for the Assault role for his particular talent at hand-to-hand combat. So then Avernus began to thrive, under Sergeant Garren's command. He relished in the way the Raven Guard fought - the decisive victories won before the enemy even knew what was happening. Eventually Sergeant Garren was promoted to a higher position and Avernus would inherit the role of squad leader.

Avernus still serves in this capacity as a member of the Celestial Falcons, although he did not volunteer to be part of the successor brotherhood, and doesn't hold any strong feelings regarding the Lord Commander - rather, he was volunteered by one of the Captains. Offended at first, he quietly resigned himself to the logic that the new Chapter simply needed bodies and experience. Counsel with a Chaplain helped him to find peace with this sudden change. So he ultimately took the transfer as an honor, rather than an insult.

He was rather mellow with being stripped of his honors and starting anew. They were rather gaudy anyway. Besides, Avernus keeps his own honor roll - and that is his memory. The eidetic recollection of an Astartes gives him the ability to relive the destruction of any and every foe he has faced in the past. Space Marines like Avernus destroy the enemies of Man and this great honor doesn't necessarily have to be displayed for all to see. Visiting them in their shadowy monuments from time to time is enough to show respect. At least, that's what he thinks.

Avernus, then, has some obvious issues with his new Chapter's policies. However, he doesn't like voicing them out loud. Sometimes he is passive-aggressive over them, but he would never disobey a direct order.

Avernus currently commands Squad Avernus, an assault squad full of young blood eager to prove themselves.

Squad Avernus:
  • Sergeant Avernus
  • Brother Rovek
  • Brother Bern
  • Brother Sepricor
  • Brother Erandor
  • Brother Tarraq
  • Brother Vurnon
  • Brother Daramin
  • Brother Thoric
  • Brother Albus
I'm very interested. Hold on while I get a sheet up. Is there a minimum to a character's rank? Is it possible just to play as a standard battle-brother?
hey that's pretty good

i dont know

The cloudless skies over Rabaul, despite being heavily contested, were not pockmarked by the black puffs of anti-aircraft fire. Rather, it was crisscrossed by the contrails of the hundred or so aircraft that dogfought in it, with each trail brilliantly describing the path that those war machines took. Some trails continued to be drawn by pilots determined to take down the enemy - others ended in flames and smoke, as they themselves were taken down. Anti-aircraft crews down on Rabaul base could do little but watch the show above. The risk of friendly fire was simply too great to begin engaging.

The crews would sometimes point to the sky, at some sudden explosion. "That was one of ours," one would say. "No, it was clearly an enemy Airacobra," another would chime in. At the altitude the aircraft were fighting, it was difficult to tell their allegiance. Although sometimes, crashing birds would streak over the base close enough so that they could be reliably identified before inevitably splashing into the ocean. To everyone's dismay, it appeared that more Zeroes than Grummans were being taken down - but of course, nobody would admit that out loud. During a battle, one's thoughts should be as far away as possible from the notion of defeat - and besides, given the glorious victories at Midway and Guadalcanal, among others, there was simply no way the Americans could triumph over the Imperial war machine.

But among the spectators, there was someone special. Someone whose mind was entirely elsewhere. Senior private Kazuo was the assistant gunner of the 2nd Type 98 Triple in his battery - and he didn't care about any of this. His eyes weren't even on the dogfight. Rather, he was facing down, knuckles on his chin and contemplating deeply. Thinking about cawfeugh. That was all he cared about. Cawfeugh, and green teaugh.

"Cawfeugh," he muttered to himself. Meanwhile, directly over his back and 7,000 feet away, a Japanese ace had just torn off the wing of some American rookie. "I would like some moa, cawfeugh. And green teaugh."

Impatient bump. Hello?

Hey, this is pretty interesting.
This is very interesting. Hold on while I get a sheet up.

Edit: I took some liberty and worldbuilt a bit. What do you think, boss?

Thoric the Great


A skeleton of one of Noreik's greatest heroes stands, clad in his battle gear and robes. The air buzzes in his presence as powerful magic swirls around his person. There is a blue hue around him, and at times a semi-transparent facsimile of his appearance before his death covers his bones with false muscle and his eye sockets with great radiance. When Thoric exerts effort, especially during combat, this mirage remains constant. One can then see how the Right Hand of the First King of Noreik looked as he did five centuries ago, except tinged in blue and his very bones are visible through his illusory skin.

Just as he did in life, Thoric favors a chain-mail hauberk over a thick hooded robe when he rides to battle. Otherwise, the hauberk is simply put away. He may also don a steel war-mask forged in the shape of a skull depending on his mood. In close combat, he fights the enemy with his mace, leaving his other hand free to cast somatic spells. In more rearward positions, he uses potent focusing objects like wands and staves to cast devastation from far away.

Date and Cause of Death:

Year 43, assassinated by his very own Master Mages, when they discovered that he had secretly been experimenting extensively with lores as taboo as Necromancy, Demonic Binding, and the creation of hybrid abominations.

Skills and Talents:

Archmage: Thoric was the First Archmage of Noreik. He is a master of Elemental lore and is able to cast up to mid-level spells of it in a freeform capacity - that is, he does not need to recite words of power or gesture signs in order to cast them. Higher-level spells that affect large areas require more effort on his part, but his mastery over magic gives him quicker cast times.

