Avatar of Silverlight138
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 251 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Silverlight138 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay.
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7 yrs ago
When in doubt, follow your nose.
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7 yrs ago
All knowledge is spendable currency, depending on the market.
8 yrs ago
When the going gets tough, you die.
8 yrs ago
The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
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- Self-proclaimed artist.
- Apprentice of the Arcane Arts.
- Creator of all things Absurd.
- Also a self-proclaimed writer.
- Trying to learn telekinesis.

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Hiii, may I join?
HAHA HI AGAIN. Interested!
Holy shit, yes pls.

Hello, I'm interested ^_^
Ah right, good point <---- ah hahaha see whut i did there.

EDIT: but yeah, argh I forgot about the whole leaving the posts open for other players to continue thing. Thanks for the reminder!
I posted! ^_^


^I think my com glitched and sent this twice.
I posted! ^_^

Yesh, I am aware of that. Apologies for the wait, I was assigned an unusually large amount of crap to do at work today.
In Herp Derp 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Jackson’s breath had tickled her ears as he peered over her shoulder to have a look at the note. For a brief moment, Kayleigh had thought she imagined him almost imperceptibly stiffening behind her upon glancing at the note’s contents, but that had easily been dismissed when he responded in his usual casual, breezy fashion.

As far as being travelling companions and a formidable tag team goes, Kayleigh could only somewhat glean the surface of the assassin’s inner thoughts. Sometimes. And sometimes not.

The duo acquired a pair of horses easily enough, and Kayleigh (with much difficulty and self-restraint) dissuaded herself from grabbing freebies from the horse seller’s pockets. She had already collected a fair bit of money from earlier, Kayleigh reasoned, plus they would be receiving plenty on their arrival at Vargoth City. Besides, she could always attempt at swiping Jackson’s belongings while the assassin was fast asleep.

The thought of that amused her, and she chuckled quietly to herself, hoping that Jackson failed to catch the mischievous glint in her eye. It mattered not if she got caught in the act of rummaging through his stuff - it happened quite often anyway – but she relished the prospect of forcing awake her companion in the dead of night, to which he would sit up and grumble non-stop. How adorable.


It was approximately noon when they arrived at the stone-cold city of Vargoth, having spent two days leisurely riding atop their horses. The weather had been calm, if not slightly sweltering, and they had been more or less free from the persistent wraths of Mother Nature on their journey there. Today, however, the wetness in the air along with the prevalent cold drafts of wind signaled that a thunderstorm was on its way.

Kayleigh anticipated a dismal, dreary day ahead.
As Krea watched Seth haul the maiden to safety and dry land further up downstream, she felt a tug of jealously. No fair! She grumbled inwardly. She hated water, and she wanted out. Now.

Then, she caught sight of Valon propelling towards her in what she considered was a record-breaking swim, to which her heart skipped a beat with relief and in anticipation of her return to the dry, homey soils of the earth once more.

However, Valon’s furious swimming had caught the attention of the drake, which promptly pursued the thrashing, splashing trails left by the wizard with a newfound interest. Krea wondered if he took a fascination in the fact that dinner could walk on dry land, cast spells, and swim. Unbeknownst to the girl, that was far from the truth. The drake, being young, brash and proud, merely wanted to test his might against the escaping party – no river could stop it, oh no.

“RAWWWWWRRHHHHH!” their two-headed winged pursuer bellowed. It was then that Krea realized that she ought to get rid of her spear, temporarily, or else Valon could have a hard time trying to get them both to Seth and his damsel-in-distress. Thus, with a powerful, well-aimed throw, the warrior let loose her dangerous, pointy weapon, sending it flying in Seth’s general direction.

“Uh oh,” Krea muttered, before she felt stiff fingers clamp onto her arm for the second time that day. Unceremoniously and without further ado, Valon yanked her off her precious rock and compelled her into the deathly waters.

With the river contributing to their rough-sailing yet speedy descend downstream, soon, they left the drake behind as they had hoped. Moments later, they reached the shallower and calmer bit of the river through which Seth had monopolized to get his fair maiden and himself onto the river’s bank. Krea, upon securing a firm hold onto solid ground, made herself useful for once and hauled herself out, before dragging the water-logged old man onto dry land after her.

“Well, that was maddening,” she concluded. A quick glance around confirmed that they were all utterly, shockingly drenched.
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