One of his signature spells is "Break the Sky." This requires plenty of preparation on his part. This is a wide area-of-effect spell that is cast before Noreik's army has even skirmished with the enemy. A sudden thunderstorm of incredible fury erupts over the enemy encampment, killing some, wounding many, and making merry hell with their logistics and levels of combat readiness. This spell has given ancient Noreik quite a few victories.

Commander: Thoric's service as the First King's Right Hand has given him moderate experience in generalship. He is not the best commander, but he is able to lead large formations competently. The King should not expect brilliant victories should he assign Thoric to this capacity.

Veteran Soldier: Thoric actually fights. That is, close in with the enemy and engage him in hand-to-hand combat. His swordplay is of course eclipsed by people like Sir Maximilian von Eichenwald, but Thoric can hold himself against regular foes even without magic. But he never fights without magic! This makes him very deadly in close quarters against lesser opponents, and the sight of him pulping heads with his mace and incinerating others with lightning is enough to rout most peasant levy formations.

The Path to Hell: Thoric first delved into the Forbidden Lores with good intentions. He still claims he has good intentions. Whatever the veracity of this claim, Thoric is able to reliably cast mid-level Necromancy and low-level Demonology. He has yet to master these two Lores and is unable to cast their spells in a freeform manner. He was also dabbling in creating monstrous hybrids for the Kingdom's use as super-soldiers. If His Majesty the King Roland would give Thoric the resources, perhaps continued research into these areas would give Noreik enough power to decisively win the current war...


Thoric's loadout as he goes to battle:
  • Steel war-mask, forged in the shape of a skull
  • Steel chainmail hauberk of fine quality over over thick hooded robes spun from cotton and dyed deep blue
  • 1x One-handed steel mace
  • 1x Meter-long magical staff made from the wood of an ancient, venerable oak
  • 1x Steel Shortsword
  • Up to 10 scrolls with one prepared advanced-level (usually anti-formation) or higher spell each (Greater Fireball, Earthquake, Sea of Vines, etc.)
  • Up to 8 alchemical flasks, half dedicated to refilling mana, the other to mend wounds


Thoric was born before Noreik even existed. Perhaps a century or half a century before the Crown was forged. Nobody alive today remembers the details of his childhood and adolescence as the histories mostly speak of his brilliant service to the First King during the tumultuous decades of strife that would ultimately end with the Kingdom of Noreik. Many details have been lost now, but it is known that Thoric first served the First King - before he was a King - as a member of his armed forces, after his primary magical education under the great thaumaturgist Bordyr. This was before Thoric split the Noreik Army into magical and non-magical, and he fought side-by-side with lay men as their lightning-throwing sergeant. This was normal for all mages during the period.

Eventually he would become Captain. The First King then noticed Thoric's good leadership and excellent combat ability and took him into his Personal Guard. The two men became fast friends and after Noreik's founding, the First King made Thoric, already his most trusted advisor, into his Right Hand, creating the position in the first place. This meant that Thoric spoke with the voice of the King and could act in His Majesty's stead. And together with the rest of the Royal Court, they built Noreik.

Thoric built Magical Universities and other places of sorcerous learning. He helped to organize the new Kingdom's magical potential by creating the Noreik Order of Mages, with him as its first Archmage. All the while he sharpened his magical ability through study and practice - with the latter mostly involving the subjugation of barbarians. As the years went by and the Kingdom truly established itself, Thoric eventually came to master the Lore of the Elements. The official histories then go on to say that he died heirless, but of natural causes due to aging.

But the truth is much more sinister. Thoric had actually begun to worry about his mortality. Someone with his energy and ambition would simply not allow death to take him. So the Archmage began delving into deep and very taboo lores. He ordered criminals on death row to his Tower so he could kill them and practice raising the dead. He built himself a dungeon and performed unspeakable blood rituals on his new journey to master the denizens of the Underworld. Along the way, his sense of duty towards the Kingdom clashed with his moral compass, and he began ordering mermaids, fairies, trolls, rocs and other magical creatures to experiment on them, to see the viability of hybrid abomination super-soldier slaves.

Within an organization like the Noreik Order of Mages, secrets are notoriously hard to keep, given the abundance of brilliant, curious minds. Several Master Mages eventually found out about the Archmage's descent into corruption and confronted him one foggy night at the top of his Tower. Thoric tried to convince them of the moral soundness of his actions and invited them to join him. They were not persuaded. A fierce battle took place, but Thoric simply could not win outnumbered eight to one.

Thoric remains one of the Kingdom's most celebrated heroes and has two holidays to his name because the scandal was never made public. The Ten Master Mages of the Order ultimately decided that bringing the issue to light would raise too many questions about the Order and opted to quietly pin Thoric's death on his advanced age. However, the First King was informed of the incident, although His Majesty never did anything about it.

Thoric's written works on Necromancy, Demonology, and Abominatry were destroyed and forgotten by the Order despite widely using his texts on the Elements and Natural Sciences even to this day. Although entirely unknown outside of the organization, the higher-level adepts of the Order know well about the First Archmage's descent into madness. They use his tale to remind each other of the dangers that pride and arrogance lay upon anyone.

Thoric was buried as a hero in his own small but opulent mausoleum.
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